Jedi Knights

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13 Aug 2008 02:34 #17882 by
Jedi Knights was created by
what are Jedi Knights? what makes them learned? how can they help the ever-changing world around them?

in retrospect. the Jedi Knights are a minor religious group of everyday people, like you and me, who feel the world around them in a different way then most others normally would. the Jedi Knight learns to feel an energy field known as the Force that permeates all living things as well as all things that are natural. this energy field is focused by the Jedi and drawn in from the surrounding natual environment and grants a personal lift of ability in some way, shape or form to the Jedi in question. this is not unlike the Qe of the Shaolin Monks of Asia and Japan.

the Jedi are a humble people at best. they grow in their intelect as well as in wisdom through endless training and study. though remaining at a mindset that they are above no one and that they are here to help others. thus, with this as their cause and goal, the Jedi Knights learn as much as they can to aid the people of that which they reside. this is all they can offer at this point the great scheme of Time.

some Jedi Knights, looking to take an active role in their communities, train for employment in key fields of study: medicine, engineering, computers, construction, and education just to name a few. thus these people, these Jedi Knights, try to make the world a better place for their children, the children of those they know, and even the children of the billions of others around the world of whome they have no corolation with at all.

we are Jedi Knights. but we are People first.

Grey Consular

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