Hey folks! I've taken over for Alan as the Advisor for our Pagan Special Interest Group (SiG).
I've practiced shamanism for about four years now, with a focus on speaking and working with power animals. I also have a passion about learning other religions (especially those under the 'pagan' heading) so I've studies in as many as I could have the time and resources for. I've also worked with some generic energy healing, and deities from a few pantheons. I also have experience in Tarot cards, crystals, and making (and imbuing) ritual/power items.
The term Pagan encompasses a huge swath of practices and beliefs so I know I don't know everything, but I'm here for questions or to bounce ideas off of if you need it!
I'm wanting to do ceremonies for holidays. I don't have any particular ones outside of U.S. cultural ones, so I'll be looking to Wiccan ones to start. If you would like help in any others, send a PM my way! I'm also wanting to do monthly drumming sessions that all are welcome to.
In the meantime, please reply or contact me if you have any questions or ideas!