Presentiment - Anomalous Anticipatory Activity

20 Nov 2012 05:38 #80931 by Adder
Can humans really sense the future without known clues? An interesting article I just read seems to think so. I've posted some select quotes;

"Researchers already know that our subconscious minds sometimes know more than our conscious minds."

"...our analysis suggests that if you were tuned into your body, you might be able to detect these anticipatory changes between two and 10 seconds beforehand..."

Is a hunch a genuine feeling or a gamble! If their was some mechanism they do not seem to discuss it. It might not be extra-sensory perception, but an approach to full sensory perception would be a good start to a valuable skill.

I'm going to have a read of the actual paper, so I invite others to as well, its called Feeling Future , or perhaps just read the article here for a bit more on it.

Introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist.
Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
Jou ~ Deg ~ Vlo ~ Sem ~ Mod ~ Med ~ Dis
TM: Grand Master Mark Anjuu

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20 Nov 2012 13:04 #80946 by
This is why we say things like:

"Feel, don't think"

"Trust your instincts"


"Know thyself"

Build your relationship with yourself, so that you can learn to understand and trust your instincts. Learn to "feel", by instinct, your way thru life, rather than trying to analyze, intellectualize, and/or rationalize everything. This is the way to merge thought and action, and what allows us to "know" the future. Getting "in touch" with ourselves like that allows us to be "in touch" with the universe and the Force. It is the path to "wu wei"..."no action"...which is to say, effortless action or, slightly more correctly, action without obstruction. Wu Wei is to act in a way that is in accord with what is "supposed" to happen. Which we all already know, if we can simply still our minds to hear our instinct (the Force) guiding us.

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04 Jan 2015 01:58 #175678 by
I feel that there are two types of instincts.

Base/primal/survival instincts are what tell us to eat when we're hungry, sleep when we're tired, etc., and evolved in our species over time.

The other instincts we have, the kind we usually refer to as hunches, intuition, and gut feelings, are similar to precognition whether they come from a supernatural source, i.e. the Force, or are messages our subconscious is sending up to our conscious mind. I lean more towards the Force, but having an interest in psychology I can also believe that our subconscious (much more vast than our conscious mind) picks up on hundreds of cues in our environment and our personal knowledge base to recognize the events in the near future about to transpire. The information may be processed in three ways, in my opinion, as it is brought to our conscious mind based on the extend of the precognition and how well the information is transferred.

If the information is transferred fully or well enough and the subconscious is certain enough about what is about to happen, this is a reflex. You know exactly what is going to happen and how you will/need to react. Good example would be in a horror movie that telegraphs a jumpscare. You know what's about to happen because your subconscious picks up on the cues (music building subtly, characters tensing up, eerie silence after a lot of sound and/or action) and you know to cover your eyes or ears before it happens (even if you still jump).

If the information comes in with a few missing or broken pieces or the cues don't line up completely or a few are unrecognized or even if there is enough uncertainty, it comes across as deja vu. You feel like you've been here before because you're getting all the cues, but what's about to happen just escapes you. Some may not agree that deja vu is the same, but I recall Alexandre (I think... maybe) pointing out that deja vu has been explained as an "electrical accident" in the brain. Sounds similar enough to my theory, so I'm sticking with it.

The most common, the cause of these sneaking suspicions and inklings and such, is when only parts of the information gets through. We get that feeling that something is going to happen, but we just can't quite put our finger on it. Drives us crazy sometimes if we focus on it but still can't figure it out. Similar to forgetting things, like getting out to your car and only after pulling the handle realizing you forgot your keys. You had that feeling you were forgetting something as you walked out the door, but you couldn't figure out what. You knew by your routine and your intentions that you needed your keys, and your subconscious was trying to bring that to your attention since you had forgotten them.

That's my science-y theory. My other theory is that these instincts are the will of the Force expressing itself to you. The will of the Force is the cause of the feeling you get when something's about to happen, and if you work with those feelings you can find the answer to an issue.

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04 Jan 2015 13:56 #175711 by
I haven't yet been able to see the future, but things have happened in my life as if I had. What I mean is that I may take certain actions that will seem unfortunate or inconvenient, and then hours—or days—later something occurs that would seem like happenstance that makes my actions make sense.

I'm trying to think of an example, but I can't right now.

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04 Jan 2015 17:21 #175738 by

Streen wrote: I haven't yet been able to see the future, but things have happened in my life as if I had. What I mean is that I may take certain actions that will seem unfortunate or inconvenient, and then hours—or days—later something occurs that would seem like happenstance that makes my actions make sense.

I'm trying to think of an example, but I can't right now.

Like choosing not to donate to the guy in sweats and a tee sitting outside the supermarket saying he's collecting for a children's charity and finding out later he was arrested for fraud. Had that happen in my town once or twice.

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