TOTJO Certificate template test

07 May 2010 08:18 #30465 by 666
This is a test, looks nice to me...
If Totjo like to use it as certificate, its ok, if not, its ok also
I'll do it, because I like to play with graphics.

this is an original template build from scratch (no one can have it), microlines, showing Temple logo in the middle, custom frame

color can be changed easily its a big file... (is not the master)

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07 May 2010 11:54 #30469 by RyuJin
couldn't see it, for some reason it wouldn't load

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J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
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07 May 2010 13:00 #30474 by 666
is too big, try \"save as\" or \"save target as\"

Knight of Jediism
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07 May 2010 15:45 #30481 by RyuJin
not bad, i think it would look a bit better if the dark vertical lines matched the space between them and if the totjo logo was a little more pronounced(darker,to make it more visible but not to the point of making the text difficult to read)...

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J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
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08 May 2010 08:21 #30492 by Jestor
666, please take no offence, you ask, so I answer. I do not have the ability to create such a item (or any of the wonderful designs you had created, I use the gold insignia, you made, as a background on my phone).

I agree that the temple insignia should be a touch darker....

Is \"Grettings\" supposed to say \"Greetings\"?

And why the comparison to other religions at the bottom? We have no rabbis (or do we?). I think it should say, \"Minister of the Force, and entitiled to all the rights and privledges according to the customs and laws.\" Period.

One of the problems I see is the multicultural recognition in this religion. Is a catholic priest recognized in a country who's main deity is Allah? The line \"according to the customs and laws\" may need to have added \"recognized by the issuing country\".... Or some such wording...

Maybe this is already solved and I am talking about something of which is not a concern....

Anyway, I hope these were taken in the spirit in which they were intended...

Keep up the good work 666......


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08 May 2010 19:20 #30495 by RyuJin
i think (in regards to the mention of rabbi's etc) that he was simply using the original certificate as a template for the information to include on his design. counting the ordination from totjo i now have 3 and they all use similar wording. the trouble with legal documents is that they have to be worded very specifically or they become too open to interpretation.

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J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
Former Masters: GM Kana Seiko Haruki , Br.John
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10 May 2010 13:12 #30515 by 666
yep, I didn't do the wording on that... just copy from other TOTJO certificate

sorry my fault with greetings, but its easy to fix, was just an example.

about the logo as watermark, i can not make it darker of what it is, or is gonna be mixed with the wording.
anyway, we can set another logo somewhere in the certificate, or if we send it to print in a nice place, we can order this GOLD SEALS and print the logo on it,

What I show, its an idea, if someone like corrections, or modifications, no problem, is not hard to do.

I show the idea, and then we all can refine it.

thanks , and yes, i like to hear from others, always.
if someone has a better wording, let me know. this come from a TOTJO certificate from 2007

Knight of Jediism
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10 May 2010 14:58 #30519 by RyuJin
most states do require the gold seal on ordination certificates and they usually have an embossed symbol of the issuing organization.

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J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
Former Masters: GM Kana Seiko Haruki , Br.John
Current Apprentices: Baru
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11 May 2010 07:01 #30530 by 666
when you register a company (in Florida) they give you the device, to do the embossed stamp... guessing in Texas is the same, so that can create the gold embossed stamp for certificates ( but it doesn't have the logo on it)

Knight of Jediism
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11 May 2010 19:55 #30547 by
They don't do that for Utah, Colorado, Nevada, or Massachusetts that I'm aware of... you have to buy the device separately in those 4. I'm gonna have to look into a Florida corporation for my next project!

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