Did you guys hear about that Chinese bootleg of Star Wars: Episode III?

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25 Jan 2018 02:33 #313338 by
Its called [sic]: Star War The Third Gathers Backstroke of the West
and the entire thing is on youtube with English translations. I never laughed so hard in my life. NSFW, it swears a lot, but not intentionally.
Here's a snippet of dialogue from this "Masterpiece":
Did you heard the tragedy that reach the man? I think to be too is not. I think that the hopeless situation elder also can't. That is a legend. Reaching the man cloth space is the emperor. He is so strong and big, he even can use the original dint to create life. He is very deep to black influence understanding. The black influence can the matter that many supermans, but other people thinks that these are what can't attains. He become more and more strong and big. Lost his power afterwards afterwards he died. In fact he teaches own the whole skills all to disciple. Then his land killed him to let him going to bed. Satirizing the meaning is he can let other people, but is incapable for dint to oneself.

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25 Jan 2018 02:46 #313339 by Zero
Defiantly gonna give it a peek tonight..lol..you've sparked my interest.

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25 Jan 2018 05:19 #313352 by Adder
Looks interesting, lol, how about these pics of Obi Wan and Darth at mardi gras :D

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25 Jan 2018 13:49 #313376 by
is it the same as the one where they subtitle "Do not want" when Vader screams no? That's the only one that comes to mind, that's old as dirt by now though xD

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26 Jan 2018 02:04 #313498 by

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26 Jan 2018 07:18 #313535 by Neaj Pa Bol

Adder wrote: Looks interesting, lol, how about these pics of Obi Wan and Darth at mardi gras :D

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The Knight Picture reminds me of the Clone Wars 10 minutes episodes that was on the Cartoon Network years ago, that I bought the DVD for my Grandsons and there's a chapter where Obi-Wan is riding a speeder bike type vehicle that has the Knightesque look to it against another character in such...

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02 May 2018 15:10 #321058 by
This is hilarious :laugh:

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