- Posts: 1417
Everything But....
05 Jul 2017 07:00 #289558
by JamesSand
Everything But.... was created by JamesSand
Okay, this probably doesn't warrant its own thread, but I am being admitted to hospital, and I have a list of religions to choose from.
Obviously, I searched for Jedi - not expecting to find much, and I wasn't too offended when they didn't have it.
Normally you wouldn't be surprised, but when they've got around 1800 (yes, one thousand eight hundred) options, including "Rock Chopper" (slang for Roman Catholic) or "Moon Worship" or "Jesus Freak" - you start to feel a little left out.
For your interest - The full list:
1 A Course in Miracles
2 AAFM (Friars Minor Fransiscan)
14 Aboriginal
3 Aboriginal Bible Fellowship
4 Aboriginal Christian Fellowship
5 Aboriginal Dreaming
6 Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship (AEF)
7 Aboriginal Evangelical Missions
8 Aboriginal Inland Mission (AIM)
9 Aboriginal Lutheran
10 Aboriginal Mission
11 Aboriginal Pentecostal
12 Aboriginal Peoples Church
13 Aboriginal Spirituality
15 Aborigines Bible Fellowship WA Inc (ABF)
16 AC
17 ACA
18 Adelaide Revival
19 Adherent
20 Adonai Messianic Fellowship (Jewish)
21 Advaitavedanta
22 Advanced Christadelphian
25 Adventist
23 Adventist Christian
24 Adventist Reform Movement
26 Adventist, Seventh Day
27 AE God
28 AEF
29 Aetherius Society (Flying Saucer Group)
30 AG
31 Agnostic Materialist
32 Agnostic RC
33 Agnosticism
34 Ahl-I-Haqq (People of the Truth)
35 Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia
36 AIM
37 Alawi (Believer in Ali)
38 Alawites (Nusayris)
39 Albanian Church (Orthodox)
40 Albanian Orthodox
41 Albert Street Mission
42 Albigensian
43 Alexandrian
44 All
45 All Christian
46 All Denominations Church of Christ
47 All Embracing
48 All for Jesus Christian Fellowship (Filipino)
49 All Methodist
50 All Religions
51 All Round Baptist
52 All Saints
54 Alliance
53 Alliance Church
55 ALMA Torch of Brisbane
56 Altruism
57 Altruist
58 Ambrosian
59 American Congregational Church
60 American Evangelicals
61 American Methodist
62 American Native Church
63 Amish
64 Amorc
65 Amritananda
66 Anabaptist
67 Ananda Marga
68 Anandamayi
69 Anarchist
70 Anarcho Christian Philanthropist
71 Ancestor Veneration
72 Ancestor Worship
73 Ancient Church of the East
74 Ancient Greek
75 Ancient Oriental Clerical Brotherhood of Antioch
1772 Angelinos
80 Anglican (Church of England)
76 Anglican Catholic
77 Anglican Catholic Church
78 Anglican Catholic Church in Australia
79 Anglican Church of Australia
81 Anglo Catholic
82 Animism
83 Anthropologist
84 Anthroposophy
85 Anti Christ
86 Anti Christian
87 Anti Religion
88 Antinomian
89 Antioch Church Orthodox
90 Antiochian Orthodox
91 Any Protestant Religion
92 Any Religion
93 AOG
94 AOG Born Again
95 AOG Christian
96 AOG Pentecostal
97 Apostate
98 Apostle
114 Apostolic
99 Apostolic Assyrian Church of the East
100 Apostolic Christian Church of God (Nazarene)
101 Apostolic Church
103 Apostolic Church (Australia)
104 Apostolic Church of Australia
105 Apostolic Church of God (Seventh Day)
106 Apostolic Church of Holland
107 Apostolic Church of Queensland
102 Apostolic Church, so described
109 Apostolic Faith
108 Apostolic Faith Mission of Australia
110 Apostolic Greek Church
111 Apostolic Life Centre
112 Apostolic Pentecostal
113 Apostolic Society
115 Arcane School
116 Archaryas Yoga Centre
128 Armenian
117 Armenian Apostolic
118 Armenian Apostolic Church
119 Armenian Catholic
120 Armenian Christian
121 Armenian Evangelical Church
122 Armenian Evangelical Spiritual Brethren
123 Armenian Evangelicals (Protestants)
124 Armenian Evangelicals (Uniting Church)
125 Armenian Holy Trinity
126 Armenian Missionary Association
127 Armenian Orthodox
129 Armstrong Plain Truth
130 Artogepolich Orthodox
131 Arya Samaj (Reformed Hinduism)
132 Asatru (Nordic Gods)
133 Assemblies of God in Australia
134 Assembly of Christian Brethren
135 Assembly of Christians Gathered in the Name of the Lord
136 Assembly of God
137 Assembly of God Christian
138 Associated Christian Assemblies International
139 Associated Christian Fellowships of Australia
140 Associated Christian Ministries International
141 Associated Christian Spiritualist Churches
142 Associated Churches of Christ
143 Association for Research and Enlightenment
144 Association Mission of Australia
145 Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
146 Association of Michael
147 Association of the Church of God in Australia
148 Assyrian Apostolic
149 Assyrian Apostolic, nec
150 Assyrian Catholic
151 Assyrian Christian Church
153 Assyrian Church
152 Assyrian Church of the East
154 Assyrian Evangelical Church
155 Assyrian Orthodox
156 Astrakhama
157 Astrology
158 Atheism
159 Auld Kirk of Scotland
160 Austral-Asian Christian Church (Adelaide, Canberra, Perth, Darwin)
161 Australasian Church
162 Australasian Methodist
163 Australia for Christ Fellowship (Rowville)
164 Australia Ling Liang Church
186 Australian
165 Australian Aboriginal Traditional Religions
166 Australian Aborigines Evangelical Mission
167 Australian And New Zealand Union for Progressive Judaism
168 Australian Babaji Yogu Sangam
169 Australian Catholic Church
170 Australian Christadelphian Ecclesia
171 Australian Christian Assemblies
172 Australian Christian Churches, so described
174 Australian Church
173 Australian Church of Antioch
175 Australian Deaf Christian Crusade Ecclesia
176 Australian Evangelical Lutheran Church
177 Australian Federation of Islamic Societies
178 Australian Free Church
179 Australian Friends of the New Revelation
180 Australian Inland Mission
181 Australian Reformed Church
182 Australian School of Yoga
183 Australian Society of the New Church
184 Australian Unions for Progressive Judaism
185 Australian Wesleyan Church
187 Autocephalic Greek Orthodox Church of Australia
188 Autocephalic Orthodox
189 Avatar Meher Baba
190 Baba Follower
191 Bacchante
192 Bagwan
193 Baha Follower
1777 BAHA I
194 Baha Shabanist
195 Bahai
196 Bahai Faith
197 Bangladeshi Theravada
198 Banksia Free Church
199 Baptised Presbyterian
200 Baptist Bible Fellowship
201 Baptist Brethren
202 Baptist Methodist
203 Baptist Reformed Churches
204 Baptist Union
205 Baptist Union Churches
206 Baptist Welsh
207 Barrow
208 Basel Mission
209 Basic Mission
210 Bauls of Bengal
211 Bavarian Lutheran Church
212 Beliefs Complex
218 Believer
213 Believer in Bible
214 Believer in God
215 Believer in Jesus Christ
216 Believer in Supreme Being
217 Believer in Truth
219 Belong to no sect
220 Berean Bible Institute
221 Berith Sabbatarian
222 Bethel Baptist
223 Bethel Christian Centre
224 Bethel Mission
225 Bethel Mission Church (Korean)
226 Bethesda
227 Bethesda Christian Centre
228 Bethesda Churches
229 Bethesda Movement
230 Bethlehem Fellowship
231 Bhagwan
232 Bhakti
233 Bhakti Yoga
246 Bible
234 Bible Believer
235 Bible Believing Christian
236 Bible Chapel
237 Bible Christian
238 Bible Christian Sabbatarian
239 Bible Methodist
240 Bible Presbyterian Churches
241 Bible Reader
242 Bible Society
243 Bible Student
245 Bible Students (Millenial Dawnists, Bereans)
244 Bible Students Association
247 Biblical Fundamentalist
248 Billy Graham
249 Black Magic
250 Bodes
251 Body Felt Salvation Church
252 Bohemian Brethren
253 Boother
254 Born Again
255 Born Again Christian
256 Born Again Four Square
257 Born Again Pentecostal
258 Brahma Kumari
259 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (Raja Yoga Centres)
260 Brahmin
261 Breatharian
262 Brethren of the Free Spirit
263 Brides Tidings Tabernacle Teaching
264 Brisbane Christian Family
265 Brisbane Christian Fellowship
266 Brisbane Society of the New Church
268 British
267 British Israel
269 Broad Church Anglicans
270 Brother of Bacchus
271 Brotherhood in Christ
272 Brotherhood in Man
273 Brotherhood in the Lord Jesus
274 Brotherhood of Brethren
275 Buddhism
276 Builders of the Adytum
277 Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church
278 Bulgarian Orthodox
279 Bureau of Bible Institute
280 Burnside Christian
281 Bush Catholic
282 Bush Methodist
283 Butsuyko
284 Byelorussian Autocephalic Orthodox Church
285 Byzantine Catholic
286 C and MA
287 C of C
288 Cabbalist
289 Calathumpian
290 Calvary Gospel Mission
291 Calvary Life Assemblies
292 Calvinist
293 Calvinist Baptist
294 Calvinist Protestant
295 Calvinistic Independent
296 Calvinistic Methodist
297 Cambodian Theravada
298 Campbellite
299 Cannot say
300 Capital Bible Church
301 Catechumen
302 Cathari
303 Cathedral of Love Ministries
304 Catholic (Anglican)
305 Catholic Apostolic Church
306 Catholic Apostolic Roman
307 Catholic Charismatic
308 Catholic Church in Australia
309 Catholic Church of England
310 Catholic Church of Greek Rite
311 Catholic Church of Rome
312 Catholic Church of the East
313 Catholic Eastern Rites
315 Catholic of Ukranian Rite
316 Catholic Traditionalist Movement
317 Catholic Traditionalist Movement (Pius X Society)
314 Catholic, nec
318 CC
319 CCS
320 CE
321 Chaldean
322 Chaldean Catholic
323 Chan
324 Chapel
326 Charismatic
325 Charismatic Christian
327 Chassidic Movement
328 Children of God
329 China Inland Mission
330 China Mission Church
331 Chinese Christian Church
332 Chinese Christian Church of Brisbane
333 Chinese Joss
334 Chinese Methodist Church in Australia
335 Chinese Religions
336 Chinese Religions, nec
337 Chingist (One of Change)
339 Chinmaya Mission South
340 Chistii Sufism
341 Chogye
342 Choose for himself
421 Christ
343 Christ Church
344 Christ Church of England
345 Christ Truth League
346 Christadelphian Ecclesia
347 Christadelphians
348 Christian Action for Peace
349 Christian and Missionary Alliance
350 Christian Apostolic
351 Christian Assembly
352 Christian Baba Head
353 Christian Belief
354 Christian Bible Crusade
355 Christian Bible Student
356 Christian Bible Students (New Covenant Fellowship)
357 Christian Brethren
358 Christian Brotherhood
359 Christian Catholic
360 Christian Catholic Church of Zion
361 Christian Chapel
366 Christian Church
362 Christian Church Assembly
363 Christian Church of Australia
364 Christian Church of South Australia, Inc
365 Christian Churches of God
367 Christian City Church
368 Christian City Churches International
369 Christian Community
370 Christian Connexion
371 Christian Denomination
372 Christian Disciples
373 Christian Endeavour
374 Christian Existentialist
376 Christian Faith
375 Christian Faith Centre
377 Christian Family Centre
378 Christian Fellowship
379 Christian Fellowship Centres International Inc
380 Christian Free Thinker
381 Christian Gatherings (New Testament Assemblies)
382 Christian Good News Centre
383 Christian Gregorian Church
384 Christian Home Group
385 Christian Independent
386 Christian Israelite Church
387 Christian Liberal Independent
388 Christian Life Centre
389 Christian Life Churches International
390 Christian Metaphysician
391 Christian Mission
392 Christian Nazarene
394 Christian Non-denominational
395 Christian Orthodox Church
398 Christian Outreach
396 Christian Outreach Centres
397 Christian Outreach Pentecostal
399 Christian Pantheist
400 Christian Pentecostal
401 Christian Protestant
402 Christian Rationalist
403 Christian Reformed Church
404 Christian Reformed Churches of Australia
405 Christian Renewal
406 Christian Revival
407 Christian Revival Crusade
408 Christian Revival Pentecostal
409 Christian Revolutionary
410 Christian School of Life
411 Christian Scientist
412 Christian Socialist
413 Christian Spiritual Church
414 Christian Spiritualist
415 Christian Theosophist
416 Christian Walking in Separation
393 Christian, nfd
417 Christianity
418 Christs Brethren
419 Christs Community Church
420 Christs Follower
338 Chung tu
422 Church Mission
423 Church of All Denominations Scotland
424 Church of All Worlds
425 Church of Ascension
426 Church of Australia
427 Church of Australia Uniting
428 Church of Canada
429 Church of China
434 Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Christo)
430 Church of Christ Non-denominational
431 Church of Christ Scientist
432 Church of Christ Tabernacle
433 Church of Christ Undenominational
435 Church of Christs Brethren
436 Church of Czechoslovakia
437 Church of David
438 Church of Denmark
439 Church of Divine Unity
441 Church of England (Ireland)
440 Church of England in Australia
450 Church of God
444 Church of God (Hopkins)
448 Church of God (Seventh Day)
449 Church of God (Seventh Day) - Messianic Jews
443 Church of God Adventist
445 Church of God in Jesus Christ
446 Church of God International
447 Church of God of Prophecy
442 Church of God, so decribed
451 Church of God, so described
452 Church of Immigrants
453 Church of Ireland
455 Church of Jesus Christ
454 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
456 Church of Light
458 Church of Living
457 Church of Living God
459 Church of Luther
460 Church of Norway
461 Church of NZ
462 Church of Origin
463 Church of Peace
464 Church of Perfect Liberty
465 Church of Poland
466 Church of Psychic Survival
467 Church of Scientology
468 Church of Scotland
469 Church of South Africa
470 Church of South India
471 Church of Spain
472 Church of Spiritual Truth
473 Church of St Germain Foundation
474 Church of Sweden
475 Church of the East
476 Church of the First Born
477 Church of the Kingdom of God (Friends of Man)
478 Church of the Mystic Christ Inc.
479 Church of the Nazarene
480 Church of the Netherlands
481 Church of the New Faith
482 Church of the New Jerusalem
483 Church of the Open Door
484 Church of the Resurrection
485 Church of the St Germain Foundation
486 Church of the True Christians
487 Church of the Truth
488 Church of the World
489 Church of Tonga
490 Church of Torres Strait
491 Church of Turkey
492 Church of Wales
493 Church Universal and Triumphant
494 Churches of Christ
497 Churches of Christ (Conference)
498 Churches of Christ (Disciples)
495 Churches of Christ Holiness
496 Churches of Christ Scientist
499 Churches of God
502 Churches of God (Hopkins, Needed Truth, Spring of Truth)
500 Churches of God in Australia Inc.
501 Churches of God in the Fellowship of the Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ
503 City Church
504 City Mission
505 CLC
506 CMA
507 COA
508 COC Pentecostal
509 COE
512 Combined
510 Combined Churches
511 Combined Protestant
513 Commonwealth Revival Crusade
514 Community Church
515 Community of Christ
516 Conference of the New Church in Australia
517 Confucianism
518 Confucius
519 Congregation Methodist
520 Congregation of Friends
521 Congregational Baptist
522 Congregational Church of Christ
523 Congregational Church of Samoa
524 Congregational Church of Scotland
525 Congregational Independent
526 Congregational Union of Australia
527 Constitutional Church of Tonga
528 Continuing Congregationalists
529 Continuing Methodist
530 Cook Islander Christian Churches
531 Cooneyites
532 Coptic Catholic
533 Coptic Evangelical Church
534 Coptic Orthodox
535 Coptic Orthodox Church
536 COS
537 Cosmotheist
538 CRC
539 Creedist
540 Croatian Church for Freedom
541 Crosslink Christian Network
542 Crusade Church
543 Cyprus Brothers
544 Czech Brothers
545 Czech Moravian Brethren
546 Czech Orthodox
547 Czechoslovakian Church
548 Daist Communion
549 Dalai Lama
550 Danish Church
551 Danish Evangelican Lutheran Church
552 Danish Folk Church
553 Danish Lutheran Church
554 Danish Protestant
555 Daoist
556 Darwin Revival
557 Deaf and Dumb Mission
558 Deaf Christian Fellowship of WA
559 Decide when older
561 Deist
560 Deistic Evolutionist
562 Denomination
563 Dervish
564 Descendants of Moses
565 Deustan
566 Devi Worship
567 Devil Worshipper
568 Dhammakaya
569 Dhatma Subud Brotherhood
570 Diamond Way
574 Disciple
571 Disciple of Omar
572 Disciples of Christ
573 Disciples of Jesus
576 Dissenter
575 Dissenter Methodist
577 Divine Life Mission (Sivananda)
578 Divine Light Centre (Beaconsfield, Western Australia)
579 Divine Light Mission
580 Divine Science
581 Do not attend church
583 Do not follow any
584 Do not know
582 Do not profess
585 Doubtful
586 Dreamtime
587 Druidism
588 Druids
589 Druse
590 Druze
591 Dualist
592 Dutch Australian Reformed
593 Dutch Christian Church
594 Dutch Church
595 Dutch Hervormde
596 Dutch Presbyterian
597 Dutch Protestant
598 Dutch Reformed Church
599 Dutch Remonstrant
600 Eagle Hearth
601 Earth Goddess
602 Earth Mother
603 Earth Nature
604 East Keilor Evangelical Christian Church
605 Eastern Belief
606 Eastern Faith
607 Eastern Mystic
608 Eastern Orthodox
609 Eastern Orthodox, nec
610 Eastern Orthodox, nfd
611 Eastern Philosophy
612 Eastern Religion
613 Ecclesia of Christs Brethren
614 Ecclesia of God
615 Ecclesia of Messiah
616 Eckankar
617 Eckist
618 Eclectic
619 Ecumenical Outlook
620 Ecumenism
621 Eglise Reformee de France
622 Eglise Walloon (Belgium Reformed)
623 Egyptian Deities
624 Egyptian Islamic Society
625 Elan Vital (formerly the Divine Light Mission)
626 ELC
627 Elim Pentecostal Church of Australia Inc
628 Emmanuel
629 Emmanuel Baptist Church
630 End Time Believers
631 England
632 English Catholic
633 English Church
634 English Congregational
635 English Methodist
636 English State Church
637 Environmentalist
638 Epicurean
639 Episcopal Church
640 Episcopal Church of Scotland
641 Episcopal Methodist
642 Episcopalian Church
643 Eritrean Orthodox
644 Esoteric School
645 Esoteric Science
646 Estonian Evangelical Church in Sydney
647 Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
648 Estonian Orthodox
649 Ethiopian Catholic
650 Ethiopian Church
651 Ethiopian Orthodox
652 Ethiopian Orthodox Church
653 Ethnic Evangelical Churches
654 Eucharist
655 Evangelical Anglicans
656 Evangelical Baptist
657 Evangelical Brotherhood Mission
658 Evangelical Chinese Church
659 Evangelical Christian Church
660 Evangelical Church
661 Evangelical Free Church in Australia
662 Evangelical German
663 Evangelical Institute
664 Evangelical Lutheran Church
665 Evangelical Lutheran Congregations of the Reformation
666 Evangelical Lutheran Synod
667 Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Australia Inc.
668 Evangelical Methodist Church
669 Evangelical Mission
670 Evangelical Presbyterian
671 Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia
672 Evangelical Protestant
673 Evangelical Reformation
674 Evangelical Reformed Church
675 Evangelical United Brethren Church of Christ
679 Evangelist
676 Evangelist Revor Zwingli
677 Evangelistic Church of Christ
678 Evangelistic Lutheran
680 Evolutionist
681 Exclusive Brethren
682 Exclusive Brethren (Plymouth Brethren IV)
683 Existentialist
684 Faith Baptist
685 Faith Centre
686 Faith Churches
687 Faith in God
688 Faith of Abraham
689 Faithist
690 Faithist of the Kosman Church
691 Falun Gong
692 Family Mission of our Lord
693 Family of Love
694 Family of Man
695 Fatalist
696 Father Divine Peace Mission Movement
703 Fellowship
697 Fellowship Baptist Church
698 Fellowship of Christ
699 Fellowship of Congregational Churches
700 Fellowship of Evangelical Churches of Australia
701 Fellowship of Gods Son
702 Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
704 Feminist
705 Finnish
706 Finnish Lutheran Church
707 Finnish Orthodox
708 Finnish Pentecostal Church
709 Finnish Pentecostal Churches of Australia
710 First Church of Christ Scientist
711 First Pentecostal Church
712 First Sikh Temple in Australia
713 Fo Kugan Shan
716 Folkvang Hearth
714 Follower of Jesus Christ
715 Follower of the Lord Jesus Christ
717 Foundation of Revelation (The Beggar)
720 Four Square
718 Four Square Gospel Church
719 Four Square Pentecostal
721 Franciscan
722 Free Baptist Church
723 Free Christian Church
724 Free Church
725 Free Church Methodist
726 Free Church of England
727 Free Church of Scotland
728 Free Church of Tonga
729 Free Evangelical Church of Australia
730 Free Gospel
731 Free Hungarian Reformed Church of Australia
732 Free Kirk of Scotland
733 Free Methodist
734 Free Presbyterian
736 Free Presbyterian Church (Ulster)
735 Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland
737 Free Reformed
738 Free Reformed Church
739 Free Reformed Churches of Australia
740 Free Serbian Orthodox Church
741 Free Thinker
742 Free Thought
743 Free to choose
744 Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga
745 Freemason
746 French Catholic
747 French Reformed Church
748 Friends of Humanity
749 Full Gospel
750 Full Gospel Christian
751 Full Gospel Church
752 Full Gospel Churches of Australia Ltd
753 Full Gospel Fellowship
754 Full Gospel Mission
755 Full Gospel Pentecostal
757 Fundamental Christian
756 Fundamentalist
758 Gaia
759 Gaian
760 Gandhian
761 Gardnerian
762 Gathered out Christians
763 Gay Christian
764 Gelugpa
765 General
766 General Church of the New Jerusalem
773 German
767 German Apostolic Church
768 German Catholic
769 German Church
770 German Evangelical Church
771 German Evangelical Lutheran Church
772 German Protestant
774 Global Church of God
775 Glory Folk
778 Gnostic
776 Gnostic Christians
777 Gnostic Institute of Anthropology
782 God
779 God Squad
780 Goddess
781 Gods
783 Good News Unlimited
784 Good Samaritan Church of Truth
794 Gospel
785 Gospel Bell
786 Gospel Brethren
787 Gospel Chapel
788 Gospel Hall
789 Gospel Light Ministry
790 Gospel Lighthouse
791 Gospel Mission
792 Gospel of Jesus Christ
793 Gospel Outreach
795 Grace Baptist Church
796 Grace Bible Churches
797 Grails Movement
798 Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association
799 Greater World Christian Spiritualist Mission
800 Greek
801 Greek Bible Fellowship
802 Greek Catholic
803 Greek Christian
804 Greek Church
805 Greek Evangelical Churches
806 Greek Evangelist
807 Greek Free Churches
808 Greek Gospel Church
810 Greek Orthodox (Australian Archdiocese)
811 Greek Orthodox (Old Calendar)
809 Greek Orthodox Church
812 Greek Religion
813 Greek Russian Church
814 Green Pastures Brethren
816 Gregorian
815 Gregorian Orthodox
817 Gregory
818 Gurdjieff
819 Guru Maharajis Humanitarian Movement
820 Guru Nanak Mission
821 Gypsy
822 Hare Krishna
823 Harijan
824 HCE
825 Heathen
826 Heaven
827 Hebraic
828 Hebrew
829 Hedonist
830 Heretic
831 Herv Church
832 High Church
833 Highland Church (of Scotland)
834 Hillsong
1794 HINDU
835 Hindu Dharam
836 Hindu Dharma
837 Hindu Muslim
838 Hindu Sikh
839 Hindu Vedic
840 Hinduism
841 Hoa Hao Buddhism
842 Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East
843 Holy Bible
844 Holy Brethren
845 Holy Catholic Church
846 Holy Ghosts
847 Holy Orthodox Church
848 Holy Rollers
849 Holy Roman Catholic
850 Holy Spirit Church of Christ
851 Holy Spiritual of Christ
852 Holy Trinity
853 Hope of God
854 Horai Association of Australia
855 House Church
856 House Group
857 House of David
858 Hua-yen
859 Huguenot
860 Human Being
861 Humanism
862 Humanistic Buddhism
863 Humanitarian
864 Hungarian Orthodox
865 Hungarian Reformed
866 Hungarian Reformed Church of Australia
867 Huon Community Churches
868 Hussite
869 Hussite Church (Czechoslovak Church)
871 I AM
870 I AM Religious Movement
872 I believe
873 Iconoclast
874 Idealist
875 Iglesia Ni Cristo
876 Immanuel Church of Australia
877 Immanuel Mission
878 In Spirit and in Truth Word of Bible
879 In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
880 Inca
881 Inca Sun Worshipper
882 Indefinite
899 Independent
883 Independent Baptist Churches
884 Independent Bible Church
885 Independent Charismatic
886 Independent Charismatic Church
887 Independent Christian Church
888 Independent Christian Household Church
891 Independent Church
889 Independent Church of Australia
890 Independent Church of Churches
892 Independent Congregation
893 Independent Evangelical Churches
894 Independent Methodist
895 Independent Mission
896 Independent Pentecostal
897 Independent Presbyterian
898 Independent World Church
900 Indeterminable
904 Indian
901 Indian Goddess Tradition
902 Indian Orthodox
903 Indian Religion
905 Indifferent
906 Individual Faith
907 Indonesian Church
908 Indonesian Lutheran Church
909 Infidel
910 Infinite Way Study Centres
911 Inner Peace Movement
912 Integral Yoga Institute
913 Interdenominational
914 International Bible Students Association
915 International Buddhist Association of Australia
916 International Church of Christ
917 International Council of Spiritualists Inc.
918 International Missionary Society of the Seventh Day
919 International New Thought Alliance
920 International Society for Krishna Consciousness
921 Irish Catholic
922 Irish Presbyterian
923 Irish Protestant
924 Irish Reformed Church of Africa
925 Islam
926 Islamic Monotheist
927 Ismailis (Seveners)
928 Israel
929 Israel Church of Christ
930 Israelita Yewis
931 Israelite
932 Italian Assembly of God Pentecostal
933 Italian Evangelical Christian Church
934 Ithna asharis (Twelvers)
935 Jacobite
936 Jainism
937 Jansenist
938 Japanese Church
939 Japanese Religions
940 Japanese Religions, nec
941 Jasmuheen
942 JCC of LDS
943 Jehovahs Christian Witness
944 Jehovahs Witness
945 Jen Chen
947 Jesus Christ
946 Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints
948 Jesus Freak
949 Jew
950 Jewish Liberal
951 Jewish Orthodox
952 Jin-Gang-Dhyana
953 Jodo Shinshu
954 Jodo Shu
955 Johannine Daist Communion
956 John Knox
957 John the Baptist
958 Joss
959 Joss House
960 Judaism
961 Jungian
962 JW
963 JWA
964 JWS
965 Kabahla
966 Kabir Panthi
967 Kargyupa
968 Karma (Yoga)
970 Karma Kagyu
969 Karman Church
971 Karmapa
972 Katolic
973 Kegon
974 Kehillat Ha Mashicah (Jewish)
975 Kingdom Assembly Church
976 Kingsway Fellowship International
977 Kirk of Scotland
978 Knight Templars of the Holy Cross
979 Knoxfield Jubilee Bible Church Inc.
980 Korean Presbyterian Church (Gae-Hyuk)
981 Kosmon Faithist
982 Krishna Consciousness
983 Krishnamurti Australia
984 Kriya Yogi
985 Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation of Islam
986 Lakism
987 Lama
988 Lamaism
989 Landvaettir Hearth
991 Lao Theravada
990 Laotian Buddhist
992 Lapsed Christian
993 Latin
994 Latter Day Saints
995 Latvian Lutheran
996 Latvian Lutheran Church
997 Latvian National Church
998 Lay Methodist
999 Laymens Home Missionary Movement
1000 LDS
1005 Lebanese
1001 Lebanese Coptic Orthodox
1002 Lebanese Maronite
1003 Lebanese Muslim Society
1004 Lebanese Orthodox
1006 Lectorium Rosicrucianum
1007 Left to his own choice
1009 Lesbian Feminist
1008 Lesbian Feminist Goddess Worship
1014 Liberal
1010 Liberal Catholic Church
1011 Liberal Christian
1012 Liberal Faith
1013 Liberal Judaism
1015 Life in Christ and Second Advent Association
1016 Life Ministries Centre (Chirnside Park)
1017 Life Ministry Centre
1018 Lingayat
1019 Literal Faith Church
1020 LMS
1021 Local Church
1022 Logos
1023 London Mission Society
1024 London Street Spiritualist Church
1025 Lughian (Old Celtic)
1026 Lutheran Catholic
1027 Lutheran Church of Australia
1028 Lutheran Evangelist
1029 Lutheran Methodist
1030 Lutheran Presbyterian
1031 Lutheran Protestant
1032 Lutters
1033 Lysterfield Christian Fellowship
1034 Macedonia Ratador
1035 Macedonian Orthodox
1036 Mackay Pentecostal Fellowship
1037 Mah
1038 Mahatma
1039 Mahayana
1040 Mahikari
1041 Mahomad
1042 Mahomita
1043 Mahommedan
1044 Malabarese Catholic
1045 Malankarese Catholic
1046 Malayan Church
1047 Mandean
1048 Manichaeans
1049 Manna Christian Fellowship
1050 Many
1051 Maori Evangelical Fellowship
1052 Maronite Catholic
1053 Maronite Christian
1054 Marsfield Community Church
1055 Martin Luther
1056 Mason
1057 Mataji
1058 Materialist
1059 Math C
1060 Meditation
1061 Meher Baba
1062 Meher Baba Foundation of Australia
1063 Meher Baba Groups
1064 Melbourne Christian Assembly
1065 Melbourne Evangelical Fellowship
1066 Melkite Catholic
1067 Member of the Body of Christ
1068 Mennonite Church
1069 Metaphysical Society
1070 Methodist Christian
1071 Methodist Church
1072 Methodist Church in Ireland
1073 Methodist Church of Australasia
1074 Methodist Church of Scotland
1075 Methodist City Mission
1076 Methodist Free Church
1077 Methodist New Connexion
1078 Methodist Old Denomination
1079 Methodist Presbyterian Congregational
1080 Metropolitan Community Churches
1081 Mick
1082 Middle East Evangelical Church
1083 Mine
1084 Miscellaneous Religions
1088 Mission
1085 Mission Church
1086 Mission of Goodwill
1087 Missionary Church
1089 Mithraist
1090 Mixture
1091 Mohammedan
1092 Molokan
1093 Molokans (Church of the True Christians)
1094 Monastic
1095 Monotheist
1096 Moon Worship
1097 Moonist
1098 Moral Rearmament Australia
1099 Moravian
1100 Moravian Brothers
1101 Morman
1102 Mormon
1801 Mormon: Church of JC & LDS
1103 Mosaiah
1104 Mosaic
1105 Moses
1106 Mosque
1107 Mother Earth
1108 Mother Nature
1109 Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
1110 Mt Evelyn Evangelical Church
1111 Multi
1112 Murugan
1113 Muslim
1114 Mussulman
1115 My own belief
1116 Mystic
1117 Na
1118 Nameless House Church
1119 Narayan Guru Yogacharya
1120 National Church of Denmark
1121 National Church of Sweden
1122 National Revival Fellowship
1123 Nativity
1124 Naturalist
1128 Nature
1125 Nature Religions
1126 Nature Religions, nec
1127 Nature Worship
1129 Nederland Hervormde
1130 Neo-Hindu
1131 Neolithic Pantheism
1132 Neologian
1133 Neophite
1134 Neophyte
1135 Neoplatonic
1136 Neotaoist
1137 Nestorian
1138 Netherlands Reformed
1139 New Age
1140 New Age Christian
1141 New Age Philosophy
1143 New Age Spiritualist Mission
1142 New Age, so described
1144 New Apostolic
1145 New Apostolic Church
1146 New Church
1147 New Church Alliance, so described
1148 New Churches (Swedenborgian)
1149 New Connexion Baptist
1150 New Government Fellowship
1151 New Group of World Servers
1152 New Jerusalem Church
1153 New Kadampa Tradition
1154 New Life Churches
1155 New Testament Church
1156 New Testament Church of God
1157 New Thought Centres
1158 New Tribes Mission
1159 New Way Fellowship Church
1160 New World Society
1161 Ngamar Christian Fellowship
1162 Nihilist
1163 Nil
1164 No
1165 No church
1166 No denomination
1167 No idea
1168 No Religion
1169 No sect
1170 Nominal
1171 Non atheist
1172 Non believer
1173 Non Christian
1174 Non churchgoer
1175 Non Orthodox
1176 Non practising
1177 Non sectarian
1178 Non Theistic Unitarian
1179 Nonconformist
1180 Nonconformist Presbyterian
1184 Non-denominational
1181 Non-denominational Charismatic Christian
1182 Non-denominational Church
1183 Non-denominational Pentecostal
1804 NONE
1185 None in particular
1186 Northern Beaches Christian Fellowship (Gosford)
1187 Norwegian Lutheran
1188 Norwegian State Church
1189 Not baptised
1190 Not decided
1191 Not defined
1192 Not yet determined
1193 Now Ministry Fellowship
1194 Nusayrisn
1195 Nyingmapa
1196 Obed Mission Full Gospel (Caboolture)
1197 Occultist
1198 Old Believer
1199 Old Believers (Russian)
1200 Old Catholic Church (Utrecht)
1201 Old Established Church of Scotland
1202 Old Gaelic
1203 Old Kirk of Scotland
1204 Old Orthodox Church of the Holy Nativity
1205 Old Testament
1206 Olive Branch Full Gospel (Ferntree Gully)
1207 Olympian Gods
1208 OPD
1212 Open
1209 Open Baptist
1210 Open Brethren
1211 Open Membership Baptist
1213 Orange People
1214 Orangeman
1215 Order of Omega Rosy Cross (International Metaphysical Ministry Inc.)
1216 Order of the Holy Cross
1217 Oriental Orthodox
1218 Oriental Orthodox, nec
1219 Original Christianity
1220 Orth
1221 Orthodox Abha World Faith
1222 Orthodox Antioch Church
1223 Orthodox Armenian Church
1224 Orthodox Catholic
1225 Orthodox Catholic Church of Australia
1226 Orthodox Church
1227 Orthodox Church in America (Australian Mission)
1228 Orthodox Church of Christ the King
1229 Orthodox Eastern Church
1230 Orthodox Egyptian
1231 Orthodox Evangelical Lutheran Church
1232 Orthodox Judaism
1233 Orthodox Pravoslav
1234 Orthodox Presbyterian Church
1235 Orthodox Roman Catholic
1236 Orthodox Russian Church
1237 Orthodox Syrian Church
<option selected= selected value= 1240 Other
1238 Other Christian
1239 Other Christian, nec
1241 Other Protestant
1242 Other Protestant, nec
1243 Outreach International
1244 Own Religion
1808 Pagan
1245 Pagan Joss
1246 Paganism
1247 Pantheism
1248 Papist
1249 Paradise Community Church
1250 Parsee
1251 Particular Baptist Church
1252 Paul Gospel
1253 Peace
1254 Pentecost Revival
1255 Pentecostal
1256 Pentecostal Assembly of God
1257 Pentecostal Born Again
1258 Pentecostal Charismatic
1259 Pentecostal Church of God
1260 Pentecostal Mission
1262 Pentecostal Revivalist
1263 Pentecostal Rhema Family Church
1261 Pentecostal, nec
1264 Penticost
1265 Peoples Christian Centre
1266 Peoples Christian Fellowship Church
1267 Peoples Church
1268 Peoples Church Condell Park
1269 Personal
1270 Personal beliefs
1271 Perth Hebrew Congregation
1272 Perth Jewish Congregation
1273 Perth Society of the New Church
1274 Phat Giao Hoa Hao
1275 Philadelphia Church of God
1276 Philanthropic Assembly of the Friends of Man
1277 Philanthropic Society of the Friend of Man
1278 Philippine Independent Church
1279 Philosophical Deist
1280 Philosophist
1281 Pilgrim
1282 Planet Earth
1283 Plymouth Brethren
1284 Polish Jew
1285 Polish Orthodox
1286 Polish Orthodox Church in Australia
1287 Positivist
1288 Potters House Christian Centre
1289 Practical Christianity
1290 Pravoslav
1291 Presbyterian and Reformed
1292 Presbyterian Church
1298 Presbyterian Church (Oceania Synod)
1293 Presbyterian Church of Australia
1294 Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia
1295 Presbyterian Church of England
1296 Presbyterian Church of Ireland
1297 Presbyterian Church of Scotland
1299 Presbyterian Free Church of Australia
1300 Presbyterian Peoples Church
1301 Presbyterian Reformed Church
1302 Presbyterian Reformed Church of Australia
1303 Presleytarian
1304 Press Button
1305 Primitive Brethren
1306 Primitive Methodist (Church)
1307 Private
1308 Progressive Spiritualists Church
1325 Protestant (Inter-denominational)
1309 Protestant Alliance
1310 Protestant Brethren
1311 Protestant Catholic Apostolic
1312 Protestant Church of Denmark
1313 Protestant Church of England
1314 Protestant Church of Holland
1315 Protestant Church of Ireland
1316 Protestant Church of Scotland
1317 Protestant Church of Sweden
1318 Protestant Church of Switzerland
1319 Protestant Congregation Church
1320 Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA
1321 Protestant Koravian
1322 Protestant Methodist
1323 Protestant Mission
1324 Protestant Reformed Church
1326 Psychic Research Society
1327 Pure Land Buddhism
1328 Puritan
1329 Radio Church of God
1330 Raelian
1331 Rainsworth Gospel Hall Mission
1332 Raja Yoga
1333 Rajneesh Meditation
1334 Ramakrishna Sarada Vedanta Society of NSW
1335 Ramakrishna Vedanta Society
1336 Ramnami
1337 Ranter
1338 Rasta
1339 Rastifari
1340 Rastifarianism
1341 Ratana (NZ Maori)
1342 Rationalism
1343 RC
1345 Reach out for Christ Churches
1346 Rechabite Order
1347 Reformatic
1348 Reformation
1349 Reformator
1350 Reformed
1351 Reformed Baptist
1352 Reformed Calvinist Church
1353 Reformed Church
1354 Reformed Church of Africa
1355 Reformed Church of America
1356 Reformed Church of England
1357 Reformed Church of France
1358 Reformed Church of Germany
1359 Reformed Church of Scotland
1360 Reformed Churches of Australia
1361 Reformed Dutch Respondents
1362 Reformed Faith
1363 Reformed Methodist
1364 Reformed Presbyterian
1365 Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia
1366 Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland
1370 Religion
1367 Religion of Humanity
1368 Religion of Jesus Christ
1369 Religion of the Bible
1371 Religious
1372 Religious belief
1373 Religious belief, nfd
1374 Religious Groups, nec
1375 Religious Science
1376 Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
1377 Remnant Ministries
1378 Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints
1379 Restoration Church of Jesus Christ
1380 Restored Apostolic Sending Congregations
1381 Return Movement
1382 Reunited Brethren (Kelly, Lowe, Glanton)
1383 Revival Centre of Australia
1384 Revival Centres
1387 Revival Centres (Geelong)
1385 Revival Centres Fellowship
1386 Revival Centres International
1388 Revival Crusade
1389 Revival Flame Fellowship
1390 Revivalist
1391 Rhema Church
1392 Rhema Family Church
1393 Ringatu (NZ Maori)
1394 Rinzai Zen
1395 Rissho Kosekai
1396 RLDS
1397 Rock Chopper
1401 Roman
1398 Roman Christian
1399 Roman Church of Australia
1400 Romanian Christian Pentecostal Church (Philadelphia)
1402 Rosicrucian Order
1403 Rosicrucianism
1404 Rumanian Orthodox
1405 Rune-Net
1406 Russellian
1407 Russian
1408 Russian Catholic
1409 Russian Christian Molokans
1410 Russian Church
1411 Russian Greek Church
1413 Russian Orthodox (Ecumenical Patriarchate)
1414 Russian Orthodox (Moscow Patriarchate)
1412 Russian Orthodox Church
1415 SA
1416 Sabian
1417 Sabians (Christians of St John the Baptist)
1418 Saesoon Presbyterian Church
1419 Sahaja Yoga
1420 Sai Baba
1421 Sai Baba (of Shirdi)
1422 Saint Andrew
1423 Saint Church
1424 Saint Germain Foundation
1425 Saint Martins Church
1426 Saint Mathews Lutheran Church Montague Farm
1427 Saint Pauls
1428 Saiva
1429 Saiva Siddhanta
1430 Saivite
1431 Sakya
1432 Sakya Trizin
1433 Sakyapa
1434 Sallys
1436 Salvation
1435 Salvationist
1437 Salvo
1438 Samoan Methodist Church of Australia
1439 Sanatana Dharma
1440 Sanatani
1441 Sandemanian
1442 Sant Mat
1443 Satanism
1444 Satans Disciple
1445 Satyananda Ashrams International Yoga
1446 Satyananda Yoga Ashrams (International Yoga Fellowships)
1447 Scandinavian (Lutheran)
1448 Sceptic
1451 Science
1449 Science of Mind Centre
1450 Science of Mind Study Groups
1452 Scientific Pantheist
1453 Scientologist
1454 Scots Reformed
1455 Scottish
1456 Scottish Calvinist
1457 Scottish Church
1458 Scottish Church (of Australasia)
1459 Scottish Kirk
1460 Scottish Presbyterian
1461 Scottish Presbyterian Church
1462 SDA
1463 Seamans Mission
1464 Secluded Brethren
1465 Secularist
1466 Seekers Centre
1467 Sekai Mahikari
1468 Self Realisation Fellowship
1469 Seon
1470 Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church
1471 Serbian Orthodox Church
1472 Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement
1473 Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement of Australasia
1474 Seventh Day Baptist
1475 Seventh Day Brethren
1476 Shaiva
1477 Shaker
1478 Shakta
1479 Shamanist
1480 Shia
1481 Shiite
1482 Shiloh Faith Centre
1483 Shin
1486 Shin Shu
1484 Shingon
1485 Shinnyoen
1487 Shinto
1488 Shintoism
1489 Siddha Yoga
1820 SIKH
1490 Sikhism
1491 Singon Sika
1492 Slavic Church
1493 Slavic Evangelical Baptist
1494 Slavic Evangelical Pentecostal Churches of Australia
1495 Slavic Pentecostal Church
1496 Slovenian
1497 Society of Friends
1498 Society of Judas
1499 Society of the Healing Christ
1500 Soka Gakkai
1501 Soto Zen
1502 Soul Salvation Assembly
1503 Southern Christian Fellowship
1504 Southern Evangelical Mission
1505 Southern Presbyterian Church of Australia
1506 Spirit Filled Christian
1517 Spiritual
1507 Spiritual Church
1508 Spiritual Church (Brisbane)
1509 Spiritual Followers of Christ
1510 Spiritual Molokans
1511 Spiritualism
1512 Spiritualist Mission
1513 Spiritualist Research Society
1514 Spiritualist Union
1515 Spiritualistic Christian
1516 Spiritualistic Theosophist
1518 Sri Aurobindo Society
1519 Sri Chinmoy Centres
1520 Sri Lankan Theravada
1521 Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centres
1522 Sri Venkateswara Swami (Hindu Temple NSW)
1523 Star of Asia
1526 State Church
1524 State Church of Denmark
1525 State Church of Sweden
1527 Steam Dead Ahead
1528 Strict and Particular Baptist Churches
1529 Strict and Particular Baptist Churches of Australia
1530 Strict Baptist Church
1531 Subud
1532 Subud Dharma Brotherhood
1533 Sufism
1534 Sufite
1535 Sukyo Mahikari
1536 Sun Presbyterian Church
1537 Sun Worshipper
1538 Sungrak Baptist Church (Korean)
1539 Sunni
1540 Swami Narayan Sampradaya
1541 Swedenborgian
1542 Swedish Church
1543 Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church
1544 Swedish Lutheran
1545 Swedish Protestant
1546 Swedish State Church
1547 Swiss Presbyterian
1548 Swiss Protestant Church
1549 Swiss Reformed Church
1550 Sydney Evangelical Church (Korean)
1551 Sydney Society of the New Church
1552 Sydney Unitarian Church
1553 Synagogue
1554 Syriac Catholic
1555 Syriac Orthodox Church
1559 Syrian (Jacobite) Church
1556 Syrian Catholic
1557 Syrian Orthodox
1558 Syrian Orthodox Church
1560 Tabernacle Baptist
1561 Tamil
1562 Taoism
1563 Taylorite
1564 Templar
1565 Temple Emanuel
1566 Temple Emmanuel
1567 Temple Society
1568 Ten Commandments
1569 Tendai
1570 Tenrikyo
1571 Tenrikyo Faith
1572 Thai Theravada
1573 Thammuz
1574 The Asatru Kindred of Asia
1575 The Assembly of the Troth
1576 The Branch Davidians
1577 The Christian Community in Australia
1578 The Church of Jesus Christ End of Time Revival Centres
1579 The Family
1580 The Free Daist Avataric Communion
1581 The Grail Movement of Australia
1582 The Holiness Church
1583 The Home Church
1584 The Local Church (Assembly Hall, Little Flock)
1585 The Lord Jesus Christs by Dedication
1586 The Lords Army
1587 The Lords New Church
1588 The Malankara Syrian Orthodox (Indian)
1589 The Seekers Christian Fellowship
1590 The Theosophical Fellowship Ltd (Church of Maitreya)
1591 The True Church
1592 The True Jesus Church
1593 The Truth as in Jesus Christ
1594 The Way Biblical Research
1595 Theism
1596 Theist
1597 Theologian
1598 Theosophical Philosophy
1599 Theosophical Society
1600 Theosophical Society (Pasadena) Australian Section
1601 Theosophy
1602 Theravada
1603 Thien
1604 Tien-tai
1605 Tokaikolo Fellowship (Tongan)
1606 Tongan Church
1607 Torres Pentecostal Outreach (Darnley Island)
1608 Traditional belief
1609 Traditionalist
1610 Transcendental Meditation
1611 Transcendentalist
1612 Tribal (Aboriginal)
1613 Tridentine Catholic
1614 Trinity church
1615 True Gospel
1616 True Jesus Mission
1617 Truth and Liberation Concern
1618 Turkers
1619 Turkish Evangelical Groups
1620 Turkish Mohammedan
1621 Turkish Religion
1622 UAM
1623 UC
1624 UCA
1625 Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church
1626 Ukrainian Catholic
1627 Ukrainian Orthodox
1628 Ukrainian Orthodox Church
1629 Unaffiliated Spiritualist Groups
1630 Unaligned
1631 Unbeliever
1632 Uncertain
1633 Undecided
1635 Undenominational
1634 Undenominational Christian
1636 Uniat
1637 Uniate
1638 Unification Church (Moonies)
1639 Union Church
1640 Union Church of Hong Kong
1641 Union Methodist
1642 Unitarian Church
1643 Unitarian Humanist
1644 United Aboriginal Ministries (UAM)
1645 United Aborigines Mission
1646 United Brethren
1647 United Christian Fellowship
1648 United Church
1649 United Church of Australia
1650 United Church of Canada
1651 United Church of God
1652 United Church of Papua New Guinea and the Solomons
1653 United Church of Religious Science
1654 United Church of Tonga
1655 United Congregationist
1657 United Evangelical
1656 United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia
1658 United Free Church (of Scotland)
1659 United High Free Church of Scotland
1660 United Methodist Church
1661 United Methodist Free Church
1662 United Mission Churches of Australia
1663 United Parish
1664 United Pentecostal
1665 United Pentecostal Church of Australia
1666 United Presbyterian Church
1667 United Protestant Church
1668 United School of Christianity
1669 United Spiritualism in Australia
1670 United Truth Church
1671 United Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church
1674 Uniting
1672 Uniting Church of Australia
1673 Uniting Welsh Chapel Church
1675 Unity
1676 Unity Church
1677 Unity of Australia
1678 Unity School of Christianity
1684 Universal
1679 Universal Brotherhood of Faithists
1680 Universal Catholic
1681 Universal Church (of God)
1682 Universal World Church
1683 Universalist
1685 Unnamed Christian
1686 Unorthodox Christian
1688 Unsectarian
1687 Unsectarian Christian
1689 Upanishadic (Post-Vedic)
1690 UPC
1691 Urantia Book Study Groups
1692 Vaishnavite
1693 Vaisnava
1694 Vajrayana
1695 Veda
1696 Vedanta
1697 Vedantism
1698 Vedic
1699 Victorian Spritualist Union
1700 Vietnamese Evangelical Church in Australia
1701 Vietnamese Pure Land
1702 Vinayaka Ganesha Temple
1703 Vineyard Christian Fellowship
1704 Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)
1705 Vishwa Nirmala Dharma
1706 Vision Centre
1707 Voodoo
1708 Wasp
1709 Waverley Christian Fellowship
1710 Wayside Chapel
1711 Wee Free
1712 Welsh Baptist
1713 Welsh Calvinist Methodist (Presbyterian) Church
1714 Welsh Calvinistic Methodist
1715 Welsh Chapel
1716 Welsh Church
1717 Welsh Congregational
1718 Welsh Independent
1719 Welsh Methodist
1720 Welsh Presbyterian
1721 Welsh Protestant
1722 Welsh Reformed Church of Africa
1723 Welsh Reformed Church of America
1724 Welsh Wesleyan
1725 Wes
1726 Wesley Central Mission
1727 Wesley Church
1728 Wesleyan Methodist Church
1729 Wesleyan Reform Union
1730 West Sydney Christian Church
1731 Western Catholic
1732 Westminster Presbyterian Church
1733 White Eagle Lodge
1734 White Russian Autocephal Orthodox Church
1735 Wiccan
1736 Wiccan/Witchcraft
1737 Witchcraft
1738 Without Religion
1739 World Alliance of Reformed Churches
1740 World Bibleway Fellowship
1742 World Church
1741 World Church of God
1743 World Religion
1744 Worldwide Church of God
1745 Yes
1746 Yezidism
1747 Yid
1748 Yiddish
1749 YMCA
1750 Yoga
1751 Yoga Groups
1752 Yogananda
1753 Yogi
1754 Youth for Christ
1755 Yugoslav Orthodox
1756 Zarathustrian
1757 Zaydis
1758 Zen
1759 Zendite
1760 Zennist Noon Worshipper
1761 Zilch
1762 Zion Baptist
1763 Zion Church
1764 Zion Coptic
1765 Zion Lutheran
1766 Zionist
1767 Zoroastrianism
1768 Zwingli
1769 Zwinglian Calvinist
Obviously, I searched for Jedi - not expecting to find much, and I wasn't too offended when they didn't have it.
Normally you wouldn't be surprised, but when they've got around 1800 (yes, one thousand eight hundred) options, including "Rock Chopper" (slang for Roman Catholic) or "Moon Worship" or "Jesus Freak" - you start to feel a little left out.
For your interest - The full list:
1 A Course in Miracles
2 AAFM (Friars Minor Fransiscan)
14 Aboriginal
3 Aboriginal Bible Fellowship
4 Aboriginal Christian Fellowship
5 Aboriginal Dreaming
6 Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship (AEF)
7 Aboriginal Evangelical Missions
8 Aboriginal Inland Mission (AIM)
9 Aboriginal Lutheran
10 Aboriginal Mission
11 Aboriginal Pentecostal
12 Aboriginal Peoples Church
13 Aboriginal Spirituality
15 Aborigines Bible Fellowship WA Inc (ABF)
16 AC
17 ACA
18 Adelaide Revival
19 Adherent
20 Adonai Messianic Fellowship (Jewish)
21 Advaitavedanta
22 Advanced Christadelphian
25 Adventist
23 Adventist Christian
24 Adventist Reform Movement
26 Adventist, Seventh Day
27 AE God
28 AEF
29 Aetherius Society (Flying Saucer Group)
30 AG
31 Agnostic Materialist
32 Agnostic RC
33 Agnosticism
34 Ahl-I-Haqq (People of the Truth)
35 Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia
36 AIM
37 Alawi (Believer in Ali)
38 Alawites (Nusayris)
39 Albanian Church (Orthodox)
40 Albanian Orthodox
41 Albert Street Mission
42 Albigensian
43 Alexandrian
44 All
45 All Christian
46 All Denominations Church of Christ
47 All Embracing
48 All for Jesus Christian Fellowship (Filipino)
49 All Methodist
50 All Religions
51 All Round Baptist
52 All Saints
54 Alliance
53 Alliance Church
55 ALMA Torch of Brisbane
56 Altruism
57 Altruist
58 Ambrosian
59 American Congregational Church
60 American Evangelicals
61 American Methodist
62 American Native Church
63 Amish
64 Amorc
65 Amritananda
66 Anabaptist
67 Ananda Marga
68 Anandamayi
69 Anarchist
70 Anarcho Christian Philanthropist
71 Ancestor Veneration
72 Ancestor Worship
73 Ancient Church of the East
74 Ancient Greek
75 Ancient Oriental Clerical Brotherhood of Antioch
1772 Angelinos
80 Anglican (Church of England)
76 Anglican Catholic
77 Anglican Catholic Church
78 Anglican Catholic Church in Australia
79 Anglican Church of Australia
81 Anglo Catholic
82 Animism
83 Anthropologist
84 Anthroposophy
85 Anti Christ
86 Anti Christian
87 Anti Religion
88 Antinomian
89 Antioch Church Orthodox
90 Antiochian Orthodox
91 Any Protestant Religion
92 Any Religion
93 AOG
94 AOG Born Again
95 AOG Christian
96 AOG Pentecostal
97 Apostate
98 Apostle
114 Apostolic
99 Apostolic Assyrian Church of the East
100 Apostolic Christian Church of God (Nazarene)
101 Apostolic Church
103 Apostolic Church (Australia)
104 Apostolic Church of Australia
105 Apostolic Church of God (Seventh Day)
106 Apostolic Church of Holland
107 Apostolic Church of Queensland
102 Apostolic Church, so described
109 Apostolic Faith
108 Apostolic Faith Mission of Australia
110 Apostolic Greek Church
111 Apostolic Life Centre
112 Apostolic Pentecostal
113 Apostolic Society
115 Arcane School
116 Archaryas Yoga Centre
128 Armenian
117 Armenian Apostolic
118 Armenian Apostolic Church
119 Armenian Catholic
120 Armenian Christian
121 Armenian Evangelical Church
122 Armenian Evangelical Spiritual Brethren
123 Armenian Evangelicals (Protestants)
124 Armenian Evangelicals (Uniting Church)
125 Armenian Holy Trinity
126 Armenian Missionary Association
127 Armenian Orthodox
129 Armstrong Plain Truth
130 Artogepolich Orthodox
131 Arya Samaj (Reformed Hinduism)
132 Asatru (Nordic Gods)
133 Assemblies of God in Australia
134 Assembly of Christian Brethren
135 Assembly of Christians Gathered in the Name of the Lord
136 Assembly of God
137 Assembly of God Christian
138 Associated Christian Assemblies International
139 Associated Christian Fellowships of Australia
140 Associated Christian Ministries International
141 Associated Christian Spiritualist Churches
142 Associated Churches of Christ
143 Association for Research and Enlightenment
144 Association Mission of Australia
145 Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
146 Association of Michael
147 Association of the Church of God in Australia
148 Assyrian Apostolic
149 Assyrian Apostolic, nec
150 Assyrian Catholic
151 Assyrian Christian Church
153 Assyrian Church
152 Assyrian Church of the East
154 Assyrian Evangelical Church
155 Assyrian Orthodox
156 Astrakhama
157 Astrology
158 Atheism
159 Auld Kirk of Scotland
160 Austral-Asian Christian Church (Adelaide, Canberra, Perth, Darwin)
161 Australasian Church
162 Australasian Methodist
163 Australia for Christ Fellowship (Rowville)
164 Australia Ling Liang Church
186 Australian
165 Australian Aboriginal Traditional Religions
166 Australian Aborigines Evangelical Mission
167 Australian And New Zealand Union for Progressive Judaism
168 Australian Babaji Yogu Sangam
169 Australian Catholic Church
170 Australian Christadelphian Ecclesia
171 Australian Christian Assemblies
172 Australian Christian Churches, so described
174 Australian Church
173 Australian Church of Antioch
175 Australian Deaf Christian Crusade Ecclesia
176 Australian Evangelical Lutheran Church
177 Australian Federation of Islamic Societies
178 Australian Free Church
179 Australian Friends of the New Revelation
180 Australian Inland Mission
181 Australian Reformed Church
182 Australian School of Yoga
183 Australian Society of the New Church
184 Australian Unions for Progressive Judaism
185 Australian Wesleyan Church
187 Autocephalic Greek Orthodox Church of Australia
188 Autocephalic Orthodox
189 Avatar Meher Baba
190 Baba Follower
191 Bacchante
192 Bagwan
193 Baha Follower
1777 BAHA I
194 Baha Shabanist
195 Bahai
196 Bahai Faith
197 Bangladeshi Theravada
198 Banksia Free Church
199 Baptised Presbyterian
200 Baptist Bible Fellowship
201 Baptist Brethren
202 Baptist Methodist
203 Baptist Reformed Churches
204 Baptist Union
205 Baptist Union Churches
206 Baptist Welsh
207 Barrow
208 Basel Mission
209 Basic Mission
210 Bauls of Bengal
211 Bavarian Lutheran Church
212 Beliefs Complex
218 Believer
213 Believer in Bible
214 Believer in God
215 Believer in Jesus Christ
216 Believer in Supreme Being
217 Believer in Truth
219 Belong to no sect
220 Berean Bible Institute
221 Berith Sabbatarian
222 Bethel Baptist
223 Bethel Christian Centre
224 Bethel Mission
225 Bethel Mission Church (Korean)
226 Bethesda
227 Bethesda Christian Centre
228 Bethesda Churches
229 Bethesda Movement
230 Bethlehem Fellowship
231 Bhagwan
232 Bhakti
233 Bhakti Yoga
246 Bible
234 Bible Believer
235 Bible Believing Christian
236 Bible Chapel
237 Bible Christian
238 Bible Christian Sabbatarian
239 Bible Methodist
240 Bible Presbyterian Churches
241 Bible Reader
242 Bible Society
243 Bible Student
245 Bible Students (Millenial Dawnists, Bereans)
244 Bible Students Association
247 Biblical Fundamentalist
248 Billy Graham
249 Black Magic
250 Bodes
251 Body Felt Salvation Church
252 Bohemian Brethren
253 Boother
254 Born Again
255 Born Again Christian
256 Born Again Four Square
257 Born Again Pentecostal
258 Brahma Kumari
259 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (Raja Yoga Centres)
260 Brahmin
261 Breatharian
262 Brethren of the Free Spirit
263 Brides Tidings Tabernacle Teaching
264 Brisbane Christian Family
265 Brisbane Christian Fellowship
266 Brisbane Society of the New Church
268 British
267 British Israel
269 Broad Church Anglicans
270 Brother of Bacchus
271 Brotherhood in Christ
272 Brotherhood in Man
273 Brotherhood in the Lord Jesus
274 Brotherhood of Brethren
275 Buddhism
276 Builders of the Adytum
277 Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church
278 Bulgarian Orthodox
279 Bureau of Bible Institute
280 Burnside Christian
281 Bush Catholic
282 Bush Methodist
283 Butsuyko
284 Byelorussian Autocephalic Orthodox Church
285 Byzantine Catholic
286 C and MA
287 C of C
288 Cabbalist
289 Calathumpian
290 Calvary Gospel Mission
291 Calvary Life Assemblies
292 Calvinist
293 Calvinist Baptist
294 Calvinist Protestant
295 Calvinistic Independent
296 Calvinistic Methodist
297 Cambodian Theravada
298 Campbellite
299 Cannot say
300 Capital Bible Church
301 Catechumen
302 Cathari
303 Cathedral of Love Ministries
304 Catholic (Anglican)
305 Catholic Apostolic Church
306 Catholic Apostolic Roman
307 Catholic Charismatic
308 Catholic Church in Australia
309 Catholic Church of England
310 Catholic Church of Greek Rite
311 Catholic Church of Rome
312 Catholic Church of the East
313 Catholic Eastern Rites
315 Catholic of Ukranian Rite
316 Catholic Traditionalist Movement
317 Catholic Traditionalist Movement (Pius X Society)
314 Catholic, nec
318 CC
319 CCS
320 CE
321 Chaldean
322 Chaldean Catholic
323 Chan
324 Chapel
326 Charismatic
325 Charismatic Christian
327 Chassidic Movement
328 Children of God
329 China Inland Mission
330 China Mission Church
331 Chinese Christian Church
332 Chinese Christian Church of Brisbane
333 Chinese Joss
334 Chinese Methodist Church in Australia
335 Chinese Religions
336 Chinese Religions, nec
337 Chingist (One of Change)
339 Chinmaya Mission South
340 Chistii Sufism
341 Chogye
342 Choose for himself
421 Christ
343 Christ Church
344 Christ Church of England
345 Christ Truth League
346 Christadelphian Ecclesia
347 Christadelphians
348 Christian Action for Peace
349 Christian and Missionary Alliance
350 Christian Apostolic
351 Christian Assembly
352 Christian Baba Head
353 Christian Belief
354 Christian Bible Crusade
355 Christian Bible Student
356 Christian Bible Students (New Covenant Fellowship)
357 Christian Brethren
358 Christian Brotherhood
359 Christian Catholic
360 Christian Catholic Church of Zion
361 Christian Chapel
366 Christian Church
362 Christian Church Assembly
363 Christian Church of Australia
364 Christian Church of South Australia, Inc
365 Christian Churches of God
367 Christian City Church
368 Christian City Churches International
369 Christian Community
370 Christian Connexion
371 Christian Denomination
372 Christian Disciples
373 Christian Endeavour
374 Christian Existentialist
376 Christian Faith
375 Christian Faith Centre
377 Christian Family Centre
378 Christian Fellowship
379 Christian Fellowship Centres International Inc
380 Christian Free Thinker
381 Christian Gatherings (New Testament Assemblies)
382 Christian Good News Centre
383 Christian Gregorian Church
384 Christian Home Group
385 Christian Independent
386 Christian Israelite Church
387 Christian Liberal Independent
388 Christian Life Centre
389 Christian Life Churches International
390 Christian Metaphysician
391 Christian Mission
392 Christian Nazarene
394 Christian Non-denominational
395 Christian Orthodox Church
398 Christian Outreach
396 Christian Outreach Centres
397 Christian Outreach Pentecostal
399 Christian Pantheist
400 Christian Pentecostal
401 Christian Protestant
402 Christian Rationalist
403 Christian Reformed Church
404 Christian Reformed Churches of Australia
405 Christian Renewal
406 Christian Revival
407 Christian Revival Crusade
408 Christian Revival Pentecostal
409 Christian Revolutionary
410 Christian School of Life
411 Christian Scientist
412 Christian Socialist
413 Christian Spiritual Church
414 Christian Spiritualist
415 Christian Theosophist
416 Christian Walking in Separation
393 Christian, nfd
417 Christianity
418 Christs Brethren
419 Christs Community Church
420 Christs Follower
338 Chung tu
422 Church Mission
423 Church of All Denominations Scotland
424 Church of All Worlds
425 Church of Ascension
426 Church of Australia
427 Church of Australia Uniting
428 Church of Canada
429 Church of China
434 Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Christo)
430 Church of Christ Non-denominational
431 Church of Christ Scientist
432 Church of Christ Tabernacle
433 Church of Christ Undenominational
435 Church of Christs Brethren
436 Church of Czechoslovakia
437 Church of David
438 Church of Denmark
439 Church of Divine Unity
441 Church of England (Ireland)
440 Church of England in Australia
450 Church of God
444 Church of God (Hopkins)
448 Church of God (Seventh Day)
449 Church of God (Seventh Day) - Messianic Jews
443 Church of God Adventist
445 Church of God in Jesus Christ
446 Church of God International
447 Church of God of Prophecy
442 Church of God, so decribed
451 Church of God, so described
452 Church of Immigrants
453 Church of Ireland
455 Church of Jesus Christ
454 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
456 Church of Light
458 Church of Living
457 Church of Living God
459 Church of Luther
460 Church of Norway
461 Church of NZ
462 Church of Origin
463 Church of Peace
464 Church of Perfect Liberty
465 Church of Poland
466 Church of Psychic Survival
467 Church of Scientology
468 Church of Scotland
469 Church of South Africa
470 Church of South India
471 Church of Spain
472 Church of Spiritual Truth
473 Church of St Germain Foundation
474 Church of Sweden
475 Church of the East
476 Church of the First Born
477 Church of the Kingdom of God (Friends of Man)
478 Church of the Mystic Christ Inc.
479 Church of the Nazarene
480 Church of the Netherlands
481 Church of the New Faith
482 Church of the New Jerusalem
483 Church of the Open Door
484 Church of the Resurrection
485 Church of the St Germain Foundation
486 Church of the True Christians
487 Church of the Truth
488 Church of the World
489 Church of Tonga
490 Church of Torres Strait
491 Church of Turkey
492 Church of Wales
493 Church Universal and Triumphant
494 Churches of Christ
497 Churches of Christ (Conference)
498 Churches of Christ (Disciples)
495 Churches of Christ Holiness
496 Churches of Christ Scientist
499 Churches of God
502 Churches of God (Hopkins, Needed Truth, Spring of Truth)
500 Churches of God in Australia Inc.
501 Churches of God in the Fellowship of the Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ
503 City Church
504 City Mission
505 CLC
506 CMA
507 COA
508 COC Pentecostal
509 COE
512 Combined
510 Combined Churches
511 Combined Protestant
513 Commonwealth Revival Crusade
514 Community Church
515 Community of Christ
516 Conference of the New Church in Australia
517 Confucianism
518 Confucius
519 Congregation Methodist
520 Congregation of Friends
521 Congregational Baptist
522 Congregational Church of Christ
523 Congregational Church of Samoa
524 Congregational Church of Scotland
525 Congregational Independent
526 Congregational Union of Australia
527 Constitutional Church of Tonga
528 Continuing Congregationalists
529 Continuing Methodist
530 Cook Islander Christian Churches
531 Cooneyites
532 Coptic Catholic
533 Coptic Evangelical Church
534 Coptic Orthodox
535 Coptic Orthodox Church
536 COS
537 Cosmotheist
538 CRC
539 Creedist
540 Croatian Church for Freedom
541 Crosslink Christian Network
542 Crusade Church
543 Cyprus Brothers
544 Czech Brothers
545 Czech Moravian Brethren
546 Czech Orthodox
547 Czechoslovakian Church
548 Daist Communion
549 Dalai Lama
550 Danish Church
551 Danish Evangelican Lutheran Church
552 Danish Folk Church
553 Danish Lutheran Church
554 Danish Protestant
555 Daoist
556 Darwin Revival
557 Deaf and Dumb Mission
558 Deaf Christian Fellowship of WA
559 Decide when older
561 Deist
560 Deistic Evolutionist
562 Denomination
563 Dervish
564 Descendants of Moses
565 Deustan
566 Devi Worship
567 Devil Worshipper
568 Dhammakaya
569 Dhatma Subud Brotherhood
570 Diamond Way
574 Disciple
571 Disciple of Omar
572 Disciples of Christ
573 Disciples of Jesus
576 Dissenter
575 Dissenter Methodist
577 Divine Life Mission (Sivananda)
578 Divine Light Centre (Beaconsfield, Western Australia)
579 Divine Light Mission
580 Divine Science
581 Do not attend church
583 Do not follow any
584 Do not know
582 Do not profess
585 Doubtful
586 Dreamtime
587 Druidism
588 Druids
589 Druse
590 Druze
591 Dualist
592 Dutch Australian Reformed
593 Dutch Christian Church
594 Dutch Church
595 Dutch Hervormde
596 Dutch Presbyterian
597 Dutch Protestant
598 Dutch Reformed Church
599 Dutch Remonstrant
600 Eagle Hearth
601 Earth Goddess
602 Earth Mother
603 Earth Nature
604 East Keilor Evangelical Christian Church
605 Eastern Belief
606 Eastern Faith
607 Eastern Mystic
608 Eastern Orthodox
609 Eastern Orthodox, nec
610 Eastern Orthodox, nfd
611 Eastern Philosophy
612 Eastern Religion
613 Ecclesia of Christs Brethren
614 Ecclesia of God
615 Ecclesia of Messiah
616 Eckankar
617 Eckist
618 Eclectic
619 Ecumenical Outlook
620 Ecumenism
621 Eglise Reformee de France
622 Eglise Walloon (Belgium Reformed)
623 Egyptian Deities
624 Egyptian Islamic Society
625 Elan Vital (formerly the Divine Light Mission)
626 ELC
627 Elim Pentecostal Church of Australia Inc
628 Emmanuel
629 Emmanuel Baptist Church
630 End Time Believers
631 England
632 English Catholic
633 English Church
634 English Congregational
635 English Methodist
636 English State Church
637 Environmentalist
638 Epicurean
639 Episcopal Church
640 Episcopal Church of Scotland
641 Episcopal Methodist
642 Episcopalian Church
643 Eritrean Orthodox
644 Esoteric School
645 Esoteric Science
646 Estonian Evangelical Church in Sydney
647 Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
648 Estonian Orthodox
649 Ethiopian Catholic
650 Ethiopian Church
651 Ethiopian Orthodox
652 Ethiopian Orthodox Church
653 Ethnic Evangelical Churches
654 Eucharist
655 Evangelical Anglicans
656 Evangelical Baptist
657 Evangelical Brotherhood Mission
658 Evangelical Chinese Church
659 Evangelical Christian Church
660 Evangelical Church
661 Evangelical Free Church in Australia
662 Evangelical German
663 Evangelical Institute
664 Evangelical Lutheran Church
665 Evangelical Lutheran Congregations of the Reformation
666 Evangelical Lutheran Synod
667 Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Australia Inc.
668 Evangelical Methodist Church
669 Evangelical Mission
670 Evangelical Presbyterian
671 Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia
672 Evangelical Protestant
673 Evangelical Reformation
674 Evangelical Reformed Church
675 Evangelical United Brethren Church of Christ
679 Evangelist
676 Evangelist Revor Zwingli
677 Evangelistic Church of Christ
678 Evangelistic Lutheran
680 Evolutionist
681 Exclusive Brethren
682 Exclusive Brethren (Plymouth Brethren IV)
683 Existentialist
684 Faith Baptist
685 Faith Centre
686 Faith Churches
687 Faith in God
688 Faith of Abraham
689 Faithist
690 Faithist of the Kosman Church
691 Falun Gong
692 Family Mission of our Lord
693 Family of Love
694 Family of Man
695 Fatalist
696 Father Divine Peace Mission Movement
703 Fellowship
697 Fellowship Baptist Church
698 Fellowship of Christ
699 Fellowship of Congregational Churches
700 Fellowship of Evangelical Churches of Australia
701 Fellowship of Gods Son
702 Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
704 Feminist
705 Finnish
706 Finnish Lutheran Church
707 Finnish Orthodox
708 Finnish Pentecostal Church
709 Finnish Pentecostal Churches of Australia
710 First Church of Christ Scientist
711 First Pentecostal Church
712 First Sikh Temple in Australia
713 Fo Kugan Shan
716 Folkvang Hearth
714 Follower of Jesus Christ
715 Follower of the Lord Jesus Christ
717 Foundation of Revelation (The Beggar)
720 Four Square
718 Four Square Gospel Church
719 Four Square Pentecostal
721 Franciscan
722 Free Baptist Church
723 Free Christian Church
724 Free Church
725 Free Church Methodist
726 Free Church of England
727 Free Church of Scotland
728 Free Church of Tonga
729 Free Evangelical Church of Australia
730 Free Gospel
731 Free Hungarian Reformed Church of Australia
732 Free Kirk of Scotland
733 Free Methodist
734 Free Presbyterian
736 Free Presbyterian Church (Ulster)
735 Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland
737 Free Reformed
738 Free Reformed Church
739 Free Reformed Churches of Australia
740 Free Serbian Orthodox Church
741 Free Thinker
742 Free Thought
743 Free to choose
744 Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga
745 Freemason
746 French Catholic
747 French Reformed Church
748 Friends of Humanity
749 Full Gospel
750 Full Gospel Christian
751 Full Gospel Church
752 Full Gospel Churches of Australia Ltd
753 Full Gospel Fellowship
754 Full Gospel Mission
755 Full Gospel Pentecostal
757 Fundamental Christian
756 Fundamentalist
758 Gaia
759 Gaian
760 Gandhian
761 Gardnerian
762 Gathered out Christians
763 Gay Christian
764 Gelugpa
765 General
766 General Church of the New Jerusalem
773 German
767 German Apostolic Church
768 German Catholic
769 German Church
770 German Evangelical Church
771 German Evangelical Lutheran Church
772 German Protestant
774 Global Church of God
775 Glory Folk
778 Gnostic
776 Gnostic Christians
777 Gnostic Institute of Anthropology
782 God
779 God Squad
780 Goddess
781 Gods
783 Good News Unlimited
784 Good Samaritan Church of Truth
794 Gospel
785 Gospel Bell
786 Gospel Brethren
787 Gospel Chapel
788 Gospel Hall
789 Gospel Light Ministry
790 Gospel Lighthouse
791 Gospel Mission
792 Gospel of Jesus Christ
793 Gospel Outreach
795 Grace Baptist Church
796 Grace Bible Churches
797 Grails Movement
798 Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association
799 Greater World Christian Spiritualist Mission
800 Greek
801 Greek Bible Fellowship
802 Greek Catholic
803 Greek Christian
804 Greek Church
805 Greek Evangelical Churches
806 Greek Evangelist
807 Greek Free Churches
808 Greek Gospel Church
810 Greek Orthodox (Australian Archdiocese)
811 Greek Orthodox (Old Calendar)
809 Greek Orthodox Church
812 Greek Religion
813 Greek Russian Church
814 Green Pastures Brethren
816 Gregorian
815 Gregorian Orthodox
817 Gregory
818 Gurdjieff
819 Guru Maharajis Humanitarian Movement
820 Guru Nanak Mission
821 Gypsy
822 Hare Krishna
823 Harijan
824 HCE
825 Heathen
826 Heaven
827 Hebraic
828 Hebrew
829 Hedonist
830 Heretic
831 Herv Church
832 High Church
833 Highland Church (of Scotland)
834 Hillsong
1794 HINDU
835 Hindu Dharam
836 Hindu Dharma
837 Hindu Muslim
838 Hindu Sikh
839 Hindu Vedic
840 Hinduism
841 Hoa Hao Buddhism
842 Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East
843 Holy Bible
844 Holy Brethren
845 Holy Catholic Church
846 Holy Ghosts
847 Holy Orthodox Church
848 Holy Rollers
849 Holy Roman Catholic
850 Holy Spirit Church of Christ
851 Holy Spiritual of Christ
852 Holy Trinity
853 Hope of God
854 Horai Association of Australia
855 House Church
856 House Group
857 House of David
858 Hua-yen
859 Huguenot
860 Human Being
861 Humanism
862 Humanistic Buddhism
863 Humanitarian
864 Hungarian Orthodox
865 Hungarian Reformed
866 Hungarian Reformed Church of Australia
867 Huon Community Churches
868 Hussite
869 Hussite Church (Czechoslovak Church)
871 I AM
870 I AM Religious Movement
872 I believe
873 Iconoclast
874 Idealist
875 Iglesia Ni Cristo
876 Immanuel Church of Australia
877 Immanuel Mission
878 In Spirit and in Truth Word of Bible
879 In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
880 Inca
881 Inca Sun Worshipper
882 Indefinite
899 Independent
883 Independent Baptist Churches
884 Independent Bible Church
885 Independent Charismatic
886 Independent Charismatic Church
887 Independent Christian Church
888 Independent Christian Household Church
891 Independent Church
889 Independent Church of Australia
890 Independent Church of Churches
892 Independent Congregation
893 Independent Evangelical Churches
894 Independent Methodist
895 Independent Mission
896 Independent Pentecostal
897 Independent Presbyterian
898 Independent World Church
900 Indeterminable
904 Indian
901 Indian Goddess Tradition
902 Indian Orthodox
903 Indian Religion
905 Indifferent
906 Individual Faith
907 Indonesian Church
908 Indonesian Lutheran Church
909 Infidel
910 Infinite Way Study Centres
911 Inner Peace Movement
912 Integral Yoga Institute
913 Interdenominational
914 International Bible Students Association
915 International Buddhist Association of Australia
916 International Church of Christ
917 International Council of Spiritualists Inc.
918 International Missionary Society of the Seventh Day
919 International New Thought Alliance
920 International Society for Krishna Consciousness
921 Irish Catholic
922 Irish Presbyterian
923 Irish Protestant
924 Irish Reformed Church of Africa
925 Islam
926 Islamic Monotheist
927 Ismailis (Seveners)
928 Israel
929 Israel Church of Christ
930 Israelita Yewis
931 Israelite
932 Italian Assembly of God Pentecostal
933 Italian Evangelical Christian Church
934 Ithna asharis (Twelvers)
935 Jacobite
936 Jainism
937 Jansenist
938 Japanese Church
939 Japanese Religions
940 Japanese Religions, nec
941 Jasmuheen
942 JCC of LDS
943 Jehovahs Christian Witness
944 Jehovahs Witness
945 Jen Chen
947 Jesus Christ
946 Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints
948 Jesus Freak
949 Jew
950 Jewish Liberal
951 Jewish Orthodox
952 Jin-Gang-Dhyana
953 Jodo Shinshu
954 Jodo Shu
955 Johannine Daist Communion
956 John Knox
957 John the Baptist
958 Joss
959 Joss House
960 Judaism
961 Jungian
962 JW
963 JWA
964 JWS
965 Kabahla
966 Kabir Panthi
967 Kargyupa
968 Karma (Yoga)
970 Karma Kagyu
969 Karman Church
971 Karmapa
972 Katolic
973 Kegon
974 Kehillat Ha Mashicah (Jewish)
975 Kingdom Assembly Church
976 Kingsway Fellowship International
977 Kirk of Scotland
978 Knight Templars of the Holy Cross
979 Knoxfield Jubilee Bible Church Inc.
980 Korean Presbyterian Church (Gae-Hyuk)
981 Kosmon Faithist
982 Krishna Consciousness
983 Krishnamurti Australia
984 Kriya Yogi
985 Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation of Islam
986 Lakism
987 Lama
988 Lamaism
989 Landvaettir Hearth
991 Lao Theravada
990 Laotian Buddhist
992 Lapsed Christian
993 Latin
994 Latter Day Saints
995 Latvian Lutheran
996 Latvian Lutheran Church
997 Latvian National Church
998 Lay Methodist
999 Laymens Home Missionary Movement
1000 LDS
1005 Lebanese
1001 Lebanese Coptic Orthodox
1002 Lebanese Maronite
1003 Lebanese Muslim Society
1004 Lebanese Orthodox
1006 Lectorium Rosicrucianum
1007 Left to his own choice
1009 Lesbian Feminist
1008 Lesbian Feminist Goddess Worship
1014 Liberal
1010 Liberal Catholic Church
1011 Liberal Christian
1012 Liberal Faith
1013 Liberal Judaism
1015 Life in Christ and Second Advent Association
1016 Life Ministries Centre (Chirnside Park)
1017 Life Ministry Centre
1018 Lingayat
1019 Literal Faith Church
1020 LMS
1021 Local Church
1022 Logos
1023 London Mission Society
1024 London Street Spiritualist Church
1025 Lughian (Old Celtic)
1026 Lutheran Catholic
1027 Lutheran Church of Australia
1028 Lutheran Evangelist
1029 Lutheran Methodist
1030 Lutheran Presbyterian
1031 Lutheran Protestant
1032 Lutters
1033 Lysterfield Christian Fellowship
1034 Macedonia Ratador
1035 Macedonian Orthodox
1036 Mackay Pentecostal Fellowship
1037 Mah
1038 Mahatma
1039 Mahayana
1040 Mahikari
1041 Mahomad
1042 Mahomita
1043 Mahommedan
1044 Malabarese Catholic
1045 Malankarese Catholic
1046 Malayan Church
1047 Mandean
1048 Manichaeans
1049 Manna Christian Fellowship
1050 Many
1051 Maori Evangelical Fellowship
1052 Maronite Catholic
1053 Maronite Christian
1054 Marsfield Community Church
1055 Martin Luther
1056 Mason
1057 Mataji
1058 Materialist
1059 Math C
1060 Meditation
1061 Meher Baba
1062 Meher Baba Foundation of Australia
1063 Meher Baba Groups
1064 Melbourne Christian Assembly
1065 Melbourne Evangelical Fellowship
1066 Melkite Catholic
1067 Member of the Body of Christ
1068 Mennonite Church
1069 Metaphysical Society
1070 Methodist Christian
1071 Methodist Church
1072 Methodist Church in Ireland
1073 Methodist Church of Australasia
1074 Methodist Church of Scotland
1075 Methodist City Mission
1076 Methodist Free Church
1077 Methodist New Connexion
1078 Methodist Old Denomination
1079 Methodist Presbyterian Congregational
1080 Metropolitan Community Churches
1081 Mick
1082 Middle East Evangelical Church
1083 Mine
1084 Miscellaneous Religions
1088 Mission
1085 Mission Church
1086 Mission of Goodwill
1087 Missionary Church
1089 Mithraist
1090 Mixture
1091 Mohammedan
1092 Molokan
1093 Molokans (Church of the True Christians)
1094 Monastic
1095 Monotheist
1096 Moon Worship
1097 Moonist
1098 Moral Rearmament Australia
1099 Moravian
1100 Moravian Brothers
1101 Morman
1102 Mormon
1801 Mormon: Church of JC & LDS
1103 Mosaiah
1104 Mosaic
1105 Moses
1106 Mosque
1107 Mother Earth
1108 Mother Nature
1109 Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
1110 Mt Evelyn Evangelical Church
1111 Multi
1112 Murugan
1113 Muslim
1114 Mussulman
1115 My own belief
1116 Mystic
1117 Na
1118 Nameless House Church
1119 Narayan Guru Yogacharya
1120 National Church of Denmark
1121 National Church of Sweden
1122 National Revival Fellowship
1123 Nativity
1124 Naturalist
1128 Nature
1125 Nature Religions
1126 Nature Religions, nec
1127 Nature Worship
1129 Nederland Hervormde
1130 Neo-Hindu
1131 Neolithic Pantheism
1132 Neologian
1133 Neophite
1134 Neophyte
1135 Neoplatonic
1136 Neotaoist
1137 Nestorian
1138 Netherlands Reformed
1139 New Age
1140 New Age Christian
1141 New Age Philosophy
1143 New Age Spiritualist Mission
1142 New Age, so described
1144 New Apostolic
1145 New Apostolic Church
1146 New Church
1147 New Church Alliance, so described
1148 New Churches (Swedenborgian)
1149 New Connexion Baptist
1150 New Government Fellowship
1151 New Group of World Servers
1152 New Jerusalem Church
1153 New Kadampa Tradition
1154 New Life Churches
1155 New Testament Church
1156 New Testament Church of God
1157 New Thought Centres
1158 New Tribes Mission
1159 New Way Fellowship Church
1160 New World Society
1161 Ngamar Christian Fellowship
1162 Nihilist
1163 Nil
1164 No
1165 No church
1166 No denomination
1167 No idea
1168 No Religion
1169 No sect
1170 Nominal
1171 Non atheist
1172 Non believer
1173 Non Christian
1174 Non churchgoer
1175 Non Orthodox
1176 Non practising
1177 Non sectarian
1178 Non Theistic Unitarian
1179 Nonconformist
1180 Nonconformist Presbyterian
1184 Non-denominational
1181 Non-denominational Charismatic Christian
1182 Non-denominational Church
1183 Non-denominational Pentecostal
1804 NONE
1185 None in particular
1186 Northern Beaches Christian Fellowship (Gosford)
1187 Norwegian Lutheran
1188 Norwegian State Church
1189 Not baptised
1190 Not decided
1191 Not defined
1192 Not yet determined
1193 Now Ministry Fellowship
1194 Nusayrisn
1195 Nyingmapa
1196 Obed Mission Full Gospel (Caboolture)
1197 Occultist
1198 Old Believer
1199 Old Believers (Russian)
1200 Old Catholic Church (Utrecht)
1201 Old Established Church of Scotland
1202 Old Gaelic
1203 Old Kirk of Scotland
1204 Old Orthodox Church of the Holy Nativity
1205 Old Testament
1206 Olive Branch Full Gospel (Ferntree Gully)
1207 Olympian Gods
1208 OPD
1212 Open
1209 Open Baptist
1210 Open Brethren
1211 Open Membership Baptist
1213 Orange People
1214 Orangeman
1215 Order of Omega Rosy Cross (International Metaphysical Ministry Inc.)
1216 Order of the Holy Cross
1217 Oriental Orthodox
1218 Oriental Orthodox, nec
1219 Original Christianity
1220 Orth
1221 Orthodox Abha World Faith
1222 Orthodox Antioch Church
1223 Orthodox Armenian Church
1224 Orthodox Catholic
1225 Orthodox Catholic Church of Australia
1226 Orthodox Church
1227 Orthodox Church in America (Australian Mission)
1228 Orthodox Church of Christ the King
1229 Orthodox Eastern Church
1230 Orthodox Egyptian
1231 Orthodox Evangelical Lutheran Church
1232 Orthodox Judaism
1233 Orthodox Pravoslav
1234 Orthodox Presbyterian Church
1235 Orthodox Roman Catholic
1236 Orthodox Russian Church
1237 Orthodox Syrian Church
<option selected= selected value= 1240 Other
1238 Other Christian
1239 Other Christian, nec
1241 Other Protestant
1242 Other Protestant, nec
1243 Outreach International
1244 Own Religion
1808 Pagan
1245 Pagan Joss
1246 Paganism
1247 Pantheism
1248 Papist
1249 Paradise Community Church
1250 Parsee
1251 Particular Baptist Church
1252 Paul Gospel
1253 Peace
1254 Pentecost Revival
1255 Pentecostal
1256 Pentecostal Assembly of God
1257 Pentecostal Born Again
1258 Pentecostal Charismatic
1259 Pentecostal Church of God
1260 Pentecostal Mission
1262 Pentecostal Revivalist
1263 Pentecostal Rhema Family Church
1261 Pentecostal, nec
1264 Penticost
1265 Peoples Christian Centre
1266 Peoples Christian Fellowship Church
1267 Peoples Church
1268 Peoples Church Condell Park
1269 Personal
1270 Personal beliefs
1271 Perth Hebrew Congregation
1272 Perth Jewish Congregation
1273 Perth Society of the New Church
1274 Phat Giao Hoa Hao
1275 Philadelphia Church of God
1276 Philanthropic Assembly of the Friends of Man
1277 Philanthropic Society of the Friend of Man
1278 Philippine Independent Church
1279 Philosophical Deist
1280 Philosophist
1281 Pilgrim
1282 Planet Earth
1283 Plymouth Brethren
1284 Polish Jew
1285 Polish Orthodox
1286 Polish Orthodox Church in Australia
1287 Positivist
1288 Potters House Christian Centre
1289 Practical Christianity
1290 Pravoslav
1291 Presbyterian and Reformed
1292 Presbyterian Church
1298 Presbyterian Church (Oceania Synod)
1293 Presbyterian Church of Australia
1294 Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia
1295 Presbyterian Church of England
1296 Presbyterian Church of Ireland
1297 Presbyterian Church of Scotland
1299 Presbyterian Free Church of Australia
1300 Presbyterian Peoples Church
1301 Presbyterian Reformed Church
1302 Presbyterian Reformed Church of Australia
1303 Presleytarian
1304 Press Button
1305 Primitive Brethren
1306 Primitive Methodist (Church)
1307 Private
1308 Progressive Spiritualists Church
1325 Protestant (Inter-denominational)
1309 Protestant Alliance
1310 Protestant Brethren
1311 Protestant Catholic Apostolic
1312 Protestant Church of Denmark
1313 Protestant Church of England
1314 Protestant Church of Holland
1315 Protestant Church of Ireland
1316 Protestant Church of Scotland
1317 Protestant Church of Sweden
1318 Protestant Church of Switzerland
1319 Protestant Congregation Church
1320 Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA
1321 Protestant Koravian
1322 Protestant Methodist
1323 Protestant Mission
1324 Protestant Reformed Church
1326 Psychic Research Society
1327 Pure Land Buddhism
1328 Puritan
1329 Radio Church of God
1330 Raelian
1331 Rainsworth Gospel Hall Mission
1332 Raja Yoga
1333 Rajneesh Meditation
1334 Ramakrishna Sarada Vedanta Society of NSW
1335 Ramakrishna Vedanta Society
1336 Ramnami
1337 Ranter
1338 Rasta
1339 Rastifari
1340 Rastifarianism
1341 Ratana (NZ Maori)
1342 Rationalism
1343 RC
1345 Reach out for Christ Churches
1346 Rechabite Order
1347 Reformatic
1348 Reformation
1349 Reformator
1350 Reformed
1351 Reformed Baptist
1352 Reformed Calvinist Church
1353 Reformed Church
1354 Reformed Church of Africa
1355 Reformed Church of America
1356 Reformed Church of England
1357 Reformed Church of France
1358 Reformed Church of Germany
1359 Reformed Church of Scotland
1360 Reformed Churches of Australia
1361 Reformed Dutch Respondents
1362 Reformed Faith
1363 Reformed Methodist
1364 Reformed Presbyterian
1365 Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia
1366 Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland
1370 Religion
1367 Religion of Humanity
1368 Religion of Jesus Christ
1369 Religion of the Bible
1371 Religious
1372 Religious belief
1373 Religious belief, nfd
1374 Religious Groups, nec
1375 Religious Science
1376 Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
1377 Remnant Ministries
1378 Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints
1379 Restoration Church of Jesus Christ
1380 Restored Apostolic Sending Congregations
1381 Return Movement
1382 Reunited Brethren (Kelly, Lowe, Glanton)
1383 Revival Centre of Australia
1384 Revival Centres
1387 Revival Centres (Geelong)
1385 Revival Centres Fellowship
1386 Revival Centres International
1388 Revival Crusade
1389 Revival Flame Fellowship
1390 Revivalist
1391 Rhema Church
1392 Rhema Family Church
1393 Ringatu (NZ Maori)
1394 Rinzai Zen
1395 Rissho Kosekai
1396 RLDS
1397 Rock Chopper
1401 Roman
1398 Roman Christian
1399 Roman Church of Australia
1400 Romanian Christian Pentecostal Church (Philadelphia)
1402 Rosicrucian Order
1403 Rosicrucianism
1404 Rumanian Orthodox
1405 Rune-Net
1406 Russellian
1407 Russian
1408 Russian Catholic
1409 Russian Christian Molokans
1410 Russian Church
1411 Russian Greek Church
1413 Russian Orthodox (Ecumenical Patriarchate)
1414 Russian Orthodox (Moscow Patriarchate)
1412 Russian Orthodox Church
1415 SA
1416 Sabian
1417 Sabians (Christians of St John the Baptist)
1418 Saesoon Presbyterian Church
1419 Sahaja Yoga
1420 Sai Baba
1421 Sai Baba (of Shirdi)
1422 Saint Andrew
1423 Saint Church
1424 Saint Germain Foundation
1425 Saint Martins Church
1426 Saint Mathews Lutheran Church Montague Farm
1427 Saint Pauls
1428 Saiva
1429 Saiva Siddhanta
1430 Saivite
1431 Sakya
1432 Sakya Trizin
1433 Sakyapa
1434 Sallys
1436 Salvation
1435 Salvationist
1437 Salvo
1438 Samoan Methodist Church of Australia
1439 Sanatana Dharma
1440 Sanatani
1441 Sandemanian
1442 Sant Mat
1443 Satanism
1444 Satans Disciple
1445 Satyananda Ashrams International Yoga
1446 Satyananda Yoga Ashrams (International Yoga Fellowships)
1447 Scandinavian (Lutheran)
1448 Sceptic
1451 Science
1449 Science of Mind Centre
1450 Science of Mind Study Groups
1452 Scientific Pantheist
1453 Scientologist
1454 Scots Reformed
1455 Scottish
1456 Scottish Calvinist
1457 Scottish Church
1458 Scottish Church (of Australasia)
1459 Scottish Kirk
1460 Scottish Presbyterian
1461 Scottish Presbyterian Church
1462 SDA
1463 Seamans Mission
1464 Secluded Brethren
1465 Secularist
1466 Seekers Centre
1467 Sekai Mahikari
1468 Self Realisation Fellowship
1469 Seon
1470 Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church
1471 Serbian Orthodox Church
1472 Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement
1473 Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement of Australasia
1474 Seventh Day Baptist
1475 Seventh Day Brethren
1476 Shaiva
1477 Shaker
1478 Shakta
1479 Shamanist
1480 Shia
1481 Shiite
1482 Shiloh Faith Centre
1483 Shin
1486 Shin Shu
1484 Shingon
1485 Shinnyoen
1487 Shinto
1488 Shintoism
1489 Siddha Yoga
1820 SIKH
1490 Sikhism
1491 Singon Sika
1492 Slavic Church
1493 Slavic Evangelical Baptist
1494 Slavic Evangelical Pentecostal Churches of Australia
1495 Slavic Pentecostal Church
1496 Slovenian
1497 Society of Friends
1498 Society of Judas
1499 Society of the Healing Christ
1500 Soka Gakkai
1501 Soto Zen
1502 Soul Salvation Assembly
1503 Southern Christian Fellowship
1504 Southern Evangelical Mission
1505 Southern Presbyterian Church of Australia
1506 Spirit Filled Christian
1517 Spiritual
1507 Spiritual Church
1508 Spiritual Church (Brisbane)
1509 Spiritual Followers of Christ
1510 Spiritual Molokans
1511 Spiritualism
1512 Spiritualist Mission
1513 Spiritualist Research Society
1514 Spiritualist Union
1515 Spiritualistic Christian
1516 Spiritualistic Theosophist
1518 Sri Aurobindo Society
1519 Sri Chinmoy Centres
1520 Sri Lankan Theravada
1521 Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centres
1522 Sri Venkateswara Swami (Hindu Temple NSW)
1523 Star of Asia
1526 State Church
1524 State Church of Denmark
1525 State Church of Sweden
1527 Steam Dead Ahead
1528 Strict and Particular Baptist Churches
1529 Strict and Particular Baptist Churches of Australia
1530 Strict Baptist Church
1531 Subud
1532 Subud Dharma Brotherhood
1533 Sufism
1534 Sufite
1535 Sukyo Mahikari
1536 Sun Presbyterian Church
1537 Sun Worshipper
1538 Sungrak Baptist Church (Korean)
1539 Sunni
1540 Swami Narayan Sampradaya
1541 Swedenborgian
1542 Swedish Church
1543 Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church
1544 Swedish Lutheran
1545 Swedish Protestant
1546 Swedish State Church
1547 Swiss Presbyterian
1548 Swiss Protestant Church
1549 Swiss Reformed Church
1550 Sydney Evangelical Church (Korean)
1551 Sydney Society of the New Church
1552 Sydney Unitarian Church
1553 Synagogue
1554 Syriac Catholic
1555 Syriac Orthodox Church
1559 Syrian (Jacobite) Church
1556 Syrian Catholic
1557 Syrian Orthodox
1558 Syrian Orthodox Church
1560 Tabernacle Baptist
1561 Tamil
1562 Taoism
1563 Taylorite
1564 Templar
1565 Temple Emanuel
1566 Temple Emmanuel
1567 Temple Society
1568 Ten Commandments
1569 Tendai
1570 Tenrikyo
1571 Tenrikyo Faith
1572 Thai Theravada
1573 Thammuz
1574 The Asatru Kindred of Asia
1575 The Assembly of the Troth
1576 The Branch Davidians
1577 The Christian Community in Australia
1578 The Church of Jesus Christ End of Time Revival Centres
1579 The Family
1580 The Free Daist Avataric Communion
1581 The Grail Movement of Australia
1582 The Holiness Church
1583 The Home Church
1584 The Local Church (Assembly Hall, Little Flock)
1585 The Lord Jesus Christs by Dedication
1586 The Lords Army
1587 The Lords New Church
1588 The Malankara Syrian Orthodox (Indian)
1589 The Seekers Christian Fellowship
1590 The Theosophical Fellowship Ltd (Church of Maitreya)
1591 The True Church
1592 The True Jesus Church
1593 The Truth as in Jesus Christ
1594 The Way Biblical Research
1595 Theism
1596 Theist
1597 Theologian
1598 Theosophical Philosophy
1599 Theosophical Society
1600 Theosophical Society (Pasadena) Australian Section
1601 Theosophy
1602 Theravada
1603 Thien
1604 Tien-tai
1605 Tokaikolo Fellowship (Tongan)
1606 Tongan Church
1607 Torres Pentecostal Outreach (Darnley Island)
1608 Traditional belief
1609 Traditionalist
1610 Transcendental Meditation
1611 Transcendentalist
1612 Tribal (Aboriginal)
1613 Tridentine Catholic
1614 Trinity church
1615 True Gospel
1616 True Jesus Mission
1617 Truth and Liberation Concern
1618 Turkers
1619 Turkish Evangelical Groups
1620 Turkish Mohammedan
1621 Turkish Religion
1622 UAM
1623 UC
1624 UCA
1625 Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church
1626 Ukrainian Catholic
1627 Ukrainian Orthodox
1628 Ukrainian Orthodox Church
1629 Unaffiliated Spiritualist Groups
1630 Unaligned
1631 Unbeliever
1632 Uncertain
1633 Undecided
1635 Undenominational
1634 Undenominational Christian
1636 Uniat
1637 Uniate
1638 Unification Church (Moonies)
1639 Union Church
1640 Union Church of Hong Kong
1641 Union Methodist
1642 Unitarian Church
1643 Unitarian Humanist
1644 United Aboriginal Ministries (UAM)
1645 United Aborigines Mission
1646 United Brethren
1647 United Christian Fellowship
1648 United Church
1649 United Church of Australia
1650 United Church of Canada
1651 United Church of God
1652 United Church of Papua New Guinea and the Solomons
1653 United Church of Religious Science
1654 United Church of Tonga
1655 United Congregationist
1657 United Evangelical
1656 United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia
1658 United Free Church (of Scotland)
1659 United High Free Church of Scotland
1660 United Methodist Church
1661 United Methodist Free Church
1662 United Mission Churches of Australia
1663 United Parish
1664 United Pentecostal
1665 United Pentecostal Church of Australia
1666 United Presbyterian Church
1667 United Protestant Church
1668 United School of Christianity
1669 United Spiritualism in Australia
1670 United Truth Church
1671 United Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church
1674 Uniting
1672 Uniting Church of Australia
1673 Uniting Welsh Chapel Church
1675 Unity
1676 Unity Church
1677 Unity of Australia
1678 Unity School of Christianity
1684 Universal
1679 Universal Brotherhood of Faithists
1680 Universal Catholic
1681 Universal Church (of God)
1682 Universal World Church
1683 Universalist
1685 Unnamed Christian
1686 Unorthodox Christian
1688 Unsectarian
1687 Unsectarian Christian
1689 Upanishadic (Post-Vedic)
1690 UPC
1691 Urantia Book Study Groups
1692 Vaishnavite
1693 Vaisnava
1694 Vajrayana
1695 Veda
1696 Vedanta
1697 Vedantism
1698 Vedic
1699 Victorian Spritualist Union
1700 Vietnamese Evangelical Church in Australia
1701 Vietnamese Pure Land
1702 Vinayaka Ganesha Temple
1703 Vineyard Christian Fellowship
1704 Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)
1705 Vishwa Nirmala Dharma
1706 Vision Centre
1707 Voodoo
1708 Wasp
1709 Waverley Christian Fellowship
1710 Wayside Chapel
1711 Wee Free
1712 Welsh Baptist
1713 Welsh Calvinist Methodist (Presbyterian) Church
1714 Welsh Calvinistic Methodist
1715 Welsh Chapel
1716 Welsh Church
1717 Welsh Congregational
1718 Welsh Independent
1719 Welsh Methodist
1720 Welsh Presbyterian
1721 Welsh Protestant
1722 Welsh Reformed Church of Africa
1723 Welsh Reformed Church of America
1724 Welsh Wesleyan
1725 Wes
1726 Wesley Central Mission
1727 Wesley Church
1728 Wesleyan Methodist Church
1729 Wesleyan Reform Union
1730 West Sydney Christian Church
1731 Western Catholic
1732 Westminster Presbyterian Church
1733 White Eagle Lodge
1734 White Russian Autocephal Orthodox Church
1735 Wiccan
1736 Wiccan/Witchcraft
1737 Witchcraft
1738 Without Religion
1739 World Alliance of Reformed Churches
1740 World Bibleway Fellowship
1742 World Church
1741 World Church of God
1743 World Religion
1744 Worldwide Church of God
1745 Yes
1746 Yezidism
1747 Yid
1748 Yiddish
1749 YMCA
1750 Yoga
1751 Yoga Groups
1752 Yogananda
1753 Yogi
1754 Youth for Christ
1755 Yugoslav Orthodox
1756 Zarathustrian
1757 Zaydis
1758 Zen
1759 Zendite
1760 Zennist Noon Worshipper
1761 Zilch
1762 Zion Baptist
1763 Zion Church
1764 Zion Coptic
1765 Zion Lutheran
1766 Zionist
1767 Zoroastrianism
1768 Zwingli
1769 Zwinglian Calvinist
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05 Jul 2017 07:09 #289559
by Adder
Replied by Adder on topic Everything But....
Did ya tell em off?
If it weren't for the silly ones like 'yes' and 'zilch' I might have thought there was some standardized list somewhere.....
Did ya tell em off?
If it weren't for the silly ones like 'yes' and 'zilch' I might have thought there was some standardized list somewhere.....
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05 Jul 2017 07:59 - 05 Jul 2017 08:00 #289560
by Brick
Replied by Brick on topic Everything But....
This is absolutely ridiculous. On a standardised questionnaire/form they should just put the top 5 most common faiths and then an option for 'other'. They'll never succeed in including every faith under sun. And by missing one or two out, it only serves to piss off the people they've missed even more
Apprentice to Maitre Chevalier Jedi
Alexandre Orion
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- Knight Senan'The only contest any of us should be engaged in is with ourselves, to be better than yesterday'
Last edit: 05 Jul 2017 08:00 by Brick.
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05 Jul 2017 08:02 - 05 Jul 2017 08:05 #289561
by JamesSand
Replied by JamesSand on topic Everything But....
I'll try to remember to mention something to the nurse before I go under...
My main plan is not to die on the table, so ideally my relationship to the universe won't be too relevant....
I don't know if they paid too much attention to list?
Perhaps it was a survey or something, and they just copied all the possible answers into their menu.
I'm tossing up between "Iconoclast" and "Epicurean" for my selection. "Ranter" is not without appeal as well....
My main plan is not to die on the table, so ideally my relationship to the universe won't be too relevant....
I don't know if they paid too much attention to list?
Perhaps it was a survey or something, and they just copied all the possible answers into their menu.
I'm tossing up between "Iconoclast" and "Epicurean" for my selection. "Ranter" is not without appeal as well....
Last edit: 05 Jul 2017 08:05 by JamesSand.
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05 Jul 2017 10:11 #289566
Replied by on topic Everything But....
No "People's Front of Judea"?
With variety like that I hope your visit to hospital is short with a full recovery. Just in case, you know, you find out the hard way you chose the wrong option.
With variety like that I hope your visit to hospital is short with a full recovery. Just in case, you know, you find out the hard way you chose the wrong option.
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05 Jul 2017 12:33 - 05 Jul 2017 12:35 #289573
by Edan
It won't let me have a blank signature ...
Replied by Edan on topic Everything But....
Why on earth would they want to know your religion? Short of special funerary arrangements should you kick the bucket.
I'd like to question them on their consideration of Satanism as a religion![:P :P](/media/kunena/emoticons/15.png)
Edit: I think you should answer - "44 All"
I'd like to question them on their consideration of Satanism as a religion
![:P :P](/media/kunena/emoticons/15.png)
Edit: I think you should answer - "44 All"
It won't let me have a blank signature ...
Last edit: 05 Jul 2017 12:35 by Edan.
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05 Jul 2017 13:38 #289576
by Kobos
What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War
Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
Replied by Kobos on topic Everything But....
"The Lords Army" the whole child soldier religion in Africa is considered legitimate. I am so confused.............
What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War
Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
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05 Jul 2017 13:46 #289578
by RosalynJ
Replied by RosalynJ on topic Everything But....
I hope you don't mind my asking but what exactly is the hospital visit for?
I hope you don't mind my asking but what exactly is the hospital visit for?
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- Leah Starspectre
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05 Jul 2017 13:47 #289579
by Leah Starspectre
At least they didn't include the Judean People's Front. Wankers.
Replied by Leah Starspectre on topic Everything But....
Dano Ori wrote: No "People's Front of Judea"?
At least they didn't include the Judean People's Front. Wankers.
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05 Jul 2017 13:53 - 05 Jul 2017 13:57 #289581
Replied by on topic Everything But....
"What is your faith?"
![XD XD](/laugh.gif)
EDIT: Also, no Pastafarianism? The Great and Powerful Flying Spagetti Monster in the Sky will not be pleased to hear this. May their pasta always be dry and free of parmesean. ;P
JamesSand wrote: "1745 Yes"
![XD XD](/laugh.gif)
![XD XD](/laugh.gif)
![XD XD](/laugh.gif)
![XD XD](/laugh.gif)
EDIT: Also, no Pastafarianism? The Great and Powerful Flying Spagetti Monster in the Sky will not be pleased to hear this. May their pasta always be dry and free of parmesean. ;P
Last edit: 05 Jul 2017 13:57 by .
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