- Posts: 317
Wellness Wednesday
As announced we are starting a new ongoing event right now, the
For my own part, I am going to post something about nutrition every Wednesday from now on. Today it's more of an introduction and a small start.
Feel free to post anything related to wellness, health, wellbeing and anything related today.
May the Force be with you all.
You must unlearn what you have learned.
Teaching Master: Rosalyn J
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in the last few years I have dealt with nutrition a lot. I have always had problems with overweight, but in 2016 I managed to lose 23 kg of weight and I have kept the new weight since then. Although I achieved this mainly by cutting back calories in a restrictive way, I was constantly looking for ways to improve my nutrition. Sooner or later I came across the website nutritionfacts.org by M. Greger, which I found very convincing. I also listened to the audio book “How Not to Die” by the same author.
I would like to share the knowledge I gained in that time with you. I am planning to present a few studies each weak that show evidence which foods are best implemented in an everyday routine.
You will notice that I will almost always recommend plant based food. That is not because I am vegetarian or vegan or because I am on a mission to propagate plant based diets. That is simply because I only found evidence pointing to plant based food being beneficial.
I don´t like the terms “vegan” or “vegetarian”, because they only define what one would NOT eat instead of defining what to eat actually. For example you can eat only French fries with ketchup, drink beer and coke and your practically living vegan, but not at all healthy.
I rather like to find foods that are promoting a good health whenever they are eaten. I also think, we shouldn´t try to find the one perfect diet for every day or even switch to that diet from one day to the other. My purpose is to show you the evidence that is there, so that each of you can decide on their own if they would like to eat those foods – well, not necessarily every day, but more often. Because no one I think is able to eat the perfect food every day. But if I tell you that it is a very good idea to eat berries as often as possible, you will be better off if you eat berries 3 days a weak than if you haven´t eaten berries at all so far or very rarely.
So, today let´s start with legumes. There seems to be a lot of evidence that it is a good idea to eat legumes as often as possible and as much as possible. Legumes, mainly lentils and kidney beans are full of antioxidants and soluble fibre which both are very healthy. I will show you some of the studies I found in the links below, there is even evidence that the more legumes you eat, the longer you live! Try to find any medication out there that can do this: make you live longer, what do you think, people would pay for such a pill? Michael Greger suggests the following legumes to be eaten ideally on a regular basis: Cooked beans, split peas, lentils, tofu, tempeh, fresh peas, sprouted lentils, hummus or bean dip (I mean, come on! Who doesn´t like hummus?)
You must unlearn what you have learned.
Teaching Master: Rosalyn J
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- Jhannuzs Ian
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The Force is all, I choose my Focus
Life includes suffering, I am Resilient
The Force include my imagination, I extract Wisdom and Harmony
Life includes adversity, I obtain Knowledge
I respect your Life, lets revitalize our Force while breathing
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The ginger gum I had delivered relieved my nausea and helped me become calm enough to go to sleep. I also have ginger tea and ginger candy. Ginger has other added benefits as well. Look here for some articles:
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- Vincent Causse
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You must unlearn what you have learned.
Teaching Master: Rosalyn J
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If you suffer from anxiety, try simply smelling good lavender oil, look what lavender oil can do: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7897075/
You must unlearn what you have learned.
Teaching Master: Rosalyn J
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You must unlearn what you have learned.
Teaching Master: Rosalyn J
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- Jhannuzs Ian
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- Knight
- Posts: 385
Sometimes anxiety eats us because of real problems or something else...
We all create anxiety by fluctuating adversities, a biochemical test provides numbers of my body, this avoids losing dimension about the subjective and organic aspects. Then each person can improve with several routes: mental, toning the vagus nerve, inner silence, healthy food...
How to acquire a healthy colorful habit when you just like: sugar, coffee and junk food?
The Force is all, I choose my Focus
Life includes suffering, I am Resilient
The Force include my imagination, I extract Wisdom and Harmony
Life includes adversity, I obtain Knowledge
I respect your Life, lets revitalize our Force while breathing
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Jhannuzs Ian wrote: Ginger? Im still not ginger --Said Dr Who.
Sometimes anxiety eats us because of real problems or something else...
We all create anxiety by fluctuating adversities, a biochemical test provides numbers of my body, this avoids losing dimension about the subjective and organic aspects. Then each person can improve with several routes: mental, toning the vagus nerve, inner silence, healthy food...
How to acquire a healthy colorful habit when you just like: sugar, coffee and junk food?
Tell me a little about the Vagus nerve
How to acquire a healthy colorful habit when you just like: sugar, coffee and junk food?
I know, right ?

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