Is being overweight and being a Jedi a good thing?

6 years 9 months ago #293400 by Eleven
I hope this post doesn't offend anyone please I don't want that. But, I have often thought to myself... I am 312 lbs, my joints hurt, I get easily tired by work, gym and extra curricular activities like pushing my wife in her chair on walks, ect.

Our practices teach that a Jedi should have self control and that means in all manners of our lives. Eating, sleeping, drinking certain beverages, medication that is considered addictive (drugs) you plug it in right? I used to be in great shape, workout 2 times a day 2 hours a day when I was younger and wrestled I loved it dreamed of being the next WWF (WWE lol) champion. Unfortunately, I went out for wrestling school and found out it's alot of work, pain and peer pressure. It wasn't willing to give my whole heart to the sport being that I got ripped off by promoters, and just couldn't deal with being hurt all the time so I quit.

Well, I grew depressed my dreams lost and behind me. I begun to eat out of comfort. Drinking lots of energy drinks, soda, candy...sugar...sugar...sugar...Eating fast food close to every night on the way home from work. Buying foods from the deli after work to eat throughout the night...more soda, video games, I don't sometimes understand how I don't have diabetes yet. I went from being 169 lbs. muscles, great shape, ect. to 312 lbs. now overweight, depressed and frustrated.

I may have just answered my question but, I don't think a Jedi should be overweight but, then you could easily cycle in genes, thyroid issues, ect. I know as Jedi we all come in all shapes and Sizes and don't misunderstand me that I am somehow being "shallow" just because I think a jedi should be in shape. I know some of us simply just cannot workout, be active I know my wife wishes she could because she is in a wheel chair and a lot of exercises are out of the question. But, she isn't a Jedi.

I have been going and workout the last week or so and it's been hard and tiring but, I feel better physically in my mind and body when I do. I think working out is good for everyone, getting up and going places like the park, to the beach getting out in Nature is terrific thing and beautiful. I am not sure why I shared all this with you however and answering my own question.
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6 years 9 months ago #293401 by
Your wife could be a Jedi. I use a wheelchair. Have since I was, I guess 11 months old. As for Weight, I think if it bothers you then you can lose it. Last year, I had the opportunity to meet my biological father's family for the first time. I knew pictures would be taken, and wanted to feel somewhat comfortable in them. So I dieted for 6 months and felt good. I've stuck with it since then. Over the weekend, I finally bought the same size pants I wore 25 years ago, half my lifetime. The last time I fit into that size was in 2002. It's hard at times, There are so many times I just want a damn cupcake or something. Best of luck to you whichever way you go. As long as you are happy with yourself, the rest doesn't matter.

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6 years 9 months ago #293402 by Eleven
Just to clarify Rrhodes I didn't mean to say she couldn't be a jedi because she's in a wheelchair god forbid! I just meant she doesn't believe what we do.

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6 years 9 months ago #293404 by
I'm overweight but nothing stops me from doing what I want. I weigh about 290 pounds and it's a mix of muscle and fat. My legs are pure muscle and I can do a pretty mean kick, lol.

I don't like the idea of "A Jedi shouldn't be overweight" because I feel like it could exclude those who may feel as thought they are lesser of a person because of their weight. I feel like as long as you are active, work out (even if it's just walking around your neighborhood), and are able to function, you can be a Jedi. At the moment, I have a back injury that resulted from a mix of work and boxing (we think!), it had nothing to do with my weight (in fact, according to my doctor, for an overweight person, I'm pretty healthy aside from being, well, overweight). I don't eat a lot, my problem is that when I get off work, it's late and I EAT late. Everyone in my family is like "well, you should eat less!" and I'm like "dude, I've had two things today, an egg sandwhich and a salad!" lol. I also have hormonal problems (let's say 'lady stuff') that doesn't help me in my quest to lose weight and it's pretttttty annoying. But, yes, I will admit, I do tend to eat out occasionally, but it's not an everyday thing :/

I think it's a matter of personal opinion and while a Jedi should strive to be healthy in body, mind, and soul, being overweight doesn't mean that they are less of a Jedi ^^

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6 years 9 months ago #293405 by
Not to sound insensitive being over weight is not good for anyone. As a Jedi I believe that health and fitness should be up to the highest standard. Now aside from that the going from medical terms only here. People who are obese which is 20lbs or more over weight the number of health risks are extremely horrible to consider.

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6 years 9 months ago #293410 by
I get you bro.

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6 years 9 months ago #293412 by
Physical health is fundamental to my philosophies and my teachings. Having been quite large myself I know the struggles. But one thing that will always work is consistency. Keep going. Even if you lose the will. Keep going. One day you will realize the challenge you just accomplished. I too had major issues with sugar. These carbs can add to fat storage easier than anything else. Limit them on days that you don't work out. Try to focus them to after your work out when you have them. Manipulating your glycogen stores is extremely effective. Good luck brother.

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6 years 9 months ago #293413 by

Keep in mind this is only a website and I am not a qualified professional. I have seen a lot of things from this website that is supported by people in the field.

But i have HEARD that obesity has a larger number of risks then people who smoke Ciggs. Again i heard this i never bothered to look it up to check on it.

Now to be fair and open i have always supported that Jedi should meet physical standards and so forth but that aside for your own health I really would advise you to seek a trainer for not only physical fitness but also for nutrition. I understand that everyone has diffrent needs which is why seeking professionals in those areas will only benefit you if you are able to do so.

And again i do understand if this sounds insensitive and I swear that i did not respond to this for body shamming or any ill intent.

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6 years 9 months ago #293417 by
For me being a Jedi is about seeking harmony and balance in all things. Being "over"-this or "under"-that is never ideal, nor is a singleminded focus on physical fitness or "the ideal weight". The ideal state is balance, and the reality is through our lives many of us will go between up and down, bigger and smaller.

Balance should include our diet, realising when we're being unhealthy and working to correct that, but not denying ourselves the occasional treat or off day. For example if I order pizza one day I may balance it with salads and soups the next couple of days. It seems to work for me but each of our bodies is different, and metabolises things differently.

The same is true of exercise, one person may be driven by it and find it easy to exercise two hours a day, others may struggle to manage half an hour per week. Too much exercise or too much focus on physical fitness is not, for me, any better than not enough focus on it. But what that means varies by individual.

Being at any extreme is not "a good thing", but there's nothing preventing someone overweight being Jedi. I just think the more one studies our teachings, the more likely one is to prioritise balance.

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6 years 9 months ago #293418 by
Sven, thank you for opening up about this topic. The only thing I wanted to double back with you on is the intention part, because I think we often don't realize just how much power our inner monologue can have on our outward outcomes.

If you wish to make beneficial changes to your body and your health, absolutely do that. But don't do it because "if I'm overweight I'm not a real Jedi." That's negative reinforcement of the worst kind, and in my experience that's a road that leads to despondency at best Instead, perhaps try to focus on the beneficial effects themselves:
  • "I'm going to hit the gym today because I feel better when I do."
  • "I'm going to lose twelve pounds in the next twelve weeks so that my knees hurt less."
  • "I'm going to cut the refined sugars out of my diet and refresh my endocrine system."
Whatever fits for you, these are just examples. But I find that when I reframe my thinking to focus on the positive outcome I expect, I have more motivation and less negative self-talk. I hope you find this to be true for you as well.

There is more to being Jedi than being in physical condition. There is more to being in physical condition than one's BMI / BFP (thank you for reminding me of that, Vlad :) ).

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