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Experiencing Pan:
1. The Ultimate God or the God of The Afterlife.
2. Satan or The God of The Material World.
3. Holy Guardian Angel or your personal angel.
4. Devil or the force of evil in life.
5. Serpent or the force of motion.
6. Jesus or what keeps us from experiencing hell.
7. Pan or the God of understanding and experiencing the world.
8. The Demiurge or the spirit of duality.
Now I'd like to talk about religions. Various religions have different ideas on how to deal with these forces. Unfortunately, none of these religions has succeeded in their purpose since our lives our still painful, we have yet to manage these forces in such a way that we may experience heaven on earth. Some people believe that there are secret organisations such as the Freemasons or mystery schools that will offer teachings on how to manifest heaven on earth. In my opinion it is not possible, I have yet to meet someone who has achieved it. There is no perfect balance to achieve in this world. There are ways to get answers however. Such as taking psychedelic drugs such as ACID or DMT or Mushrooms. These drugs intensify life so much that one is able to perceive these Gods and the truths of life. However one eventually returns to the normal world and is forced to continue ones life. It is my belief that if these drugs can't get you there and years of religious study can't get you there, that it is not possible to achieve heaven during life. One can touch upon heaven and hell but one cannot stay there. Instead of wasting one's life chasing the impossible I rather live a virtuous life. Cultivating goodness and pleasure. By being self sufficient and helpful to others. Not in such a way that I loose myself or do what's unnatural to myself, but in the sense of being myself with the most positive intentions possible, while remaining grounded with what is and isn't possible.
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dillanh wrote:
There is no perfect balance to achieve in this world. There are ways to get answers however. Such as taking psychedelic drugs such as ACID or DMT or Mushrooms. These drugs intensify life so much that one is able to perceive these Gods and the truths of life. .
Apart from my distaste at the suggestion of taking illegal narcotics as a good way to find truth or heaven on earth, I have to wonder, how do you know that its "truth" and heaven that you experience, as opposed to just being drugged.
edit - Sorry, ive used narcotic in the incorrect context. where im from all drugs are colloquially referred to as narcotics. Semantics.
Walking, stumbling on these shadowfeet
Part of the seduction of most religions is the idea that if you just say the right things and believe really hard, your salvation will be at hand.
With Jediism. No one is coming to save you. You have to get off your ass and do it yourself - Me
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- Whyte Horse
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- Do not try to understand me... rather realize there is no me.
- Posts: 1743
LSD and DMT are NOT narcotics and they are illegal because someone said so... the research shows that they are good for you.Brenna wrote:
dillanh wrote:
There is no perfect balance to achieve in this world. There are ways to get answers however. Such as taking psychedelic drugs such as ACID or DMT or Mushrooms. These drugs intensify life so much that one is able to perceive these Gods and the truths of life. .
Apart from my distaste at the suggestion of taking illegal narcotics as a good way to find truth or heaven on earth, I have to wonder, how do you know that its "truth" and heaven that you experience, as opposed to just being drugged.
LSD, "magic mushrooms," and other psychedelics not linked to mental health woes
New research out of Norway shows that taking LSD, "magic mushrooms," and peyote -- so-called psychedelic drugs -- won't raise risk for mental health problems as previously thought.
Published in the Aug. 19 issue of PLoS One, the study says that some psychedelic drugs may even reduce risk for psychological problems.
"After adjusting for other risk factors, lifetime use of LSD, psilocybin, mescaline or peyote, or past year use of LSD was not associated with a higher rate of mental health problems or receiving mental health treatment," study author Pal-Orjan Johansen, a neuroscientist at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, said in a statement.
Psychedelic drugs have similar structures to naturally-occurring neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers found in the brain, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The exact way they work is unclear, but they're thought to temporarily interfere with neurotransmitter action, leading to rapid emotional swings and hallucinogenic "trips" that can last hours (on average six hours for magic mushrooms, or psilocybin, and up to 12 hours for peyote and LSD).
A 2007 government survey found about 1.1 million people aged 12 and older had used a psychedelic drug for the first time in the year prior to being surveyed, NIDA reported.
There haven't been properly controlled studies on these drugs, according to the government drug agency, but some case reports and smaller studies suggest there could be long-term effects like flashbacks, impaired memory, and risk of psychiatric illness.
For the new study, researchers analyzed data on more than 130,000 randomly chosen Americans who took a drug use survey between 2001 and 2004, including 22,000 who had used a psychedelic drug at least once. They were also asked about any mental health symptoms and treatments that took place in the year prior to being surveyed. The symptoms in the survey were associated with mental health woes including psychological distress, anxiety disorders, psychosis and mood disorders.
They found no association between the drugs and this range of mental health problems. Instead, the researchers found lifetime use of psilocybin or mescaline and use of LSD in the past year were linked to lower rates of major psychological distress. Lifetime LSD users were also less likely to receive outpatient mental health treatment, such as from a therapist, or take psychiatric prescription medications.
The research only found links to mental health benefits, not a cause-and-effect relationship, and the study's design made it impossible to determine why these results were occurring.
While they can't rule out the possibility that using these drugs might negatively affect mental health, Johansen and colleagues pointed out that recent studies have also failed to find evidence of lasting harmful effects from psychedelic drugs. The researcher added that studies of people who used psychedelics hundreds of times for religious ceremonies found no evidence of health or social problems.
If there are negative effects from these drugs, they may be counterbalanced at the population level by people experiencing positive mental health effects, according to the researchers.
Surprising medical uses for illicit drugs
"Early speculation that psychedelics might lead to mental health problems was based on a small number of case reports and did not take into account either the widespread use of psychedelics or the not infrequent rate of mental health problems in the general population," study co-author Teri Krebs added in the statement.
Previous studies have also suggest psychedelics may have protective benefits for mental health. Two studies released in Jan. 2012 found reduced risk for depression in psilocybin-takers.
Krebs and Johansen also teamed up for a March 2012 study that found LSD may help serious alcoholics stay sober. Many of the alcoholics who took LSD reported "greater self-acceptance and openness," and said they gained a new appreciation for their problem and new motivation to address it.
"Having personally worked in mental health and trained in psychiatry, I am yet to see any individual suffering from significant mental health problems as a result of using psychedelic," Dr. Mark Bolstridge, a research fellow at the Centre for Neuropsychopharmacology of the Imperial College of London in the U.K., said to Medscape. "Alcohol, amphetamines, and cannabis, yes, but never psychedelics," added Bolstridge, who was not involved in the research. "I think the paper is an important addition to the scientific literature, and it can only help in dispelling the myths surrounding these much maligned substances and in reinforcing the case for continued investigations into how these fascinating compounds work in the brain."
Dr. Matthew Johnson, a psychologist in the psychiatry department at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, told NPR that the new study does not guarantee that people taking these drugs won't face mental health harms.
"This should not be taken to state that there are never individual cases of harm," he said. "We know that there are. It's a question of how frequent they are and under what circumstances they happen."
Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
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