Return to my roots - with a twist

12 Dec 2008 11:56 #20672 by Garm
Brothers and Sisters, I have been away for some time. Not in a physical sense, but more to do with my state mind, my focus. I would like to augment my Jedi return by revisiting my roots; Buddhism- but with a twist.

My experience on this path is more aligned with martial arts practice, or budo. My meditation practice is closely linked with Zen.

The Buddhist Rite has many examples of present day Buddhist practices and wonderment, and I hope that this will continue.

My intent is to expand upon past and modern buddhism, and extablish and discuss some of the direct connections with Jediism.

I hope that in exploring these topics together we can all gain much insight into our common Jedi beliefs and ideals.


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12 Dec 2008 16:02 #20674 by Jon
Lol, I know what you mean Master Lenny. In that sense we have a lot in common. But it is never a waste of time to get a bit of distance to regain a perspective on matters at hand.

I must say I`m glad you reopening this all too often neglected but no doubt valuable Rite. As has just recently been shown there are members who are drawn to this Rite but loose themselves once again in a non response situation. Most definitely Buddhism has a lot to offer Jediism. And I could not think of a better person to do this than yourself.

The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.

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