Zen and the Jedi Path

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10 Mar 2020 12:12 #350344 by
Zen and the Jedi Path was created by
Hi there, friends!
Do you know any book or text that compares Zen and Jediism? I'm quite familiar with the Jedi edition of Tao Te Ching, but can't find any text about Zen in Jediism.
Thanks in advance to anyone who'll reply!

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11 Mar 2020 07:07 #350369 by TheDude
Replied by TheDude on topic Zen and the Jedi Path
I am pretty sure The Dharma of Star Wars is the book you're looking for. I'm not too sure of any other books which explicitly deal with Buddhism and (arguably) Jediism. You would probably be better off just studying Zen itself rather than looking for books linking Zen and Jediism, since there are many great books out there on Zen and very few on Jediism. Maybe you could write one.
If you go about reading "reality" and "brahman" as "the Force", a lot of Indian concepts from Buddhist and Hindu sources fit nicely into the Jedi framework. Personally, I was blown away by how accurately the Upanishads described the Force (or, my view of it, at least). Maybe this is only a mental game that I play and no one else does this, maybe they do, but sometimes when I'm reading a sutra I translate it to "Jedi" terms in my head. Take this selection from the Heart Sutra for example:

“Listen Sariputra,
this Body itself is Emptiness
and Emptiness itself is this Body.
This Body is not other than Emptiness
and Emptiness is not other than this Body."

And put on a "Jedi" filter.

"Listen Sariputra,
this Body itself is the Force
and the Force itself is this Body.
This Body is not other than the Force
and the Force is not other than this Body."

It works well enough for me.

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11 Mar 2020 13:58 #350373 by Carlos.Martinez3

We do have this available now, just making a selfish holla...

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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11 Mar 2020 23:22 #350393 by Adder
Replied by Adder on topic Zen and the Jedi Path
None that I know of. But its great topic to talk about!?

Zen, from Chan, from dhyana... for me my immediate reference is in the Patanjali 8 Limbs dhyana sits after dharana and is penultimate to samadhi. I tend to see dharana as the visualization of the Force concentrated into ones minds eye serving as a connection to the mental power in its raw form, and dhyana as release of that inner focus to a wide outer connection, which when properly engaged with and balanced between a dynamic focused and unfocused serves as a synergistic union. That synergy (true nature of mind perhaps) driving insight and clarity which allow strength and flexibility, at least mentally, but while discipline is easier the physical side of things still needs a form of focus probably analogous to discipline and its there which I think Jediism sits as a type of embodiment of samadhi in contemporary life. The preceding Limbs seem to build a base; setup a worldview in Yama, build a foundation of self discipline in the other intermediate Limbs. I think Zen is a system to achieve the same thing, AFAIK, and so why we so often read about Samurai incorporating Zen into their art. Same with Shaolin Kungfu. Obviously a bit bold to draw comparisons, but its not my intention to assert equivalency but rather shared application of a samadhi type state with contemporary action and activity :silly:

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29 Mar 2020 11:17 #350726 by Streen
Replied by Streen on topic Zen and the Jedi Path
It's not exactly Jedi-linked, but I highly recommend The Little Zen Companion

The truth is always greater than the words we use to describe it.

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30 Mar 2020 17:58 #350752 by Jhannuzs Ian
Replied by Jhannuzs Ian on topic Zen and the Jedi Path

any book or text that compares Zen and Jediism?

Hi Luca, I hope you keep a Jedi-Zen mood. Did you get anything from your search?

It would be interesting if you shared something, some of your findings could serve us

And as a musician you are, have you created jedi music for meditation?

♪ ♫ ♪
Jedi Master: Rosalyn J
Focus, discipline, integriteit, kennis en licht
My code:
The Force is all, I choose my Focus
Life includes suffering, I am Resilient
The Force include my imagination, I extract Wisdom and Harmony
Life includes adversity, I obtain Knowledge
I respect your Life, lets revitalize our Force while breathing
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02 May 2020 14:03 #351601 by
Replied by on topic Zen and the Jedi Path
Jediism is a gate over whose threshold one passes over to reach spiritual destinations yet unknown. It is an affirmation of and an invitation to seek wisdom. It is syncretic in that it is a combination of wisdom traditions where each seeker combines various spiritual disciplines and so constructs her or his own form of Jediism. Jediism as practiced by TotJO has gathered together some general ethical practices for the common good but for the most part we construct our own vision of Jediism.

Where one seeks and what one assembles to construct one’s own spirituality is an expression of our common shared Jedi mythos. Attempting to find source materials discussing Jedi Zen or Jedi Christianity or Jedi Pantheism is to remain fixed at the gate admiring the imagery of the threshold rather that crossing over and leaving it behind. So, leave behind the desire to find some Jedi interpretation of Zen and simply study Zen. You are now the world’s foremost Jedi Zen interpreter and you will find an extensive library awaiting your research.

Suggested books to start you on your way.
The Way of Zen by Alan Watts
An Introduction to Zen Buddhism by D. T. Suzuki.
The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind, translated by John Blofeld.
Wabi Sabi: The Japanese Art of Impermanence by Andrew Juniper.
Everyday Aesthetics by Yuriko Saito.
The Moon in the Pines: Zen Haiku by Jonathan Clements.
The Gateless Gate: The Classic Book of Zen Koans by Koun Yamada.
The Iron Flute: 100 Zen Koans by Nyogen Senzaki.

As Zen is itself a syncretic tradition arising from Daoism and Buddhism.
Daoist scholar Hans-Georg Moeller.
Daoism Explained: From the Dream of the Butterfly to the Fishnet Allegory
Genuine Pretending: On the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi
The Philosophy of the Daodejing.

Post Script
Jediism as imagined in the Star Wars universe is a gate to deeper spiritual traditions, a threshold over which one must pass in order to discover that deeper spirituality which lies beyond. The Star Wars genre is a wondrous children’s story but it’s fascinating power is merely a place along the way to those spiritual disciplines that are the authentic path of Jediism. It’s a good place to start. It is not a destination.

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02 May 2020 14:09 #351602 by Carlos.Martinez3
I am so very glad your still around Alan

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