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The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
30 Aug 2014 19:16 #157872
The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching was created by
This used to be public in my journal, but since that has moved to my chamber I wanted to post it here.
The Way of the Force
A Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
Written 14th-28th July 2014
Because I felt it relevant to my path, I recently produced a Jedi version of the Tao Te Ching, analysing it verse-by-verse for Jedi insights.
I should add that as time goes on, my conception of the Force is largely synonymous with the Tao. As such I haven't sought to "correct" things in line with our Doctrine, only to draw out parallels where relevant.
I've used a combination of my favourite translations of this familiar text to complete my reading, including but not limited to Addiss and Lombardo (1993) , Stephen Mitchell (1988) , and Ron Hogan (2004) .
I know this isn't the only Jedi version of the Tao Te Ching available, but it's the only one I'm aware of which is not simply the result of taking an existing translation, replacing the word 'Tao' with 'the Force', and 'sage' with 'Jedi'.
I hope it will be interesting or useful to someone. Please note that due to the character limit, I will post it in two halves.
Words are an imperfect way of making sense of the Force.
What's behind all names is a unity, a totality and wholeness which we are also part of, and by naming this we think of it as a distinct object in some sense. It's not, and in fact the very concept of "distinct objects" is false. In reality there is only one thing: the Force.
There's no easy way to understand what's behind the names because that's how our brains are wired, but if we manage to clear the fog of concepts and delusion for a second we can feel this connectedness and unity of things.
Duality is humanity's ordinary way of understanding reality.
This is a type of "naming" just like Verse 1 mentioned. It's only because we decide some things are chaotic that others seem serene.
Jedi minds are attuned to this tendency and do things without excess in any particular direction - because we understand that we're only ever as "far from centre" as these perceptually created (imagined) concepts suggest, Jedi retain our position at the centre. Another way of understanding this is that we may feel lost at times, but we aren't really - we're always exactly what, where and when we should be.
Our true nature is not based in duality.
Understanding this proclivity for duality, and understanding that it is not the truth of things but merely how the human brain likes to understand things, Jedi avoid playing one side off against another. We stop trying to see people as good or evil. We understand that it's better to be empty and open to whatever comes along than always sure of everything: to be clear of ideas rather than tied down by them.
Jedi don't value certain things at the exclusion of others. We understand everything is a necessary part of the unity of the Force. This is reflected in our code, which avoids the old trap of saying "There is no emotion, there is peace". There is emotion, and we'd be kidding ourselves to suggest we could ever stop feeling emotions. Instead we remember to return to the centre, and that the emptiness and openness at our core is a fundamental, harmonious truth.
The Force is infinite.
We can't know where the Force came from or what it really is, just that it is seemingly infinite (at least in any meaningful sense). There's no possibility of us "using up" the Force, and like bellows even at times of scarcity, this is only a perception. In truth lack is always just a preparation for a natural rebound into times of plenty.
This recalls the principle of conservation of energy, that energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred. So it is with the Force.
The Force is indifferent.
Good and evil are not part of the Force. They are perceptual distinctions rather than real ones, and therefore mental constructs. Understanding this, Jedi are impartial and remain neutral. We do not take sides but instead recognise the value of all things. Because we act in a balanced way all the time, we never have to treat anyone differently.
The Force works because it is largely empty: because there is space, things can be achieved. Keep "using" the Force and its use becomes easier; keep talking about it however and one just becomes more confused.
The Force will remain a mystery.
It is both empty and inexhaustible, the start and end of everything. It is in everyone at all times, and all that is achieved is achieved through the Force.
All people can therefore become aware of it at any time, and as such bring themselves into harmony with it: but this does not suggest those who are unaware of it are "outside" of it in any sense. There is no wrong use of the Force; things are as they are and become what they become.
The Force is old and vast.
The reason it seems this way is that it doesn't really exist in the sense of a distinct entity. One might as well call it brand new in each moment, and as tiny as the smallest molecule - it is unity, togetherness, everything and nothing. It's never in a rush to accomplish anything, because it has all the time and space in the universe. Jedi understand this, and act the same way. We don't worry about achieving specific goals; we recognise that we can do just as much where we are as where we're going, and prioritise the path over the destination.
An extension of this is prioritising the present moment over some future moment. Only the present is available, and it is in the present that we must remind ourselves to act. This is the way of the Force, which doesn't wander backwards and achieve things in the past, or skip the passage of seconds and do something in the future. The Force is a great, ongoing unfolding of the perpetual present moment.
Jedi follow the Force's lead.
Doing the right thing means doing things with the flow of the universe. It means taking the path which is offered in the same way water does, rolling downhill and filling the cracks. As such, Jedi remain in the state to take opportunities as they appear.
One should be open (which in some sense means being prepared) for whatever comes, and then aim to act when the time is right. One should not contend with others, events or the state of things. Accept things as they are and flourish, rather than dashing oneself against everything that comes up because of some preconceived idea of how things should or will be.
Jedi avoid excess.
Doing things to excess moves us away from the balanced, harmonious centre. For example, filling a bowl too much makes it spill. An example from our doctrine would be that by becoming "too" peaceful, we would become emotionless which is also not beneficial.
Understanding the dual nature of all things in our perceptual experience, Jedi should remember not to do things to an extreme extent. The proper place of things in the Force is one of balance - and by pushing too far one way, we'll experience that same natural "rebound effect" rather than actually achieving anything. We should do what needs to be done, no more, no less. Excess is not the way of harmony with the Force.
The Force is the true nature of all we experience.
Can we retain our centre? Can we avoid excess? Can we cultivate a stronger connection with the Force? Can we experience the reality of things and work in accordance with them rather than clinging to our old delusions?
Jedi are asked to engage with the reality of the Force in our own lives, rather than just on a philosophical, conceptual level. This isn't just a book - this is how it is. This is the true nature of things, and what that means. Know the Force, hold true to the centre, and our goal, our purpose of harmony will follow.
Emptiness is the best state to rest in.
Emptiness was mentioned briefly in Verse 3 as a preferred state of being, but it is expanded upon here. By remaining open, pots hold and pour liquid, wheels attach to axles and our minds remain flexible and able to cope with whatever comes next.
Nothingness, emptiness, non-being is therefore very useful and as important to the Force, "all-that-is" as that which is. Once again reflecting the duality of our perception, because there is something, we also need nothing.
The world is full of distractions.
Sounds, colours, tastes and smells, textures and sensations. Emotions, moods and ideas. This "manifold of experience" will assail us every day, but Jedi know the truth of things and allow these passing elements to come and go, remaining in the centre, remaining true and open in our understanding of things as the really are.
Another way of understanding this is to suggest Jedi don't get caught up in the momentary, and instead remain true to the eternal reality of the Force. Things come and go. Feelings come and go. People come and go. What remains is the Force: harmony, compassion, peace. Those elements are the underlying truth of the universe, and by retaining our awareness of this Jedi are not swayed by them.
Dualities are false perceptions in both directions.
In reality, hope is no better than despair, and success is no better than failure. As Verse 13 explained, even good and evil are not true distinctions but ideas we bring out of the natural flow of events. "What is" is simply what is - in reality, in the Force, there is no judgement.
It is therefore wiser to cultivate a balanced approach, accepting some failure and some despair as well as the success and joy we all hope for. There is not necessarily harm in having a preference, but to expect one thing at the exclusion of its opposite is delusional, and not the way of the Force. Instead, Jedi accept the world as it is.
The Force is transcendent.
It isn't something one can see "as" the Force, in the sense of a separate, new perception. It's not about some mystical hidden presence, or some great amazing entity which we can perceive outside of our normal understanding. The Force is what we are - the atoms we're composed of, the book, the cup of tea, the tree and the aeroplane and the stars. The Force is all around us, and not only are we always looking at it, tasting it, hearing it - we're part of it.
What can change is our understanding of our perceptions, not the perceptions themselves. It's important to remember not to fall back into the mundane way of sensing which suggests what we see it fixed, separate and dull. Everything is Force - and the Force is everything.
Perfection is not necessary for harmony.
We may have an idea of a "perfect Jedi" we aspire to. Certainly many Jedi thinkers have gone before, and those who remained true to the Force thought deeply, exercised caution, were polite, moved quickly, and were plain - but their minds remained wide open, and their hearts remained clear.
It's no good waiting until we have achieved this perfect Jedi mode of being before trying to open our eyes to the reality of the world, but by exercising that basic clarity of understanding we reach a new level of ability. The important thing is to see the world as it is - the rest follows on its own, when we stop striving for or expecting it.
Jedi prefer stillness.
That which grows will shrink back in the fullness of time - all that happens will end, all that lives will return to the Force. The Force is therefore "ordinary" - it is the basic state of things, when they're not "being things". Once we understand this simple truth, we are enlightened.
Keeping this understanding in mind, we gain a natural tolerance of all things. The Force becomes, rather than the source of all events and objects, the source of all stillness and peace. Even death loses its power to terrify us. We know it must be that way; death is part of life. For it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Death, yet the Force.
Jedi are subtle.
We aim to exert our influence without being obvious or loud. Failing this, we lead using love. A lower way of leading is to lead by fear, and worse still is leadership grounded in hatred. We remain conscious of the value of trust, and understand that this goes deeper than just saying the right words: actions are more important, and one action is worth a thousand empty words.
When Jedi complete our work, those we have served feel as though they have done everything themselves. Call it the "Jedi mind trick"... thus Jedi are subtle, quiet, and don't require praise or reward for our undertakings; bringing things into harmony with the Force is reward enough.
Jedi are not pompous.
Ideals of righteousness and sanctity are symptoms of a lack of focus on the Force. The Force is what is truly fundamental, and preoccupation with benevolence, piety or divisive ideas like "patriotism" express a fundamental split from the Force. All is one: all is in unity. No-one is better than anyone else.
When all understand the Force, misunderstandings disappear: we see all things as one, and the unnecessary distinctions between relations, genders, races and nations are put away. Jedi are not hypocrites because we remain true to what is, rather than extraneous ideals.
Jedi are open-minded.
Perceptual constructs such as morality and knowledge are divisive. By discarding them we make people happier, we allow them to find their own values and move in harmony with the Force without building walls and boundaries around them (things which people generally only push against anyway). Setting up things as valuable only asks people to become thieves and take more than their share.
An ideal way of being is to be simple, honest, and to value only emptiness and stillness. This is like the idea of the "uncarved block", that we can achieve a state where we can take whatever form is required by the events we find ourselves in. This water-like fluidity is the exact form of the Force, and as Jedi we should emulate it by simplifying and being open to possibility. Remain the hollow space at the centre of the wheel which allows it to turn on the axle.
Jedi do not over-think things.
Conflict, disagreements, good and evil, whether or not something is attractive or worrying or successful are not important. Just because Jedi are surrounded by humans who hold these kinds of values, that doesn't make them valuable.
If others insist on becoming excited by things, let them. Jedi keep to the centre and remain in balance where possible. We don't grasp or cling to things because all is of the universal, limitless Force anyway. We don't fill our heads with obstructive ideas, or tie ourselves down to a single place or paradigm.
Even if being Jedi makes us feel at a disadvantage at times, that doesn't make it pointless. Just because other people have goals, that doesn't make openness less valuable. Such is the way of the Force. Think of the wind, or the waves; do they have goals? They just "are". So it is with Jedi: we aren't the same as everyone else, and so can't expect everyone else to understand that our only goal is to live in harmony with the Force.
Jedi remain focused on the Force.
By avoiding the trap of clinging to ideas, Jedi accept the Force as unfathomable through ordinary, conceptual perceptions. We know the Force is all there is. We don't try and make it "fit" into our existing scheme; because we know the Force, we understand that our scheme and everything in it are also part of the Force.
This sounds contradictory but in practice, it means accepting the inner quality of the Force as emptiness, nothingness, the void. Into this void flood images and ideas which coalesce into objects through our ordinary perceptions. Every object has the Force at its core. I think of it a bit like a TV: we might see a car, a house or a dog on the TV, but the truth is there's only a TV there. We can reflect on the world around us, look inside ourselves and recognise this truth of reality.
Jedi work with duality.
We accept things as they are, including the percieved duality we know in reality to be false. Understanding the inherent human tendency towards duality allows us to succeed in a dualistic world. Those who know the dark can choose the light. Those who sink low know what it is to rise high. Those who have knelt can stand. Those who have emptied their minds are wise. The less baggage we carry, the further we can travel. Jedi therefore prioritise what's truly important over things deemed "valuable" in an ordinary, perceptual sense.
Jedi don't seek to garner fame or attention, and that's why our work shines out. We don't praise ourselves, which means we succeed. We never find ourselves in competition with others because we refuse to play the game. By understanding how to stand still we can go far. When we understand the true nature of the Force, these apparent contradictions make perfect sense.
Jedi do not cling.
We engage with what comes, and then let it go. When communicating, we say everything we need to say and then be quiet, in the same way the rain-cloud rains until it's finished, and the way the wind blows until it's stopped. If we're experiencing loss, we identify with the loss and let it be. If we're walking the path, we walk the path with our whole heart.
This is a little like Zen, which teaches us to do whatever we're doing with the fullest awareness and focus possible. We should not do things half-heartedly, nor should we attempt to multi-task. Attempt to do one thing well, and it gets done. Attempt to do ten things distractedly, and none get done.
Jedi practice moderation.
We don't stand on tiptoe, clamber, parade, assert or praise ourselves. Equally, we are not complacent. One's actions as well as one's appetite can be greedy, and Jedi are wise to remember balance in order to retain a connection to what's real. Just as Verse 23 advised: we finish the job properly, and then move on.
The Force is formless.
It was here before what we think of as the universe even existed (or could even exist), and it's serene, empty, solitary, unchanging, infinite and always present. We call it the Force but this makes it sound like some part of a system, when in fact it's all parts of all systems, the systems themselves, and something even greater than that.
It moves through all things, but is also still part of the origin of all things; it's both new and old, in use and perfectly distinct, within us and without us. Imagining ourselves in relation to the Force in the widest sense, Jedi are part of the world, which is part of the universe, which is part of the Force. Because it is formless, the Force is the highest "form" there is.
Balance is essential to living.
Jedi act lightly and maintain a steady mind, allowing yourselves to be surrounded by beauty but not caught up in it. This brings us into harmony with the Force. We understand that to achieve one side of a duality, we must walk to it from the other side; you must know something well to truly understand its opposite.
It's impossible to lose one's bearings if we hold true to the Force, and it's impossible to either think or act recklessly if we understand and appreciate the true unity and harmony of all things. Rather than being blown about by the prevailing mood, Jedi hold true to the centre: to the Force.
Jedi don't create a stir.
This is an essential point about harmony: The best travellers leave no tracks, and the best words leave no trace. One holds true to the natural emptiness, stillness and formlessness of the Force. Knowing this, Jedi understand how to work best to the benefit of others. We have an appreciation for the underlying truth of knowing, that one must be empty in order to not obscure wisdom with preconceptions.
Jedi help, educate and transform the paths of others, and these others make the role of the Jedi worthwhile. As such, one must appreciate the value of both teacher and taught; the value of ignorance as well as wisdom. This is reflected perfectly in the second line of our Code.
Jedi are not partisan.
We remember that a unity of "opposites" is the true nature of the Force. By holding true to both male and female, we reflect the whole. Be being sensitive yet strong, we reflect the openness of all paths. By being black and yet white we reflect the true spectrum. This is related to the idea of the uncarved block; by remaining unfixed and therefore open to whatever comes, we embrace the Force as it truly is.
This is even true for ideas like honour. By accepting occasional disgrace, we learn to appreciate things as they are, rather than some idealised form. Sometimes, we are disgraced. Sometimes, we are honoured. This is a simple fact of reality. Beneath both honour and disgrace is the same basic, fundamental truth: the Force. Understanding this, Jedi make use of even "negative" things.
Jedi do not try to control things.
We do not seek to change the world, but to aid the natural flow of reality. By clinging to things, we lose them; this is a metaphor for all existence. By striving too hard, despairing, trying to remain strong, to lead or to be led exclusively, we are closing ourselves off to the true nature of things, and therefore setting ourselves up for a failure.
As such, Jedi cultivate harmony and do not do things to excess. We let things be what they are, and remember to move on when the time is right. Excess is not the way of the Force.
Jedi don't become "habituated" or predisposed to certain modes of being, thinking or acting. We remain flexible; do what needs to be done, fully, sincerely, and then let it go. Anything other than that means an attempt to control or change the way of things - and that can't succeed.
Jedi use the Force to lead people.
This is, amusingly, the opposite of "force" - Jedi don't force issues or control people through use of military force. We understand duality and balance, so know that to be violent invites violence. Jedi perform our role, and then let go. We know we won't ever control the universe or dominate events, because the Force is not something we can control.
Instead, Jedi believe in ourselves first, and are thus an example to others. We do what needs to be done in the way it needs to be done, and then let go. We are content with our decisions and don't require the approval of others. The essential principle of Jedi leadership is that by accepting things as they are, Jedi are accepted.
Jedi reject weapons.
We are instruments of peace and weapons are tools of violence and fear; Jedi avoid them except in direst need when there is no other option, and even then use them only with restraint. Weapons are never and can never be objects of beauty because by nature they are opposed to the harmony and unity of the Force.
Jedi recognise that all people and things are part of the unifying Force, and even when working on the conventional object-level perception of reality, we recognise our "enemies" are human beings just like ourselves and therefore deserving of compassion and not harm. Jedi respect the sanctity of the human person and the value of human life. We recognise that battle is the same thing as a funeral, and therefore do not view violence as a source of celebration, glory or victory.
The Force can't be perceived "directly".
It is smaller than atoms and larger than galaxies; it is simply not something we can experience perceptually, despite the fact all we perceive is the Force. If people understood this, that this is the true nature of things as they are, they would come into harmony with it and the world could be a utopia; peace could be achieved because everyone would understand to harm another is to harm themselves.
Names, forms, institutions are all there to divide people from the true nature of reality. Whilst Jedi must live in the real world, we must also know when to drop the pretence, drop the names and false distinctions and thus avoid the trap of ignoring things as they really are. And even these traps aren't permanent: at the end of all things is the Force, just as rivers lead to the sea. Time reveals this to be the truth in every case.
Self-knowledge is wisdom.
It's not enough to know a lot about other people or the world, without a deep understanding of the self one can never hope to become truly wise. Similarly, one may rule others with force or power, but it takes true power to rule oneself.
Understanding the Force, we know what we truly need are thus wealthy. We know to never give up, and thus always find a way. We stay true to ourselves, meaning we are never lost. Our understanding of the Force means we live our whole life and thus truly live; consequentially we die without diminishing and thus endure even death. "Death, yet the Force".
The Force is in everything.
It's in all directions, in everything but too big to contain. It's necessary for everything but never seeks to take credit for anything; it doesn't call attention to itself and wants for nothing. It's the greatest thing there is, yet it remains remarkably humble, despite all the remarkable things it achieves.
Similarly everything leads back to the Force eventually, yet even in this sense the Force doesn't draw attention to itself. It doesn't need to strive to achieve success, and that's why it always succeeds: this is an important lesson for Jedi who would follow the way of the Force. By trying, striving or exerting ourselves to excess, we are neglecting the nature or way of the Force.
Those in harmony with the Force are attractive.
People want to be around them and enjoy the calm and serenity exuded by one who lives in harmony with the way of things. This is a very real sense in which Jedi are naturally instruments of peace. Our peace even extends to things like music and good food - we understand it is only part of the bigger pattern and are thus not over-awed or over-stimulated by it. This serves as an example to others in appreciating everything, rather than certain things to the exclusion of others.
And that's because the Force is, essentially, familiar and therefore plain and ordinary. Despite being the source and cause of all stimulation, excitement and passion, the Force is as everyday as everything around us. One might imagine it as shiny, loud and precious, but in truth it's invisible, inaudible and utterly inexhaustible.
Jedi are patient.
We understand the central balance and can therefore allow things to resolve themselves. We know that if something gets big enough, it will exceed its boundaries and collapse, and that only when something is scarce enough will people work for it. Thus we initiate in order to conclude, abolish by establishing. Like water we overcome rocks not with strength, but with persistence and endurance.
Jedi don't need to reveal our methods or show our workings in order to achieve our results: we achieve the result and that is all that matters. Rather than trying to impress others with our prowess, we do what must be done and then let go.
The Force does not "do" anything.
Just like the Force, Jedi learn to simply "be"; to achieve our results without exertion of effort but by expressing ourselves in our activities with absolute commitment and sincerity.
The Force is a constant act of creation, and unfolding moment which is both changing and serene in all ways, at all times. It has no desire, it simply "is", and that means something new and different in every moment. The world settles itself; change is a rhythm that suits nature, and if we allow it, it is a rhythm that suits us as well. Simplicity and stillness are essential elements of the ongoing movement of reality. As such, if we can learn to relax and accept things as they come, we come to peace and our world becomes a better place.
The Way of the Force
A Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
Written 14th-28th July 2014
Because I felt it relevant to my path, I recently produced a Jedi version of the Tao Te Ching, analysing it verse-by-verse for Jedi insights.
I should add that as time goes on, my conception of the Force is largely synonymous with the Tao. As such I haven't sought to "correct" things in line with our Doctrine, only to draw out parallels where relevant.
I've used a combination of my favourite translations of this familiar text to complete my reading, including but not limited to Addiss and Lombardo (1993) , Stephen Mitchell (1988) , and Ron Hogan (2004) .
I know this isn't the only Jedi version of the Tao Te Ching available, but it's the only one I'm aware of which is not simply the result of taking an existing translation, replacing the word 'Tao' with 'the Force', and 'sage' with 'Jedi'.
I hope it will be interesting or useful to someone. Please note that due to the character limit, I will post it in two halves.
Words are an imperfect way of making sense of the Force.
What's behind all names is a unity, a totality and wholeness which we are also part of, and by naming this we think of it as a distinct object in some sense. It's not, and in fact the very concept of "distinct objects" is false. In reality there is only one thing: the Force.
There's no easy way to understand what's behind the names because that's how our brains are wired, but if we manage to clear the fog of concepts and delusion for a second we can feel this connectedness and unity of things.
Duality is humanity's ordinary way of understanding reality.
This is a type of "naming" just like Verse 1 mentioned. It's only because we decide some things are chaotic that others seem serene.
Jedi minds are attuned to this tendency and do things without excess in any particular direction - because we understand that we're only ever as "far from centre" as these perceptually created (imagined) concepts suggest, Jedi retain our position at the centre. Another way of understanding this is that we may feel lost at times, but we aren't really - we're always exactly what, where and when we should be.
Our true nature is not based in duality.
Understanding this proclivity for duality, and understanding that it is not the truth of things but merely how the human brain likes to understand things, Jedi avoid playing one side off against another. We stop trying to see people as good or evil. We understand that it's better to be empty and open to whatever comes along than always sure of everything: to be clear of ideas rather than tied down by them.
Jedi don't value certain things at the exclusion of others. We understand everything is a necessary part of the unity of the Force. This is reflected in our code, which avoids the old trap of saying "There is no emotion, there is peace". There is emotion, and we'd be kidding ourselves to suggest we could ever stop feeling emotions. Instead we remember to return to the centre, and that the emptiness and openness at our core is a fundamental, harmonious truth.
The Force is infinite.
We can't know where the Force came from or what it really is, just that it is seemingly infinite (at least in any meaningful sense). There's no possibility of us "using up" the Force, and like bellows even at times of scarcity, this is only a perception. In truth lack is always just a preparation for a natural rebound into times of plenty.
This recalls the principle of conservation of energy, that energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred. So it is with the Force.
The Force is indifferent.
Good and evil are not part of the Force. They are perceptual distinctions rather than real ones, and therefore mental constructs. Understanding this, Jedi are impartial and remain neutral. We do not take sides but instead recognise the value of all things. Because we act in a balanced way all the time, we never have to treat anyone differently.
The Force works because it is largely empty: because there is space, things can be achieved. Keep "using" the Force and its use becomes easier; keep talking about it however and one just becomes more confused.
The Force will remain a mystery.
It is both empty and inexhaustible, the start and end of everything. It is in everyone at all times, and all that is achieved is achieved through the Force.
All people can therefore become aware of it at any time, and as such bring themselves into harmony with it: but this does not suggest those who are unaware of it are "outside" of it in any sense. There is no wrong use of the Force; things are as they are and become what they become.
The Force is old and vast.
The reason it seems this way is that it doesn't really exist in the sense of a distinct entity. One might as well call it brand new in each moment, and as tiny as the smallest molecule - it is unity, togetherness, everything and nothing. It's never in a rush to accomplish anything, because it has all the time and space in the universe. Jedi understand this, and act the same way. We don't worry about achieving specific goals; we recognise that we can do just as much where we are as where we're going, and prioritise the path over the destination.
An extension of this is prioritising the present moment over some future moment. Only the present is available, and it is in the present that we must remind ourselves to act. This is the way of the Force, which doesn't wander backwards and achieve things in the past, or skip the passage of seconds and do something in the future. The Force is a great, ongoing unfolding of the perpetual present moment.
Jedi follow the Force's lead.
Doing the right thing means doing things with the flow of the universe. It means taking the path which is offered in the same way water does, rolling downhill and filling the cracks. As such, Jedi remain in the state to take opportunities as they appear.
One should be open (which in some sense means being prepared) for whatever comes, and then aim to act when the time is right. One should not contend with others, events or the state of things. Accept things as they are and flourish, rather than dashing oneself against everything that comes up because of some preconceived idea of how things should or will be.
Jedi avoid excess.
Doing things to excess moves us away from the balanced, harmonious centre. For example, filling a bowl too much makes it spill. An example from our doctrine would be that by becoming "too" peaceful, we would become emotionless which is also not beneficial.
Understanding the dual nature of all things in our perceptual experience, Jedi should remember not to do things to an extreme extent. The proper place of things in the Force is one of balance - and by pushing too far one way, we'll experience that same natural "rebound effect" rather than actually achieving anything. We should do what needs to be done, no more, no less. Excess is not the way of harmony with the Force.
The Force is the true nature of all we experience.
Can we retain our centre? Can we avoid excess? Can we cultivate a stronger connection with the Force? Can we experience the reality of things and work in accordance with them rather than clinging to our old delusions?
Jedi are asked to engage with the reality of the Force in our own lives, rather than just on a philosophical, conceptual level. This isn't just a book - this is how it is. This is the true nature of things, and what that means. Know the Force, hold true to the centre, and our goal, our purpose of harmony will follow.
Emptiness is the best state to rest in.
Emptiness was mentioned briefly in Verse 3 as a preferred state of being, but it is expanded upon here. By remaining open, pots hold and pour liquid, wheels attach to axles and our minds remain flexible and able to cope with whatever comes next.
Nothingness, emptiness, non-being is therefore very useful and as important to the Force, "all-that-is" as that which is. Once again reflecting the duality of our perception, because there is something, we also need nothing.
The world is full of distractions.
Sounds, colours, tastes and smells, textures and sensations. Emotions, moods and ideas. This "manifold of experience" will assail us every day, but Jedi know the truth of things and allow these passing elements to come and go, remaining in the centre, remaining true and open in our understanding of things as the really are.
Another way of understanding this is to suggest Jedi don't get caught up in the momentary, and instead remain true to the eternal reality of the Force. Things come and go. Feelings come and go. People come and go. What remains is the Force: harmony, compassion, peace. Those elements are the underlying truth of the universe, and by retaining our awareness of this Jedi are not swayed by them.
Dualities are false perceptions in both directions.
In reality, hope is no better than despair, and success is no better than failure. As Verse 13 explained, even good and evil are not true distinctions but ideas we bring out of the natural flow of events. "What is" is simply what is - in reality, in the Force, there is no judgement.
It is therefore wiser to cultivate a balanced approach, accepting some failure and some despair as well as the success and joy we all hope for. There is not necessarily harm in having a preference, but to expect one thing at the exclusion of its opposite is delusional, and not the way of the Force. Instead, Jedi accept the world as it is.
The Force is transcendent.
It isn't something one can see "as" the Force, in the sense of a separate, new perception. It's not about some mystical hidden presence, or some great amazing entity which we can perceive outside of our normal understanding. The Force is what we are - the atoms we're composed of, the book, the cup of tea, the tree and the aeroplane and the stars. The Force is all around us, and not only are we always looking at it, tasting it, hearing it - we're part of it.
What can change is our understanding of our perceptions, not the perceptions themselves. It's important to remember not to fall back into the mundane way of sensing which suggests what we see it fixed, separate and dull. Everything is Force - and the Force is everything.
Perfection is not necessary for harmony.
We may have an idea of a "perfect Jedi" we aspire to. Certainly many Jedi thinkers have gone before, and those who remained true to the Force thought deeply, exercised caution, were polite, moved quickly, and were plain - but their minds remained wide open, and their hearts remained clear.
It's no good waiting until we have achieved this perfect Jedi mode of being before trying to open our eyes to the reality of the world, but by exercising that basic clarity of understanding we reach a new level of ability. The important thing is to see the world as it is - the rest follows on its own, when we stop striving for or expecting it.
Jedi prefer stillness.
That which grows will shrink back in the fullness of time - all that happens will end, all that lives will return to the Force. The Force is therefore "ordinary" - it is the basic state of things, when they're not "being things". Once we understand this simple truth, we are enlightened.
Keeping this understanding in mind, we gain a natural tolerance of all things. The Force becomes, rather than the source of all events and objects, the source of all stillness and peace. Even death loses its power to terrify us. We know it must be that way; death is part of life. For it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Death, yet the Force.
Jedi are subtle.
We aim to exert our influence without being obvious or loud. Failing this, we lead using love. A lower way of leading is to lead by fear, and worse still is leadership grounded in hatred. We remain conscious of the value of trust, and understand that this goes deeper than just saying the right words: actions are more important, and one action is worth a thousand empty words.
When Jedi complete our work, those we have served feel as though they have done everything themselves. Call it the "Jedi mind trick"... thus Jedi are subtle, quiet, and don't require praise or reward for our undertakings; bringing things into harmony with the Force is reward enough.
Jedi are not pompous.
Ideals of righteousness and sanctity are symptoms of a lack of focus on the Force. The Force is what is truly fundamental, and preoccupation with benevolence, piety or divisive ideas like "patriotism" express a fundamental split from the Force. All is one: all is in unity. No-one is better than anyone else.
When all understand the Force, misunderstandings disappear: we see all things as one, and the unnecessary distinctions between relations, genders, races and nations are put away. Jedi are not hypocrites because we remain true to what is, rather than extraneous ideals.
Jedi are open-minded.
Perceptual constructs such as morality and knowledge are divisive. By discarding them we make people happier, we allow them to find their own values and move in harmony with the Force without building walls and boundaries around them (things which people generally only push against anyway). Setting up things as valuable only asks people to become thieves and take more than their share.
An ideal way of being is to be simple, honest, and to value only emptiness and stillness. This is like the idea of the "uncarved block", that we can achieve a state where we can take whatever form is required by the events we find ourselves in. This water-like fluidity is the exact form of the Force, and as Jedi we should emulate it by simplifying and being open to possibility. Remain the hollow space at the centre of the wheel which allows it to turn on the axle.
Jedi do not over-think things.
Conflict, disagreements, good and evil, whether or not something is attractive or worrying or successful are not important. Just because Jedi are surrounded by humans who hold these kinds of values, that doesn't make them valuable.
If others insist on becoming excited by things, let them. Jedi keep to the centre and remain in balance where possible. We don't grasp or cling to things because all is of the universal, limitless Force anyway. We don't fill our heads with obstructive ideas, or tie ourselves down to a single place or paradigm.
Even if being Jedi makes us feel at a disadvantage at times, that doesn't make it pointless. Just because other people have goals, that doesn't make openness less valuable. Such is the way of the Force. Think of the wind, or the waves; do they have goals? They just "are". So it is with Jedi: we aren't the same as everyone else, and so can't expect everyone else to understand that our only goal is to live in harmony with the Force.
Jedi remain focused on the Force.
By avoiding the trap of clinging to ideas, Jedi accept the Force as unfathomable through ordinary, conceptual perceptions. We know the Force is all there is. We don't try and make it "fit" into our existing scheme; because we know the Force, we understand that our scheme and everything in it are also part of the Force.
This sounds contradictory but in practice, it means accepting the inner quality of the Force as emptiness, nothingness, the void. Into this void flood images and ideas which coalesce into objects through our ordinary perceptions. Every object has the Force at its core. I think of it a bit like a TV: we might see a car, a house or a dog on the TV, but the truth is there's only a TV there. We can reflect on the world around us, look inside ourselves and recognise this truth of reality.
Jedi work with duality.
We accept things as they are, including the percieved duality we know in reality to be false. Understanding the inherent human tendency towards duality allows us to succeed in a dualistic world. Those who know the dark can choose the light. Those who sink low know what it is to rise high. Those who have knelt can stand. Those who have emptied their minds are wise. The less baggage we carry, the further we can travel. Jedi therefore prioritise what's truly important over things deemed "valuable" in an ordinary, perceptual sense.
Jedi don't seek to garner fame or attention, and that's why our work shines out. We don't praise ourselves, which means we succeed. We never find ourselves in competition with others because we refuse to play the game. By understanding how to stand still we can go far. When we understand the true nature of the Force, these apparent contradictions make perfect sense.
Jedi do not cling.
We engage with what comes, and then let it go. When communicating, we say everything we need to say and then be quiet, in the same way the rain-cloud rains until it's finished, and the way the wind blows until it's stopped. If we're experiencing loss, we identify with the loss and let it be. If we're walking the path, we walk the path with our whole heart.
This is a little like Zen, which teaches us to do whatever we're doing with the fullest awareness and focus possible. We should not do things half-heartedly, nor should we attempt to multi-task. Attempt to do one thing well, and it gets done. Attempt to do ten things distractedly, and none get done.
Jedi practice moderation.
We don't stand on tiptoe, clamber, parade, assert or praise ourselves. Equally, we are not complacent. One's actions as well as one's appetite can be greedy, and Jedi are wise to remember balance in order to retain a connection to what's real. Just as Verse 23 advised: we finish the job properly, and then move on.
The Force is formless.
It was here before what we think of as the universe even existed (or could even exist), and it's serene, empty, solitary, unchanging, infinite and always present. We call it the Force but this makes it sound like some part of a system, when in fact it's all parts of all systems, the systems themselves, and something even greater than that.
It moves through all things, but is also still part of the origin of all things; it's both new and old, in use and perfectly distinct, within us and without us. Imagining ourselves in relation to the Force in the widest sense, Jedi are part of the world, which is part of the universe, which is part of the Force. Because it is formless, the Force is the highest "form" there is.
Balance is essential to living.
Jedi act lightly and maintain a steady mind, allowing yourselves to be surrounded by beauty but not caught up in it. This brings us into harmony with the Force. We understand that to achieve one side of a duality, we must walk to it from the other side; you must know something well to truly understand its opposite.
It's impossible to lose one's bearings if we hold true to the Force, and it's impossible to either think or act recklessly if we understand and appreciate the true unity and harmony of all things. Rather than being blown about by the prevailing mood, Jedi hold true to the centre: to the Force.
Jedi don't create a stir.
This is an essential point about harmony: The best travellers leave no tracks, and the best words leave no trace. One holds true to the natural emptiness, stillness and formlessness of the Force. Knowing this, Jedi understand how to work best to the benefit of others. We have an appreciation for the underlying truth of knowing, that one must be empty in order to not obscure wisdom with preconceptions.
Jedi help, educate and transform the paths of others, and these others make the role of the Jedi worthwhile. As such, one must appreciate the value of both teacher and taught; the value of ignorance as well as wisdom. This is reflected perfectly in the second line of our Code.
Jedi are not partisan.
We remember that a unity of "opposites" is the true nature of the Force. By holding true to both male and female, we reflect the whole. Be being sensitive yet strong, we reflect the openness of all paths. By being black and yet white we reflect the true spectrum. This is related to the idea of the uncarved block; by remaining unfixed and therefore open to whatever comes, we embrace the Force as it truly is.
This is even true for ideas like honour. By accepting occasional disgrace, we learn to appreciate things as they are, rather than some idealised form. Sometimes, we are disgraced. Sometimes, we are honoured. This is a simple fact of reality. Beneath both honour and disgrace is the same basic, fundamental truth: the Force. Understanding this, Jedi make use of even "negative" things.
Jedi do not try to control things.
We do not seek to change the world, but to aid the natural flow of reality. By clinging to things, we lose them; this is a metaphor for all existence. By striving too hard, despairing, trying to remain strong, to lead or to be led exclusively, we are closing ourselves off to the true nature of things, and therefore setting ourselves up for a failure.
As such, Jedi cultivate harmony and do not do things to excess. We let things be what they are, and remember to move on when the time is right. Excess is not the way of the Force.
Jedi don't become "habituated" or predisposed to certain modes of being, thinking or acting. We remain flexible; do what needs to be done, fully, sincerely, and then let it go. Anything other than that means an attempt to control or change the way of things - and that can't succeed.
Jedi use the Force to lead people.
This is, amusingly, the opposite of "force" - Jedi don't force issues or control people through use of military force. We understand duality and balance, so know that to be violent invites violence. Jedi perform our role, and then let go. We know we won't ever control the universe or dominate events, because the Force is not something we can control.
Instead, Jedi believe in ourselves first, and are thus an example to others. We do what needs to be done in the way it needs to be done, and then let go. We are content with our decisions and don't require the approval of others. The essential principle of Jedi leadership is that by accepting things as they are, Jedi are accepted.
Jedi reject weapons.
We are instruments of peace and weapons are tools of violence and fear; Jedi avoid them except in direst need when there is no other option, and even then use them only with restraint. Weapons are never and can never be objects of beauty because by nature they are opposed to the harmony and unity of the Force.
Jedi recognise that all people and things are part of the unifying Force, and even when working on the conventional object-level perception of reality, we recognise our "enemies" are human beings just like ourselves and therefore deserving of compassion and not harm. Jedi respect the sanctity of the human person and the value of human life. We recognise that battle is the same thing as a funeral, and therefore do not view violence as a source of celebration, glory or victory.
The Force can't be perceived "directly".
It is smaller than atoms and larger than galaxies; it is simply not something we can experience perceptually, despite the fact all we perceive is the Force. If people understood this, that this is the true nature of things as they are, they would come into harmony with it and the world could be a utopia; peace could be achieved because everyone would understand to harm another is to harm themselves.
Names, forms, institutions are all there to divide people from the true nature of reality. Whilst Jedi must live in the real world, we must also know when to drop the pretence, drop the names and false distinctions and thus avoid the trap of ignoring things as they really are. And even these traps aren't permanent: at the end of all things is the Force, just as rivers lead to the sea. Time reveals this to be the truth in every case.
Self-knowledge is wisdom.
It's not enough to know a lot about other people or the world, without a deep understanding of the self one can never hope to become truly wise. Similarly, one may rule others with force or power, but it takes true power to rule oneself.
Understanding the Force, we know what we truly need are thus wealthy. We know to never give up, and thus always find a way. We stay true to ourselves, meaning we are never lost. Our understanding of the Force means we live our whole life and thus truly live; consequentially we die without diminishing and thus endure even death. "Death, yet the Force".
The Force is in everything.
It's in all directions, in everything but too big to contain. It's necessary for everything but never seeks to take credit for anything; it doesn't call attention to itself and wants for nothing. It's the greatest thing there is, yet it remains remarkably humble, despite all the remarkable things it achieves.
Similarly everything leads back to the Force eventually, yet even in this sense the Force doesn't draw attention to itself. It doesn't need to strive to achieve success, and that's why it always succeeds: this is an important lesson for Jedi who would follow the way of the Force. By trying, striving or exerting ourselves to excess, we are neglecting the nature or way of the Force.
Those in harmony with the Force are attractive.
People want to be around them and enjoy the calm and serenity exuded by one who lives in harmony with the way of things. This is a very real sense in which Jedi are naturally instruments of peace. Our peace even extends to things like music and good food - we understand it is only part of the bigger pattern and are thus not over-awed or over-stimulated by it. This serves as an example to others in appreciating everything, rather than certain things to the exclusion of others.
And that's because the Force is, essentially, familiar and therefore plain and ordinary. Despite being the source and cause of all stimulation, excitement and passion, the Force is as everyday as everything around us. One might imagine it as shiny, loud and precious, but in truth it's invisible, inaudible and utterly inexhaustible.
Jedi are patient.
We understand the central balance and can therefore allow things to resolve themselves. We know that if something gets big enough, it will exceed its boundaries and collapse, and that only when something is scarce enough will people work for it. Thus we initiate in order to conclude, abolish by establishing. Like water we overcome rocks not with strength, but with persistence and endurance.
Jedi don't need to reveal our methods or show our workings in order to achieve our results: we achieve the result and that is all that matters. Rather than trying to impress others with our prowess, we do what must be done and then let go.
The Force does not "do" anything.
Just like the Force, Jedi learn to simply "be"; to achieve our results without exertion of effort but by expressing ourselves in our activities with absolute commitment and sincerity.
The Force is a constant act of creation, and unfolding moment which is both changing and serene in all ways, at all times. It has no desire, it simply "is", and that means something new and different in every moment. The world settles itself; change is a rhythm that suits nature, and if we allow it, it is a rhythm that suits us as well. Simplicity and stillness are essential elements of the ongoing movement of reality. As such, if we can learn to relax and accept things as they come, we come to peace and our world becomes a better place.
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30 Aug 2014 19:17 #157873
Replied by on topic The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
Jedi find integrity natural.
To have integrity is to simply act with integrity without an internal debate: those who talk about it tend to lack it. Similarly powerful people don't have to do anything to show they are powerful. They act, knowing they can achieve their aim. The righteous aren't like this: their actions are about convincing others they were right.
The way of the Force is superior to integrity, which is superior to kindness, which is superior to justice, which is superior to righteousness, or ritual. Ritual is a cheap copy of integrity and sincerity. It creates nothing but problems. Jedi do not engage in it because we recognise that insincerity and self-importance are not the way of the Force. Jedi look beneath the surface: we know that beneath a tree's pretty leaves sit nutritious fruit, and in our actions we express sincerity and integrity. Jedi live in the real world and let illusion go.
The Force is enough.
When we're in tune with things as they are, the sky seems spacious, the earth solid and full. Creatures dwell together and all is content with how it is. Everything repeats, endlessly. Cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth surround us, and whilst everything changes, everything remains.
It's only when we interfere with the natural flow of things that they start to go wrong. We cloud the sky and deplete the earth, creatures die and equilibrium is lost. This is why Jedi view every part of this wide system with compassion: we understand the whole. Humbly allowing ourselves to be shaped by the flow of the Force, Jedi are as strong as the Force, yet as ordinary as pebbles on the ground.
The action of the Force is return.
What goes out is drawn back: what is born dies, and what is created will be obliterated. That which arises from the Force will return to the flow of the Force in time. The Force is everywhere because it returns to the centre, again and again and again.
The Force affects people differently.
Jedi cultivate an understanding and awareness of this central unity and immediately try to move into harmony with it. Ordinary people might believe in elements of unity but doubt others. Foolish people may even laugh about at the idea of universal unity. But this too is an element of the Force; if the fool didn't laugh, things wouldn't be as they must.
Thus we establish the fundamental nature of the Force is that whilst it's the path to enlightenment, to the average mind it seems veiled in shadows. Even though it's the way forward it may look like a step back. It looks difficult but is easy, looks weak but is powerful and looks changeable but is steadfast. This is the way of all things: the Force isn't obvious, but it's right there. Even if someone doesn't know about it, it's still the basis of all reality.
The Force is the root of everything.
Even the very nature of numbers reduces back to one, and the one is the Force. It is the combination of both male and female (and hence it is creation and creativity, birth and life and death). In uniting the male and female, the Force expresses absolute harmony.
Similarly, living through violence and aggression is a path away from the natural order of things. Jedi remember that when we lose, we also win because the winner is part of us, and part of the wider Force. Normal people are worried by things like loneliness and solitude, but Jedi remember we are never alone. We are one and in concert with the entire universe. The Force is with us, always.
Softness overcomes hardness.
Water can permeate the cracks in rock and finds a path through the seemingly solid object. Just like this, the Force moves through the spaces between atoms as well as being the atoms themselves.
This is a little like non-action, which allows one to teach without words, perform without actions, succeed without striving. By letting things flow softly, gently, harmoniously, we allow our obstacles to be overcome without great exertions of strength or violence. By refusing to try, we succeed: and when we act, we already know we have achieved our goal.
Jedi prioritise.
We realise well-being is more important than fame, and a life is more important than money. Similarly we understand the inherent danger in winning, as well as losing. We are wary of attachments to material things, which can become burdens. We know the value of letting go of material wealth so we never have to feel the bite of loss.
In another sense, as has been discussed previously, Jedi know when something is enough. We don't do things to excess and understand that through moderation we won't over-exert ourselves unhealthily. In understanding so long as we are part of the Force we are owed nothing, we have nothing but success in our lives.
The Force can seem "imperfect".
That which is achieved can seem unfinished in some way, and that which is full may appear empty until we try and use it and realise it's inexhaustible. That which is straight may look bent, and things done skilfully can look clumsy. The most eloquent thing of all may be to remain silent. Think of it like temperature: if we work hard, we can keep ourselves warm against the stillness of the cold. Similarly, if it is too hot we can keep cool by remaining calm and still.
This is all expressive of the balance which underlies reality: The Force is always calm and unconcerned with that which appears "out of balance". As such, Jedi know to step out of the way and let things unfold. Rather than worrying or striving, we remain calm and let things happen as they must. In the end, the Force speaks for itself.
The Force teaches acceptance.
If one follows the way of the Force, they are content to let nature take its course, for the fields to grow to abundance and for things to exist as they are. But if one strays from the path of the Force, they always want more: they grasp for possessions, territory or engage in conflict with others. They rip up the fields with war.
As such Jedi understand that it's more important to know what's enough than to pursue absolute success in every situation. It's enough to get rid of fear to feel "safe". Possession, greed and desire are all fundamental misunderstandings of the nature of things. If we understand that the Force is one entity, one unity, then we understand that overall, what is is always enough.
The Force is right here.
Jedi don't have to leave to know things about the rest of the world. Because we accept that we are part of the Force, and that its nature and our nature are the same thing in a real, practical sense we are content to reside where we are, work with what we have and appreciate what we've already got. We understand that because perceptions are false distinctions, we can see everything right where we are now. We can understand and feel the Force, and the Force is all there is.
As such we realise we don't have to work for things to be achieved: it is already in the process of achieving. We simply have to let it happen.
Jedi focus on the Force.
The less we engage with the objectifying "world" of everyday perceptions, the closer we come to the Force. As a species we tend to want new stimulus all the time, and to have new information, possessions, experiences every day. As Jedi we learn to let go of received information, possessions and experiences because all of these are illusions which divide us from the unity and harmony of things. As such we do less, until we reach the point of "doing" nothing at all. Only then can things flow as they should. We cease to be obstructions and thereby become one with the path.
The best way that things can turn out is the way they turn out. Look at the past: it happened. The future will happen too. Don't waste time thinking about what might have been or could be. Ambitions are usually as delusional as the idea our past "might have" been different. It wasn't. Instead, think about what's happening now and the rest will take care of itself. Trust the Force.
Jedi are not stubborn.
We don't have a set map of what or how we'll behave, but we do what needs to be done. We help others rather than hurting them in the name of a fixed ideal. We are good to everyone, even "bad" people, because we recognise that everyone and everything is one in the Force. We have faith in all that is, including those who do us wrong.
Because we're open, we're able to engage with things which happen to a far greater extent than others. Think of it like a cup: if we carve a small cup, we get to keep most of our wood intact and can hold a little of whichever juice comes around. But if we carve a deep cup, we give up the old wood and make a big open space, meaning we can fully enjoy and appreciate each juice we are presented with. It can fill us up because we were empty to receive it. By becoming open, we experience things fully without distraction or distortion. And because of this enthusiasm and exuberance for whatever it is which happens to be filling our consciousness, we become examples for others. We show that the untrustworthy can be trusted. We demonstrate the wonder of reality.
Death, yet the Force.
Even in life we must understand we are moving towards death, just as when someone dies we must understand they are not gone, but moving forward towards new (or perhaps it's better to say "different") life. If we understand we are one with the universe and that we can't be obliterated in any real sense, that we can't be removed from the Force or stop being part of it, we become invulnerable.
If we do things fully, honestly, without effort and as the Force wills it, Jedi need not fear death any more than the hard-working person need fear their bed at the end of a tiring day. Death is inevitable, but it's only part of the ongoing Force.
The Force is something different to all creatures.
This is related to Verse 41: we must learn to understand and expect for each person and creature to be unique and individual, because each is shaped by the area of the Force they spring from. The Force is vastly complex at a perceptual level so all things are perceived as very different; the truth is, everything is still just one thing, the unity, the all-that-is we call the Force.
Different things fulfil their roles in different ways, but all express an aspect of the Force. In turn, it watches over them, gives them life and strength and helps them to grow. It soothes them and protects them. It gives us a model for teaching or creating anything. The Force does its work without the expectation of reward. It does work and then lets it go. This is like a leader who never gives orders: the leader is there to aid the led, but works in the moment at hand and doesn't get bogged down in specifics.
The Force is the only source.
Everything came from it, and all things necessarily return to it. There's no path which is not contained with it, and no road which did not start at the start of the Force. We're used to seeing distinct objects but that doesn't mean these weren't built "from" something else. A good way to remain content is to cultivate an awareness that perception and subdivision is illusory: that everything has a "mother" which we all share, the Force.
It's like the phrase "see with your heart". If we try to perceive the Force directly it's like trying to stare into darkness, or smell a sound. But we can learn to feel the Force from the very core of ourselves, from our hearts. Once we do, we'll know it's there. We can learn to understand ourselves as small leaves growing on one large tree; to sway and yield to the winds without "breaking"; and to remember that tree is one entity, for all eternity.
Following the Force is always right.
There are plenty of distractions available to us at all times, but none of them lead anywhere meaningful. At the base level, we will all die. Thus any effort expended on anything other than the Force to which we shall return is spurious and wasteful. But in another sense, all that is good and beneficial to us in this life is harmonious with the Force. It's right to live in a balanced and simple way, because excess and extravagance create their own problems. When we've spent all our time accumulating treasure, what's left to eat?
Some of the things to avoid include wasting money on weapons for manufacturing conflict, or encouraging an elite upper class to hoard great wealth and riches at the expense of all others. Owning more than we can use is a type of theft and counter to the spirit of the Force. All this sort of approach achieves is misery and chaos.
The Force endures through generations.
Remaining centred in the Force makes Jedi hard to sway. Returning to that analogy of being a small leaf on a vast tree, there is great strength in retaining those giant roots back to where we come from, and also understanding that tomorrow's new shoots still spring from the same roots. Understanding this, our centre will never slip away but remain in place for generations, just like leaves on the tree. It is clear that we don't only come into understanding of the Force for ourselves, but also for the generations who follow, including our own families.
But further than this we can put our communities and countries into touch with the Force. We can inspire harmony on a global scale and encourage those who will to hear our message of unity, allowing them to decide for themselves if they can see the connectedness of all things. But this huge change begins with one person's decision to know their true nature, and thereby unlock the key to all reality. Just as the leaf must understand its stalk before it can realise it is part of a mighty tree, so must we understand our own connection before we can begin to understand the wider Force.
Jedi minds are like the minds of children.
We are like babies, open and in harmony with life. Babies are natural Jedi, in tune with how things really are. Even their skulls are soft, which lets them take life's knocks without too much damage. Because they flow with the changes of things, it's hard for them to be hurt by them. Their muscles are weak, but they have a tight grip - that's all they need at that stage of their lives. They're just as ready as they need to be for whatever comes next. Babies can also shout all day without getting hoarse, so they can even outperform us when relevant.
The harmony of a baby is complete. The constancy of this harmony endures because it's all the baby knows - all the baby can know. This is a source of illumination for us all. Like a baby, Jedi expect nothing, so are never disappointed. Things come, things go, and Jedi let them. In this way our spirit remains like a baby, and never has to grow old. By remaining in touch with the Force, we never die.
Wisdom speaks for itself.
Those who talk usually don't know what they're talking about, and those who do know are either silent or already acting. Like them, if one hopes to follow a path of wisdom it's better to be quiet and observe things rather than constantly talking. We let go of the worries which close us off from the truth and stay on the sidelines, which give us the best view of what's going on. We must stay in the world if we want to understand it, rather than wandering off down some obscure path of study.
As such, we find the middle ground in all things. We simplify. We untie the knots and blunt the knives, become one with the light, one with the dust. We remember what we are. Once we reach an understanding of things, we aren't concerned with praise or blame. We move beyond winning and losing, honour or disgrace. All we care about are things as they are, and that's the correct way to live life.
The Force presents a model of leadership.
It's possible to run a country by engaging in hostility, winning wars and playing politics; but one gains far more without surplus effort, struggle or striving. The more restrictive a nation, the poorer and more unhappy its citizens become. When all the focus is on hoarding weapons, people become habituated to violence and that causes both internal and external problems.
Conniving leaders can't truly help people; their misdirection and half-truths only spin further and further out of control. Laws pile up in order to keep things going as they would like, but in the end all this creates is a whole nation of outlaws. As such Jedi quietly allow people to transform themselves, and learn to do the right thing of their own natural volition. Jedi stay out of the way of what is right. Allowing the world to seem good rather than hostile in nature, Jedi promote a perspective where what's good is the norm.
Good leaders encourage simplicity.
If a government is harsh and bureaucratic, people will have to add complexity to their lives in order to undermine and outwit it. The fact is we must accept some bad things in life, and no amount of legislation will prevent us from being unhappy sometimes. Better to keep things simple, and to invest more in increasing happiness than in reducing sadness. Sadness will find a way through whatever we manage to do, and by understanding this we become free.
At the same time we'd be unwise to think we could survive without any guiding hands. Chaos is never too far away from the order we depend upon: what we must do is be a quiet word, a gentle hand guiding things along in the simplest and least authoritarian way possible. One of the best ways of doing this is in serving as an example to others. That way we achieve what needs to be achieved without exerting undue energy, and, crucially, without becoming mired in wholly counter-productive complexity.
Jedi lead through moderation.
We are like farmers tending a field, living simply and sparingly, responding quickly to the needs of that which we cultivate and calmly overcoming what must be overcome in order to produce a successful harvest. This idea can be used from the smallest to the largest things in life and it corresponds to all our enterprises.
In this way we can become the leaders of a country, nourishing and supporting everyone. We are the roots which bind the people together because we remain conscious of the unity of all people, all things, and this allows our leadership to be long, productive and far-reaching. By having firm, deep roots, Jedi remain clear to the truth of things; we see the Force as it is, rather than worrying about ideas and concepts which are illusion. We make use of whatever's available and then, once our work is done, let go.
Treating things appropriately prevents harm.
This is even true of leadership: the best way to lead a large country is to treat it as though one is cooking a small fish. If we poke it around in the pan too much it will fall apart and then we won't have much of anything. But if we give it the time it needs and carefully attend it without interfering too much, it doesn't take things long to start to be productive.
The Force creates great harmony in the world, and when the mood of a nation is in tune with it, even evil things seem less evil because they can no longer harm people. Jedi are part of the country, and by doing no harm and feeling no harm done to us, we deomnstrate the idea of "harm" is unnecessary. All is one in the Force. Even harm is just change. Understanding this, that they can't come to harm in any real sense, people will begin to do what's right without coercion.
Power tends to grow.
If someone suddenly gains power, they gain the opportunity to supplement that power as a result of their success. But they must be careful to retain their humility, to trust in the Force and therefore not become defensive. Accepting and admitting mistakes, as well as facing criticism with good humour is essential not just for people but for organisations as well.
A great country is formed on the principle of serving and protecting its people. This is especially evident in small countries where there are only a few people and the nation is set up to serve their interests directly. This is the way of the Force: when the organisation serves its members, everything is as it should be. If a powerful force can yield to a small single element, it is expressing a fundamental appreciation of the unity of part and whole.
Jedi understand an enemy is like a shadow we ourselves cast.
The Force is refuge for everyone.
Good or bad, we can find solace and comfort in the all-encompassing, all-pervading Force. We can't gain more or less "Forcehood" through money or theft, and as such the Force is a great leveller. Jedi are no more "of" the Force than ordinary people, criminals or murderers.
If one wishes to benefit someone, they should not pledge weapons or wealth, nor even expertise in some skill; instead they should offer to teach them of the ways of the Force. This is the greatest gift one can give, the gift of knowing one's own true nature and the wisdom that flows forth from this understanding. If we have an understanding of the Force, we will never make a mistake which we can't recover from, because we understand that in the Force, all is one.
Jedi do without doing.
This is the familiar idea of wu-wei, of acting without striving and achieving things with the minimum possible effort by waiting for the opportune moment, doing just what needs to be done and acting without excessive drama or excitement. If one approaches a problem when it first appears, it is only a small problem and is easily solved, rather than left to become a worrisome chore.
Jedi know to break down a huge undertaking into smaller, manageable steps. Because we don't jump straight at the distant goal, we end up getting there. We accept that difficulties will and must beset our path at times, and know these to be opportunities to learn, to grow and to improve our understanding. We know that promises and plans tend to fall by the wayside whatever our intentions and prefer to keep things simple so we are open and ready for whatever comes with our whole hearts. When difficulties emerge we give ourselves to them; because we don't cling to comfort in this way, we find our problems are not even things to overcome, just necessary steps on the path. Jedi know that everything has inherent difficulties, so nothing is truly difficult.
Jedi use the opportune moment.
We know that something which is new is easy to change, and something which is old is easy to maintain. What's brittle can be broken and what's small can be scattered. We appreciate the inherent qualities of everything as we find it and this allows us to use everything to its strength, which is the way of the Force.
A giant tree grows from a tiny seed, and the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Instead of rushing headlong towards our goals, Jedi pace ourselves and reach things in their natural time, without exertion or excess. We don't grasp because that only leads to losing things. We don't rush things and only pick the fruit of our labour when it is ripe - one can still spoil something by taking one's time but then rushing the point of completion. We let things follow their course, trust in the Force to provide all we need to live, to grow and to be content. We have nothing and hence have nothing to lose. All we want is not to want: all we learn is there's nothing to know. Because we care only about the Force, we care about all things.
Jedi keep things simple.
There's a lot of stress on people to be clever and cunning, but this isn't a positive thing in a leader. Too much cleverness can alienate people, but everyone can understand something if it is simple enough. If things flow simply, everyone can understand them. Because we avoid complexity, Jedi avoid messing things up through overcomplicating them; those who know too much already can't be taught new things, or if they can the process of unlearning can take great effort. Jedi are thus open-minded, focussed on the task at hand in the present moment. We seek to simplify knowledge into wisdom.
This is one of the fundamental elements of the Force, that in keeping things simple we remain nearest the true nature of things as they really are. What is more simple than one thing? And this unity and oneness penetrates every level of existence, so when we bring our actions into line with it we tap into the same creative, transformative power. By living simple, ordinary lives, we serve as examples that even with a deep understanding of the whole universe, what is best is simple, familiar, normal.
The Force is like an ocean.
All it does is remain there, and rivers flow into it. All it must do to receive what they bring is not move, which is why everything thrown into a river inexorably makes its way into the sea. In the same way, those who need to be listened to must talk like the people they speak to. They must not set themselves up in ivory towers and never move amongst the people; they must show they are ordinary, available, relatable.
Jedi find out where the people around us want to go, and get there first to show we understand. We become examples and teach actively, by doing rather than just by talking or theorising. We don't fight the current but accept it, work with it, nudge it if necessary. This can often mean a compromise, which is a harmonious way of working. People want to feel safe and listened to without being smothered. A leader who understands and respects this will gain their trust.
Jedi don't compete with anyone, and thus never lose competitions.
The Force and the Jedi path can seem ridiculous.
Many laugh at it and some find it completely impractical, but those who have considered it sincerely and honestly can feel its resonance inside themselves. Compared to our habitual perception of things, it is nonsensical, yet it makes perfect sense and resonates deeply with us. That shows that our ordinary ideas of reality are in fact the nonsensical ones. By putting these teachings into practice, anyone can experience their veracity.
There are three core lessons: Simplicity, Patience and Compassion. These are great allies. By remaining simple in action and thought, we return to the source of everything, the Force. By being patient, we show we accept the way things are and must be. And through compassion (including compassion towards ourselves), we reconcile all the diverse and distinct objects in the world into a single unity.
Jedi avoid conflict.
Vengeance, violence and aggression are not helpful tools. Jedi understand that sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we are tested against other people. We thrive in situations where our best is matched by the best of others; competition involves weakening or subduing others, but Jedi seek to let the authentic, honest and sincere sentiment of every action meet equally sincere actions from other people, even if this is seemingly in conflict. There is no conflict - there are merely aspects of the Force coming together in a display of "Forcefulness".
The true warrior is not aggressive but skilful, doing just what needs to be done without additional showmanship or excessive brutality. Likewise the true victor does not seek vengeance but accepts the outcome of things as they are. A leader is not violent and shows respect to those they serve. This expresses the value of modesty as the best way to interact with people. As has been discussed already, the Force is humble and if we desire to act in accordance with the Force, we are best to retain our own humility. Only in operating this way can we bring our actions in line with the Force. We can't hope to lead others if we think of them as less than us, or ours to push around: don't forget we are one and the same in the Force.
Jedi exercise restraint.
When unsure, it is better to retreat than to advance. Wise military commanders know this: that it is best to repel an enemy without directly opposing them, and that a retreat can achieve this better than a blind advance. It's better to stay put and prepare ourselves for whatever comes than seek out into an unknown which could be full of danger. Jedi understand that underestimating an opponent is unwise and can lead to negative outcomes; one of these is thinking one's opponent an evil, stupid or pathetic person. In doing so we forget our unity with even apparent opponents and enter the mindset of competition.
Such an act of underestimation means giving up on simplicity, patience and compassion. Better to stick to these three core principles and trusting that with time, care and attention things will become clearer and the opportune moment will present itself. The truth is that when sides are taken, the "victor" is the one who knows how to yield. If we retain our compassion and understanding that our enemy is just like us, is our enemy only because of us (like the aforementioned shadow of Verse 61), then we overcome even the conflict itself. The "winner" is the one who doesn't want to fight.
Jedi are realistic.
We know even the clearest wisdom can't be followed completely, at all times. Humans can understand these ideas and move closer into line with this conception of things, but the reality is we all have moments where we stray from this path. It's part of our nature and the nature of the Force that things happen this way, and therefore not something to feel bad about - rather one should retain a balanced perspective that doing a little is better than making no attempt at all.
Because only a few will come close to the meaning of the Force in their lives, the book (which isn't subject to the same foibles) remains a valuable guide to the path of wisdom which is far purer than a human could ever truly be. Jedi thus often wear plain clothes and make no announcement of our wisdom. We will do what's right whenever we can and let that speak for itself.
Jedi are self-aware.
Knowing the limits of our wisdom is true wisdom. If we don't maintain this awareness and start making assertions we can't back up, one comes into difficulties.
Happily it's simple to clear oneself of this misapprehension: we have to reject anything we're not sure of. We have to find fault with our own faults; we have to learn to know ourselves. Eventually, we move to emptiness, to open perception without judgement or preconception to muddy the water. This is how we all start on the path to true wisdom, because every one of us has preconceptions before we learn the truth of the Force.
Authority is restrictive.
As such, Jedi do not seek to lead through authority. We seek to lead people to their own understanding, and to cultivate their own wisdom rather than receiving ours. How can one person tell another their true nature? This is something we can only learn about ourselves. Thus ideas such as religious dogma and hierarchical organisations draw people away from a true experience of their own nature.
As such, Jedi take a step back and clear away the confusion we may cause. We operate without fences, borders or wearing others down to our way of seeing things. We are content to quietly know and love ourselves as an expression of the Force without trying to insist others see it as well. We teach without dictating reams of words, and reveal to people that our role is not so much to learn as to unlearn; not so much to become complete as to dismantle what they've already built.
Jedi act as required.
It is brave to be bold, and brave to be careful too. The bold die, the careful survive. Who can say which is preferable in the final analysis? We can't know which is better, but we do know how the Force works. Because it doesn't push, it always has space to act. Because it can't be called upon or summoned, it appears when the time is right. It reacts without acknowledging the initial action. This suggests we must do what is necessary, rather than deciding "today I will be bold!" or "today I will take great care".
The Force works because it is empty; there is space available for whatever comes. Like a net, it can seem full of holes: but also like a net, it always captures everything it needs.
All that happens is of the Force.
Accepting death is crucial to understanding our role as part of the wider Force. People die, and if we accept this as a natural change we can no longer be threatened. Even the worst that received wisdom can threaten us with is simply part of the natural order.
Understanding we will inevitably die and this is right and natural according to the way of the Force is thus a pathway to complete liberation. However we must take care not to use our own diminished fear of death as a tool to control those who still fear it; taking up the executioner's axe is likely to result in nothing more productive than accidentally chopping off our own heads.
Authority interrupts the natural order.
Because people are hungry, authority taxes more. This makes more people hungry. Because people rebel, authority tightens its grip. This makes people rebel more. Because people feel their lives are meaningless, they're not afraid to kill or to die. This is why authority is a dangerous tool, and why it's best to leave people to govern themselves where possible.
Those who learn to enjoy life, and to value the path of least effort as the most natural one display more wisdom than those who seek to cut themselves off from the way things are; these people are the authority in their own lives, and are thus creating more harm than good. Internal barriers are self-defeating: by building them at all, we are inviting ourselves to overthrow them.
Jedi are soft and yielding.
That is the path of life: we are born soft and supple as a baby and end stiff and hard as a corpse. Plants live through their pliancy and flexibility, and are hard stalks and brittle branches in death. To be flexible is to be a disciple of the Force.
What is brittle will break; what is supple will endure. Soldiers trained to fight to the death will be cut down in their thousands, and the tallest trees are the first to be cut down. This is one reason the Force endures: it knows how to yield. This echoes the phrase "the bigger they are, the harder they fall". Jedi do not seek to be big, only to be simple, empty and flexible.
The potential of the Force is like a bow.
To use it, we draw from the middle. The top bends down, the bottom curves up, and all the energy is focused at the centre. The bow requires this balance of things in order to work, and when all is balanced in this way, the potential energy is far greater than then these elements are further out from the centre. Similarly to a bow, when these elements align the energy they generate can travel great distances towards a target.
Jedi understand that to use energy means taking it from elsewhere. Most people take it from where there's just enough and so create deficiency with their actions. Jedi only seek to balance the energy of the world - we give energy where it is needed and take it from where there is a surplus. If energy flows freely and consistently through all things, Jedi do nothing at all. This is the same idea as getting the job done simply and not being concerned with credit.
The nature of the Force is like water.
Like water, it is soft and yielding yet can wear away the hardest stone; it is persistent and consistent in its approach to things. We can adopt this approach and overcome things which are stronger than ourselves. We can be flexible and circumvent that which is hard.
This is not new insight, but most people don't or can't apply it to their lives. For example, everyone knows that in helping people with their mundane, day-to-day problems we gain their trust; but Jedi understand it is by dealing with the problems of the world, such as imbalances of energy within the wider Force, that we become truly useful. By refusing to join the herd and remaining focused on how things truly are, we become the solid foundations which others can hold on to.
Failure is an opportunity.
It is inevitable that we fail sometimes and Jedi know that we must see failures and setbacks as vital learning opportunities. Why else would the Force bring us failure, if not to give us some lesson about our own deficiencies or excesses?
It is therefore a mistake to blame someone else in the event of a failure. If something goes wrong and it affects us, what could we have done differently? What will we do differently next time? Thinking this way means we don't ask others to take the blame for mistakes we ourselves could have mitigated. We don't hold hurtful grudges or focus on what is "owed" to us; instead we focus on what we owe.
Jedi are therefore responsible in the face of failure: rather than engaging in an endless, useless game of passing the buck, we reflect and learn valuable lessons, and thus secure success in our future endeavours.
Small communities can achieve great contentment.
We can easily imagine a simple community which doesn't need new approaches or the latest machines to survive, doesn't motivate members of its community to leave to discover new things, and doesn't require a lot of effort and work to maintain.
Such a community can dress plainly, eat simple foods, continue their traditions and remain comfortable. Even having other communities nearby would not motivate them to leave; because they had everything they needed, no superficial desires arise in their minds and they are content to live and die in the same peaceful spot. Temptation becomes an alien concept when everyone has just enough; just enough is all we need.
Truth is not always beautiful.
Be wary of beautiful words because they often camouflage an unpleasant reality. Those who are wise don't need to dress it up or argue about it. Qualifications don't make someone wise. We should look beyond mere appearances in all aspects of life.
Jedi have few possessions and as such have less to worry about. The more we can give to others, the happier we are. The more we give to others, the wealthier we become. The less we have, the more what we do have means to us. "For it is in giving that we receive..."
Jedi understand that we can nurture harmony without forcing it, and encourage people without hurting them. This is the way of the Force.
Jedi find integrity natural.
To have integrity is to simply act with integrity without an internal debate: those who talk about it tend to lack it. Similarly powerful people don't have to do anything to show they are powerful. They act, knowing they can achieve their aim. The righteous aren't like this: their actions are about convincing others they were right.
The way of the Force is superior to integrity, which is superior to kindness, which is superior to justice, which is superior to righteousness, or ritual. Ritual is a cheap copy of integrity and sincerity. It creates nothing but problems. Jedi do not engage in it because we recognise that insincerity and self-importance are not the way of the Force. Jedi look beneath the surface: we know that beneath a tree's pretty leaves sit nutritious fruit, and in our actions we express sincerity and integrity. Jedi live in the real world and let illusion go.
The Force is enough.
When we're in tune with things as they are, the sky seems spacious, the earth solid and full. Creatures dwell together and all is content with how it is. Everything repeats, endlessly. Cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth surround us, and whilst everything changes, everything remains.
It's only when we interfere with the natural flow of things that they start to go wrong. We cloud the sky and deplete the earth, creatures die and equilibrium is lost. This is why Jedi view every part of this wide system with compassion: we understand the whole. Humbly allowing ourselves to be shaped by the flow of the Force, Jedi are as strong as the Force, yet as ordinary as pebbles on the ground.
The action of the Force is return.
What goes out is drawn back: what is born dies, and what is created will be obliterated. That which arises from the Force will return to the flow of the Force in time. The Force is everywhere because it returns to the centre, again and again and again.
The Force affects people differently.
Jedi cultivate an understanding and awareness of this central unity and immediately try to move into harmony with it. Ordinary people might believe in elements of unity but doubt others. Foolish people may even laugh about at the idea of universal unity. But this too is an element of the Force; if the fool didn't laugh, things wouldn't be as they must.
Thus we establish the fundamental nature of the Force is that whilst it's the path to enlightenment, to the average mind it seems veiled in shadows. Even though it's the way forward it may look like a step back. It looks difficult but is easy, looks weak but is powerful and looks changeable but is steadfast. This is the way of all things: the Force isn't obvious, but it's right there. Even if someone doesn't know about it, it's still the basis of all reality.
The Force is the root of everything.
Even the very nature of numbers reduces back to one, and the one is the Force. It is the combination of both male and female (and hence it is creation and creativity, birth and life and death). In uniting the male and female, the Force expresses absolute harmony.
Similarly, living through violence and aggression is a path away from the natural order of things. Jedi remember that when we lose, we also win because the winner is part of us, and part of the wider Force. Normal people are worried by things like loneliness and solitude, but Jedi remember we are never alone. We are one and in concert with the entire universe. The Force is with us, always.
Softness overcomes hardness.
Water can permeate the cracks in rock and finds a path through the seemingly solid object. Just like this, the Force moves through the spaces between atoms as well as being the atoms themselves.
This is a little like non-action, which allows one to teach without words, perform without actions, succeed without striving. By letting things flow softly, gently, harmoniously, we allow our obstacles to be overcome without great exertions of strength or violence. By refusing to try, we succeed: and when we act, we already know we have achieved our goal.
Jedi prioritise.
We realise well-being is more important than fame, and a life is more important than money. Similarly we understand the inherent danger in winning, as well as losing. We are wary of attachments to material things, which can become burdens. We know the value of letting go of material wealth so we never have to feel the bite of loss.
In another sense, as has been discussed previously, Jedi know when something is enough. We don't do things to excess and understand that through moderation we won't over-exert ourselves unhealthily. In understanding so long as we are part of the Force we are owed nothing, we have nothing but success in our lives.
The Force can seem "imperfect".
That which is achieved can seem unfinished in some way, and that which is full may appear empty until we try and use it and realise it's inexhaustible. That which is straight may look bent, and things done skilfully can look clumsy. The most eloquent thing of all may be to remain silent. Think of it like temperature: if we work hard, we can keep ourselves warm against the stillness of the cold. Similarly, if it is too hot we can keep cool by remaining calm and still.
This is all expressive of the balance which underlies reality: The Force is always calm and unconcerned with that which appears "out of balance". As such, Jedi know to step out of the way and let things unfold. Rather than worrying or striving, we remain calm and let things happen as they must. In the end, the Force speaks for itself.
The Force teaches acceptance.
If one follows the way of the Force, they are content to let nature take its course, for the fields to grow to abundance and for things to exist as they are. But if one strays from the path of the Force, they always want more: they grasp for possessions, territory or engage in conflict with others. They rip up the fields with war.
As such Jedi understand that it's more important to know what's enough than to pursue absolute success in every situation. It's enough to get rid of fear to feel "safe". Possession, greed and desire are all fundamental misunderstandings of the nature of things. If we understand that the Force is one entity, one unity, then we understand that overall, what is is always enough.
The Force is right here.
Jedi don't have to leave to know things about the rest of the world. Because we accept that we are part of the Force, and that its nature and our nature are the same thing in a real, practical sense we are content to reside where we are, work with what we have and appreciate what we've already got. We understand that because perceptions are false distinctions, we can see everything right where we are now. We can understand and feel the Force, and the Force is all there is.
As such we realise we don't have to work for things to be achieved: it is already in the process of achieving. We simply have to let it happen.
Jedi focus on the Force.
The less we engage with the objectifying "world" of everyday perceptions, the closer we come to the Force. As a species we tend to want new stimulus all the time, and to have new information, possessions, experiences every day. As Jedi we learn to let go of received information, possessions and experiences because all of these are illusions which divide us from the unity and harmony of things. As such we do less, until we reach the point of "doing" nothing at all. Only then can things flow as they should. We cease to be obstructions and thereby become one with the path.
The best way that things can turn out is the way they turn out. Look at the past: it happened. The future will happen too. Don't waste time thinking about what might have been or could be. Ambitions are usually as delusional as the idea our past "might have" been different. It wasn't. Instead, think about what's happening now and the rest will take care of itself. Trust the Force.
Jedi are not stubborn.
We don't have a set map of what or how we'll behave, but we do what needs to be done. We help others rather than hurting them in the name of a fixed ideal. We are good to everyone, even "bad" people, because we recognise that everyone and everything is one in the Force. We have faith in all that is, including those who do us wrong.
Because we're open, we're able to engage with things which happen to a far greater extent than others. Think of it like a cup: if we carve a small cup, we get to keep most of our wood intact and can hold a little of whichever juice comes around. But if we carve a deep cup, we give up the old wood and make a big open space, meaning we can fully enjoy and appreciate each juice we are presented with. It can fill us up because we were empty to receive it. By becoming open, we experience things fully without distraction or distortion. And because of this enthusiasm and exuberance for whatever it is which happens to be filling our consciousness, we become examples for others. We show that the untrustworthy can be trusted. We demonstrate the wonder of reality.
Death, yet the Force.
Even in life we must understand we are moving towards death, just as when someone dies we must understand they are not gone, but moving forward towards new (or perhaps it's better to say "different") life. If we understand we are one with the universe and that we can't be obliterated in any real sense, that we can't be removed from the Force or stop being part of it, we become invulnerable.
If we do things fully, honestly, without effort and as the Force wills it, Jedi need not fear death any more than the hard-working person need fear their bed at the end of a tiring day. Death is inevitable, but it's only part of the ongoing Force.
The Force is something different to all creatures.
This is related to Verse 41: we must learn to understand and expect for each person and creature to be unique and individual, because each is shaped by the area of the Force they spring from. The Force is vastly complex at a perceptual level so all things are perceived as very different; the truth is, everything is still just one thing, the unity, the all-that-is we call the Force.
Different things fulfil their roles in different ways, but all express an aspect of the Force. In turn, it watches over them, gives them life and strength and helps them to grow. It soothes them and protects them. It gives us a model for teaching or creating anything. The Force does its work without the expectation of reward. It does work and then lets it go. This is like a leader who never gives orders: the leader is there to aid the led, but works in the moment at hand and doesn't get bogged down in specifics.
The Force is the only source.
Everything came from it, and all things necessarily return to it. There's no path which is not contained with it, and no road which did not start at the start of the Force. We're used to seeing distinct objects but that doesn't mean these weren't built "from" something else. A good way to remain content is to cultivate an awareness that perception and subdivision is illusory: that everything has a "mother" which we all share, the Force.
It's like the phrase "see with your heart". If we try to perceive the Force directly it's like trying to stare into darkness, or smell a sound. But we can learn to feel the Force from the very core of ourselves, from our hearts. Once we do, we'll know it's there. We can learn to understand ourselves as small leaves growing on one large tree; to sway and yield to the winds without "breaking"; and to remember that tree is one entity, for all eternity.
Following the Force is always right.
There are plenty of distractions available to us at all times, but none of them lead anywhere meaningful. At the base level, we will all die. Thus any effort expended on anything other than the Force to which we shall return is spurious and wasteful. But in another sense, all that is good and beneficial to us in this life is harmonious with the Force. It's right to live in a balanced and simple way, because excess and extravagance create their own problems. When we've spent all our time accumulating treasure, what's left to eat?
Some of the things to avoid include wasting money on weapons for manufacturing conflict, or encouraging an elite upper class to hoard great wealth and riches at the expense of all others. Owning more than we can use is a type of theft and counter to the spirit of the Force. All this sort of approach achieves is misery and chaos.
The Force endures through generations.
Remaining centred in the Force makes Jedi hard to sway. Returning to that analogy of being a small leaf on a vast tree, there is great strength in retaining those giant roots back to where we come from, and also understanding that tomorrow's new shoots still spring from the same roots. Understanding this, our centre will never slip away but remain in place for generations, just like leaves on the tree. It is clear that we don't only come into understanding of the Force for ourselves, but also for the generations who follow, including our own families.
But further than this we can put our communities and countries into touch with the Force. We can inspire harmony on a global scale and encourage those who will to hear our message of unity, allowing them to decide for themselves if they can see the connectedness of all things. But this huge change begins with one person's decision to know their true nature, and thereby unlock the key to all reality. Just as the leaf must understand its stalk before it can realise it is part of a mighty tree, so must we understand our own connection before we can begin to understand the wider Force.
Jedi minds are like the minds of children.
We are like babies, open and in harmony with life. Babies are natural Jedi, in tune with how things really are. Even their skulls are soft, which lets them take life's knocks without too much damage. Because they flow with the changes of things, it's hard for them to be hurt by them. Their muscles are weak, but they have a tight grip - that's all they need at that stage of their lives. They're just as ready as they need to be for whatever comes next. Babies can also shout all day without getting hoarse, so they can even outperform us when relevant.
The harmony of a baby is complete. The constancy of this harmony endures because it's all the baby knows - all the baby can know. This is a source of illumination for us all. Like a baby, Jedi expect nothing, so are never disappointed. Things come, things go, and Jedi let them. In this way our spirit remains like a baby, and never has to grow old. By remaining in touch with the Force, we never die.
Wisdom speaks for itself.
Those who talk usually don't know what they're talking about, and those who do know are either silent or already acting. Like them, if one hopes to follow a path of wisdom it's better to be quiet and observe things rather than constantly talking. We let go of the worries which close us off from the truth and stay on the sidelines, which give us the best view of what's going on. We must stay in the world if we want to understand it, rather than wandering off down some obscure path of study.
As such, we find the middle ground in all things. We simplify. We untie the knots and blunt the knives, become one with the light, one with the dust. We remember what we are. Once we reach an understanding of things, we aren't concerned with praise or blame. We move beyond winning and losing, honour or disgrace. All we care about are things as they are, and that's the correct way to live life.
The Force presents a model of leadership.
It's possible to run a country by engaging in hostility, winning wars and playing politics; but one gains far more without surplus effort, struggle or striving. The more restrictive a nation, the poorer and more unhappy its citizens become. When all the focus is on hoarding weapons, people become habituated to violence and that causes both internal and external problems.
Conniving leaders can't truly help people; their misdirection and half-truths only spin further and further out of control. Laws pile up in order to keep things going as they would like, but in the end all this creates is a whole nation of outlaws. As such Jedi quietly allow people to transform themselves, and learn to do the right thing of their own natural volition. Jedi stay out of the way of what is right. Allowing the world to seem good rather than hostile in nature, Jedi promote a perspective where what's good is the norm.
Good leaders encourage simplicity.
If a government is harsh and bureaucratic, people will have to add complexity to their lives in order to undermine and outwit it. The fact is we must accept some bad things in life, and no amount of legislation will prevent us from being unhappy sometimes. Better to keep things simple, and to invest more in increasing happiness than in reducing sadness. Sadness will find a way through whatever we manage to do, and by understanding this we become free.
At the same time we'd be unwise to think we could survive without any guiding hands. Chaos is never too far away from the order we depend upon: what we must do is be a quiet word, a gentle hand guiding things along in the simplest and least authoritarian way possible. One of the best ways of doing this is in serving as an example to others. That way we achieve what needs to be achieved without exerting undue energy, and, crucially, without becoming mired in wholly counter-productive complexity.
Jedi lead through moderation.
We are like farmers tending a field, living simply and sparingly, responding quickly to the needs of that which we cultivate and calmly overcoming what must be overcome in order to produce a successful harvest. This idea can be used from the smallest to the largest things in life and it corresponds to all our enterprises.
In this way we can become the leaders of a country, nourishing and supporting everyone. We are the roots which bind the people together because we remain conscious of the unity of all people, all things, and this allows our leadership to be long, productive and far-reaching. By having firm, deep roots, Jedi remain clear to the truth of things; we see the Force as it is, rather than worrying about ideas and concepts which are illusion. We make use of whatever's available and then, once our work is done, let go.
Treating things appropriately prevents harm.
This is even true of leadership: the best way to lead a large country is to treat it as though one is cooking a small fish. If we poke it around in the pan too much it will fall apart and then we won't have much of anything. But if we give it the time it needs and carefully attend it without interfering too much, it doesn't take things long to start to be productive.
The Force creates great harmony in the world, and when the mood of a nation is in tune with it, even evil things seem less evil because they can no longer harm people. Jedi are part of the country, and by doing no harm and feeling no harm done to us, we deomnstrate the idea of "harm" is unnecessary. All is one in the Force. Even harm is just change. Understanding this, that they can't come to harm in any real sense, people will begin to do what's right without coercion.
Power tends to grow.
If someone suddenly gains power, they gain the opportunity to supplement that power as a result of their success. But they must be careful to retain their humility, to trust in the Force and therefore not become defensive. Accepting and admitting mistakes, as well as facing criticism with good humour is essential not just for people but for organisations as well.
A great country is formed on the principle of serving and protecting its people. This is especially evident in small countries where there are only a few people and the nation is set up to serve their interests directly. This is the way of the Force: when the organisation serves its members, everything is as it should be. If a powerful force can yield to a small single element, it is expressing a fundamental appreciation of the unity of part and whole.
Jedi understand an enemy is like a shadow we ourselves cast.
The Force is refuge for everyone.
Good or bad, we can find solace and comfort in the all-encompassing, all-pervading Force. We can't gain more or less "Forcehood" through money or theft, and as such the Force is a great leveller. Jedi are no more "of" the Force than ordinary people, criminals or murderers.
If one wishes to benefit someone, they should not pledge weapons or wealth, nor even expertise in some skill; instead they should offer to teach them of the ways of the Force. This is the greatest gift one can give, the gift of knowing one's own true nature and the wisdom that flows forth from this understanding. If we have an understanding of the Force, we will never make a mistake which we can't recover from, because we understand that in the Force, all is one.
Jedi do without doing.
This is the familiar idea of wu-wei, of acting without striving and achieving things with the minimum possible effort by waiting for the opportune moment, doing just what needs to be done and acting without excessive drama or excitement. If one approaches a problem when it first appears, it is only a small problem and is easily solved, rather than left to become a worrisome chore.
Jedi know to break down a huge undertaking into smaller, manageable steps. Because we don't jump straight at the distant goal, we end up getting there. We accept that difficulties will and must beset our path at times, and know these to be opportunities to learn, to grow and to improve our understanding. We know that promises and plans tend to fall by the wayside whatever our intentions and prefer to keep things simple so we are open and ready for whatever comes with our whole hearts. When difficulties emerge we give ourselves to them; because we don't cling to comfort in this way, we find our problems are not even things to overcome, just necessary steps on the path. Jedi know that everything has inherent difficulties, so nothing is truly difficult.
Jedi use the opportune moment.
We know that something which is new is easy to change, and something which is old is easy to maintain. What's brittle can be broken and what's small can be scattered. We appreciate the inherent qualities of everything as we find it and this allows us to use everything to its strength, which is the way of the Force.
A giant tree grows from a tiny seed, and the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Instead of rushing headlong towards our goals, Jedi pace ourselves and reach things in their natural time, without exertion or excess. We don't grasp because that only leads to losing things. We don't rush things and only pick the fruit of our labour when it is ripe - one can still spoil something by taking one's time but then rushing the point of completion. We let things follow their course, trust in the Force to provide all we need to live, to grow and to be content. We have nothing and hence have nothing to lose. All we want is not to want: all we learn is there's nothing to know. Because we care only about the Force, we care about all things.
Jedi keep things simple.
There's a lot of stress on people to be clever and cunning, but this isn't a positive thing in a leader. Too much cleverness can alienate people, but everyone can understand something if it is simple enough. If things flow simply, everyone can understand them. Because we avoid complexity, Jedi avoid messing things up through overcomplicating them; those who know too much already can't be taught new things, or if they can the process of unlearning can take great effort. Jedi are thus open-minded, focussed on the task at hand in the present moment. We seek to simplify knowledge into wisdom.
This is one of the fundamental elements of the Force, that in keeping things simple we remain nearest the true nature of things as they really are. What is more simple than one thing? And this unity and oneness penetrates every level of existence, so when we bring our actions into line with it we tap into the same creative, transformative power. By living simple, ordinary lives, we serve as examples that even with a deep understanding of the whole universe, what is best is simple, familiar, normal.
The Force is like an ocean.
All it does is remain there, and rivers flow into it. All it must do to receive what they bring is not move, which is why everything thrown into a river inexorably makes its way into the sea. In the same way, those who need to be listened to must talk like the people they speak to. They must not set themselves up in ivory towers and never move amongst the people; they must show they are ordinary, available, relatable.
Jedi find out where the people around us want to go, and get there first to show we understand. We become examples and teach actively, by doing rather than just by talking or theorising. We don't fight the current but accept it, work with it, nudge it if necessary. This can often mean a compromise, which is a harmonious way of working. People want to feel safe and listened to without being smothered. A leader who understands and respects this will gain their trust.
Jedi don't compete with anyone, and thus never lose competitions.
The Force and the Jedi path can seem ridiculous.
Many laugh at it and some find it completely impractical, but those who have considered it sincerely and honestly can feel its resonance inside themselves. Compared to our habitual perception of things, it is nonsensical, yet it makes perfect sense and resonates deeply with us. That shows that our ordinary ideas of reality are in fact the nonsensical ones. By putting these teachings into practice, anyone can experience their veracity.
There are three core lessons: Simplicity, Patience and Compassion. These are great allies. By remaining simple in action and thought, we return to the source of everything, the Force. By being patient, we show we accept the way things are and must be. And through compassion (including compassion towards ourselves), we reconcile all the diverse and distinct objects in the world into a single unity.
Jedi avoid conflict.
Vengeance, violence and aggression are not helpful tools. Jedi understand that sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we are tested against other people. We thrive in situations where our best is matched by the best of others; competition involves weakening or subduing others, but Jedi seek to let the authentic, honest and sincere sentiment of every action meet equally sincere actions from other people, even if this is seemingly in conflict. There is no conflict - there are merely aspects of the Force coming together in a display of "Forcefulness".
The true warrior is not aggressive but skilful, doing just what needs to be done without additional showmanship or excessive brutality. Likewise the true victor does not seek vengeance but accepts the outcome of things as they are. A leader is not violent and shows respect to those they serve. This expresses the value of modesty as the best way to interact with people. As has been discussed already, the Force is humble and if we desire to act in accordance with the Force, we are best to retain our own humility. Only in operating this way can we bring our actions in line with the Force. We can't hope to lead others if we think of them as less than us, or ours to push around: don't forget we are one and the same in the Force.
Jedi exercise restraint.
When unsure, it is better to retreat than to advance. Wise military commanders know this: that it is best to repel an enemy without directly opposing them, and that a retreat can achieve this better than a blind advance. It's better to stay put and prepare ourselves for whatever comes than seek out into an unknown which could be full of danger. Jedi understand that underestimating an opponent is unwise and can lead to negative outcomes; one of these is thinking one's opponent an evil, stupid or pathetic person. In doing so we forget our unity with even apparent opponents and enter the mindset of competition.
Such an act of underestimation means giving up on simplicity, patience and compassion. Better to stick to these three core principles and trusting that with time, care and attention things will become clearer and the opportune moment will present itself. The truth is that when sides are taken, the "victor" is the one who knows how to yield. If we retain our compassion and understanding that our enemy is just like us, is our enemy only because of us (like the aforementioned shadow of Verse 61), then we overcome even the conflict itself. The "winner" is the one who doesn't want to fight.
Jedi are realistic.
We know even the clearest wisdom can't be followed completely, at all times. Humans can understand these ideas and move closer into line with this conception of things, but the reality is we all have moments where we stray from this path. It's part of our nature and the nature of the Force that things happen this way, and therefore not something to feel bad about - rather one should retain a balanced perspective that doing a little is better than making no attempt at all.
Because only a few will come close to the meaning of the Force in their lives, the book (which isn't subject to the same foibles) remains a valuable guide to the path of wisdom which is far purer than a human could ever truly be. Jedi thus often wear plain clothes and make no announcement of our wisdom. We will do what's right whenever we can and let that speak for itself.
Jedi are self-aware.
Knowing the limits of our wisdom is true wisdom. If we don't maintain this awareness and start making assertions we can't back up, one comes into difficulties.
Happily it's simple to clear oneself of this misapprehension: we have to reject anything we're not sure of. We have to find fault with our own faults; we have to learn to know ourselves. Eventually, we move to emptiness, to open perception without judgement or preconception to muddy the water. This is how we all start on the path to true wisdom, because every one of us has preconceptions before we learn the truth of the Force.
Authority is restrictive.
As such, Jedi do not seek to lead through authority. We seek to lead people to their own understanding, and to cultivate their own wisdom rather than receiving ours. How can one person tell another their true nature? This is something we can only learn about ourselves. Thus ideas such as religious dogma and hierarchical organisations draw people away from a true experience of their own nature.
As such, Jedi take a step back and clear away the confusion we may cause. We operate without fences, borders or wearing others down to our way of seeing things. We are content to quietly know and love ourselves as an expression of the Force without trying to insist others see it as well. We teach without dictating reams of words, and reveal to people that our role is not so much to learn as to unlearn; not so much to become complete as to dismantle what they've already built.
Jedi act as required.
It is brave to be bold, and brave to be careful too. The bold die, the careful survive. Who can say which is preferable in the final analysis? We can't know which is better, but we do know how the Force works. Because it doesn't push, it always has space to act. Because it can't be called upon or summoned, it appears when the time is right. It reacts without acknowledging the initial action. This suggests we must do what is necessary, rather than deciding "today I will be bold!" or "today I will take great care".
The Force works because it is empty; there is space available for whatever comes. Like a net, it can seem full of holes: but also like a net, it always captures everything it needs.
All that happens is of the Force.
Accepting death is crucial to understanding our role as part of the wider Force. People die, and if we accept this as a natural change we can no longer be threatened. Even the worst that received wisdom can threaten us with is simply part of the natural order.
Understanding we will inevitably die and this is right and natural according to the way of the Force is thus a pathway to complete liberation. However we must take care not to use our own diminished fear of death as a tool to control those who still fear it; taking up the executioner's axe is likely to result in nothing more productive than accidentally chopping off our own heads.
Authority interrupts the natural order.
Because people are hungry, authority taxes more. This makes more people hungry. Because people rebel, authority tightens its grip. This makes people rebel more. Because people feel their lives are meaningless, they're not afraid to kill or to die. This is why authority is a dangerous tool, and why it's best to leave people to govern themselves where possible.
Those who learn to enjoy life, and to value the path of least effort as the most natural one display more wisdom than those who seek to cut themselves off from the way things are; these people are the authority in their own lives, and are thus creating more harm than good. Internal barriers are self-defeating: by building them at all, we are inviting ourselves to overthrow them.
Jedi are soft and yielding.
That is the path of life: we are born soft and supple as a baby and end stiff and hard as a corpse. Plants live through their pliancy and flexibility, and are hard stalks and brittle branches in death. To be flexible is to be a disciple of the Force.
What is brittle will break; what is supple will endure. Soldiers trained to fight to the death will be cut down in their thousands, and the tallest trees are the first to be cut down. This is one reason the Force endures: it knows how to yield. This echoes the phrase "the bigger they are, the harder they fall". Jedi do not seek to be big, only to be simple, empty and flexible.
The potential of the Force is like a bow.
To use it, we draw from the middle. The top bends down, the bottom curves up, and all the energy is focused at the centre. The bow requires this balance of things in order to work, and when all is balanced in this way, the potential energy is far greater than then these elements are further out from the centre. Similarly to a bow, when these elements align the energy they generate can travel great distances towards a target.
Jedi understand that to use energy means taking it from elsewhere. Most people take it from where there's just enough and so create deficiency with their actions. Jedi only seek to balance the energy of the world - we give energy where it is needed and take it from where there is a surplus. If energy flows freely and consistently through all things, Jedi do nothing at all. This is the same idea as getting the job done simply and not being concerned with credit.
The nature of the Force is like water.
Like water, it is soft and yielding yet can wear away the hardest stone; it is persistent and consistent in its approach to things. We can adopt this approach and overcome things which are stronger than ourselves. We can be flexible and circumvent that which is hard.
This is not new insight, but most people don't or can't apply it to their lives. For example, everyone knows that in helping people with their mundane, day-to-day problems we gain their trust; but Jedi understand it is by dealing with the problems of the world, such as imbalances of energy within the wider Force, that we become truly useful. By refusing to join the herd and remaining focused on how things truly are, we become the solid foundations which others can hold on to.
Failure is an opportunity.
It is inevitable that we fail sometimes and Jedi know that we must see failures and setbacks as vital learning opportunities. Why else would the Force bring us failure, if not to give us some lesson about our own deficiencies or excesses?
It is therefore a mistake to blame someone else in the event of a failure. If something goes wrong and it affects us, what could we have done differently? What will we do differently next time? Thinking this way means we don't ask others to take the blame for mistakes we ourselves could have mitigated. We don't hold hurtful grudges or focus on what is "owed" to us; instead we focus on what we owe.
Jedi are therefore responsible in the face of failure: rather than engaging in an endless, useless game of passing the buck, we reflect and learn valuable lessons, and thus secure success in our future endeavours.
Small communities can achieve great contentment.
We can easily imagine a simple community which doesn't need new approaches or the latest machines to survive, doesn't motivate members of its community to leave to discover new things, and doesn't require a lot of effort and work to maintain.
Such a community can dress plainly, eat simple foods, continue their traditions and remain comfortable. Even having other communities nearby would not motivate them to leave; because they had everything they needed, no superficial desires arise in their minds and they are content to live and die in the same peaceful spot. Temptation becomes an alien concept when everyone has just enough; just enough is all we need.
Truth is not always beautiful.
Be wary of beautiful words because they often camouflage an unpleasant reality. Those who are wise don't need to dress it up or argue about it. Qualifications don't make someone wise. We should look beyond mere appearances in all aspects of life.
Jedi have few possessions and as such have less to worry about. The more we can give to others, the happier we are. The more we give to others, the wealthier we become. The less we have, the more what we do have means to us. "For it is in giving that we receive..."
Jedi understand that we can nurture harmony without forcing it, and encourage people without hurting them. This is the way of the Force.
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17 Aug 2015 13:55 - 17 Aug 2015 14:08 #200162
Replied by on topic The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
I've just re-read this for the first time in a year. I'm kinda proud of it
that said, if any of you have read it (or part of it) and have any suggestions for improving it, I'd love to hear them.

Last edit: 17 Aug 2015 14:08 by .
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- Whyte Horse
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18 Aug 2015 09:00 #200222
by Whyte Horse
Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Replied by Whyte Horse on topic The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
Is this how you interpret the tao te ching as it relates to jediism? Is it just me or what, but when I read the title of this post I thought it was going to be a Jedi reading the tao te ching out loud on a youtube video...
Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
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18 Aug 2015 10:04 #200231
Replied by on topic The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
YepWhyte Horse wrote: Is this how you interpret the tao te ching as it relates to jediism?
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18 Aug 2015 11:00 #200239
by Loudzoo
Replied by Loudzoo on topic The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
That is great tzb - thank you for bringing it to the fore again!
Whyte Horse - perhaps you might like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIVNLHpFTkU :)
Whyte Horse - perhaps you might like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIVNLHpFTkU :)
The Librarian
Knight of TOTJO: Initiate Journal , Apprentice Journal , Knight Journal , Loudzoo's Scrapbook
TM: Proteus
Knighted Apprentices: Tellahane , Skryym
Apprentices: Squint , REBender
Master's Thesis: The Jedi Book of Life
If peace cannot be maintained with honour, it is no longer peace . . .
Knight of TOTJO: Initiate Journal , Apprentice Journal , Knight Journal , Loudzoo's Scrapbook
TM: Proteus
Knighted Apprentices: Tellahane , Skryym
Apprentices: Squint , REBender
Master's Thesis: The Jedi Book of Life
If peace cannot be maintained with honour, it is no longer peace . . .
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19 Aug 2015 05:55 #200292
Replied by on topic The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
Wow, this is amazing, thank you. I have yet to read the Tao, so I will alternate and use this with the original to get a solid perspective. Be a good thing to reflect on in my journal I suppose
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26 Aug 2015 11:16 #200922
Replied by on topic The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
I would recommend The Tao of Yoda. It's a fascinating interpretation of the Tao Te Ching as Yoda would have written it. Interestingly enough it is probably one of the best translations of Chinese to English since Lao Tzu wrote it rather like how Yoda would say it

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27 Aug 2015 01:27 #201030
Replied by on topic The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
This is awesome! I have read some taoism and the Jedi conception of the Force is very similar. I cant wait to read through this!
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- Cyan Sarden
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27 Aug 2015 14:45 #201068
by Cyan Sarden
Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.
Replied by Cyan Sarden on topic Re:The Way of the Force - a Jedi reading of the Tao Te Ching
Thanks tzb - amazing read! And great to see you back!
Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.
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