Who to go to for help

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20 Jul 2012 11:22 - 05 Dec 2018 21:52 #67590 by
Who to go to for help was created by
Read more Here .

For information about the Temple's Clergy in general please see the What is the Clergy? article.

If you wish to make a forum post asking for Thoughts, Well-Wishing, or Support , then please feel free to do so in that forum.

The surest way to reach the Clergy for spiritual help and support is through the Contact Clergy button at the top of each page on the forum.

However, for people who may not wish to send a blind message or who may desire to reach a specific member of the Clergy, this is a list of those Clergy members currently active. If you need advice, help, or someone to talk to, please click on a name to access their profile page where you can send a message. Bear in mind that some people may not be available all of the time, so please be patient with your enquiry.

Contact these people if you would like spiritual help
Ordained Ministers - may provide counsel, support, and confessional conversations :

Alexandre Orion
Br. John
Cabur Senaar
J. K. Barger
Phortis Nespin
Rosalyn J

Licensed Ministers - may provide counsel and support:

The Dude

In addition to these, members who are under the age of 18 may wish to speak more specifically to a Youth Officer .

Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all Clergy members.

(This post updated by thomaswfaulkner, 05 Dec 2018.)
Last edit: 05 Dec 2018 21:52 by thomaswfaulkner. Reason: Updating information
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13 Mar 2014 10:30 #141187 by Alexandre Orion
Yes, this needs some attention ---

This list is up-dated, we just haven't made it into a nice, accessible page yet.

There were some reasons why this particular page has not yet been revised. (I'm not going to go into that here ... :angry: )

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
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28 Apr 2014 17:30 #145816 by
Replied by on topic Who to go to for help
Please be aware that this post has been updated along with its corresponding article.
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21 Nov 2017 21:21 #306543 by
Replied by on topic Who to go to for help
This post has been updated, and an edit to the corresponding FAQ article requested.
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