
28 Dec 2019 23:41 #347758 by Carlos.Martinez3
Serious question from your Pastor

In this day in age and in our real world and community’s, including “on line “ and in the Jedi community and even here in our very own Temple-
Are introductions important or do they have any part in a Jeddist practice? Ritual? Side quest? How do we as individuals see Introductions ? Are they a lost art? Lost cause? Tell me your side ?

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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29 Dec 2019 17:02 #347781 by Amaya
Replied by Amaya on topic Introductions
I think introductions are important, how we treat those who take the time to sometimes step out of their comfort zone and talk to strangers about themselves, well that says a lot to me.
Its the first step in getting to know others and should be something we encourage all members to participate in..
I know sometimes there are a lot of people that say hello and then never return but that shouldn't discourage us from welcoming them to our community.

I know personally I tend to say the same thing in my welcomes but I think for me its important just to acknowledge this new members and at least let them know we want them to be a part of Totjo.

I may never do anything else here
But I will always try to respond to intros because its important to me

Everything is belief
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29 Dec 2019 19:54 - 29 Dec 2019 19:56 #347784 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic Introductions
One of the “ romantic “parts ( non sexual in nature here) of Jeddist is for me is that draw that every Jedist can have when you meet them to introduce themselves and to talk to you. They greet you then acknowledge who you are then they put you in a place of ease when they make that connection with just the greeting alone sometimes. In real life I’ve killed and even taken down walls with just a hand shake. Don’t get me started on hugs-lol but that magic that power that opportunity to begin... here... it blows my mind sometimes. I find in real life it’s the small moments we change that make huge waves. Introductions can be one of these ideas we try to make connections we look for. Thanks for making my Jediism real! Intros here are a lost art at times. How else ya gunna learn? What would the average modern day Jeddist greeting and intro look like? Would we recognize it in real life? Would you recognize two modern day Jeddist as they greet or leave each other? Just wondering out loud. In ministry- is it different? I think it is. As a minister introductions can be bread and butter for some. They are to me. Goodbyes often make the quality of time better till we meet again. This years gunna be different for me so might as well start from the very beginning right lol- Force continue to be with us as we all seek serve and share the Force.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 29 Dec 2019 19:56 by Carlos.Martinez3.

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30 Dec 2019 18:43 - 30 Dec 2019 18:44 #347813 by
Replied by on topic Introductions
I think introductions, and our responses to them, are indeed important

The introductions themselves, brief as they may be, tell us something about a person. Don't we tend to picture the people behind hypothetical introductions like these in different ways? (Any resemblance to actual introductions made by people living or dead is purely coincidental):

"Hi! I'm so enthused to have found this Temple. I've felt called all my life to a path like the one here, and didn't know it existed till now. So excited to meet all of you!"

"Hello. I hesitated to speak up here for a long time ... kind of an introvert, and didn't know if I'd fit in. But it seems important to me now, and I hope that as time passes I'll get to know some of you better, and learn something from the material that people share."

"I'm a new member of the Temple, and find myself interested in the variety of topics I see discussed in the forums. Circumspect as I may sometimes be, my sentiments resonate with many of the erudite conversations displayed within an impressive array of serious subject matters."

"Wassup!! Dis place be da dope, and I am jizzpickled to the max to be a piece of the forcespace."

We really don't have to say much to reveal quite a bit about ourselves, and introductions help with that. They also provide a doorway for new members to be welcomed, and who doesn't like to feel welcome in a new place?
Last edit: 30 Dec 2019 18:44 by . Reason: Correct a misspelling

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