Pastors availability

02 Nov 2019 20:07 #345129 by Carlos.Martinez3
So, pretty much thanks to the World Wide Web I can be contacted pretty much until I sleep, then one one can wake the dead! Joking

For those who need
This is confessional type of confidentiality type of outreach we offer.
Pastors email

discord site here

And directly 3092589478 on a cell line in the US. Rates apply
As always, if any one needs medical or physiological attention please call professionals or seek them out. No harm or shame that. We as clergy are NOT professionals but volunteers willing to listen and encourage.

I am here to serve.

Force continue to be with y’all !

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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10 Sep 2020 21:19 #354463 by Carlos.Martinez3
As Pastor, I am still available :

For those who need
This is confessional type of confidentiality type of outreach we offer.
Pastors email

discord site here

And directly 3092589478 on a cell line in the US. Rates apply
As always, if any one needs medical or physiological attention please call professionals or seek them out. No harm or shame in that. We as clergy are NOT professionals but volunteers willing to listen and encourage.
Sermons every Friday

Every Monday a post or Jedi devotional for the week. somthing new week

This past year has seen a World Pandemic and I have met with a few people on weekly and monthly basis on personal time. Feel free to contact me or just ask, we can do anything here.

We are doing many chats on different days and meetings on Discord so feel free to reach back... Meet us there and say hi. To all those who are there already, if it were NOT for yall - we wouldn't be there - thank you and I look forward to MORE good stuff!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
The following user(s) said Thank You: RosalynJ
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20 Jun 2021 12:03 - 20 Jun 2021 12:05 #361002 by Carlos.Martinez3
Monday from 7 am my time till 8 am my time I am avalible for a hour on Monday morning on Discord.
Monday 11:00 Temple time - 12:00 Temple time I am also avalible all day which is till 7 pm Temple time but we do home school our children so responce time between 11:00am Monday and Sunday till7 PM Temple time

Sundays and Mondays I am acsessable all day which is Temple time 12:00 Temple time till about 20:00 These are the times I can meet or chat and so forth.

Most days this is my schedule but I can be contacted here or Contact the Clergy or on our Discord site.

From Temple time 21:00 Temple time till 11:00 Im drooling hard. lol

For those needing DIRECT DIRECT 309 8631857. Same times apply and its a family number so CONTACT WILL be made if you send me a line. The wife will make sure of it.
Any other mode of contact is still valid.
May the FORCE we share be with y'all
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 20 Jun 2021 12:05 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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