Lay Sermons - Totjo’s invitation

09 May 2019 04:25 - 09 May 2019 04:29 #338250 by Carlos.Martinez3
This is an open invite for Totjo. Sermons are posted by LM and Ordained ministers and each month there are themes and subjects along with special days and even moments when there are requests and even the occasional Muse calls out to us.

I say this publicly- any member can post a sermon. I believe that we as members have so much to offer each other at any given time. I, myself have often been encouraged by so many people who call on me to listen and it’s thru the time we spend more than just one message or two to help me as well. So I encourage Totjo - send your Lay Sermon to the clergy

Or contact me directly at my pastor email in my signature below.
I look forward to hearing from a lot of different members and different takes on things. We are the color of this place and the world.
Looking forward to seeing good stuff from every one and maybe - new seminarians ???
Love y’all Temple and may the Force continue to be with us all as we seek it!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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Last edit: 09 May 2019 04:29 by Carlos.Martinez3.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Manu, Yugen

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09 May 2019 04:44 #338251 by Carlos.Martinez3
Feel free to post questions here or comments

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
The following user(s) said Thank You: Yugen

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10 May 2019 19:00 #338324 by Carlos.Martinez3
I titled this post Lay sermons and truthfully if there’s a better term for non clergy sermons I’m all ears. So I ask the entire Temple for for forgiveness if the term “Lay” has offended anyone else beside Kyrin. Never my intention. So I turn to y’all- “ Lay “can also be seen as
"Lay" implying novice or inexperienced vs the "increased knowledge and expertise" of the clergy rank...

Not the idea of the open invitation for everyone to share their own experiences and wisdom with us all. So... any good ideas ? From any one?

Just calling them sermons is one idea.
Thanks in advance.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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12 May 2019 14:25 #338366 by
I submitted a sermon years ago and I was a Temple Member. There's no reason to differentiate - if it's quality enough to submit it as a sermon, it's quality enough to be posted as one. I am sure over the years various Members and Guests have provided quality sermons to this Temple.

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12 May 2019 15:49 #338367 by Carlos.Martinez3

2013 ! Dang- thats a flash back worth having !
A very good sermon indeed.

I would love to see good messages come back at least twice a month in a flash back sort of style - visit the archives so to speak. May I keep you in Mind ?
Thank you for this one. Our archive is full of great stuff. We can learn from the present as WELL as the past. Feel free to pm me directly or here or at any of the platforms the clergy is available.
My Temple
Got any good names or clever ideas for things we are doing here ?? I am always down for taking ideas from all available avenues. Keep em coming !

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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13 May 2019 13:24 - 13 May 2019 13:28 #338395 by
I scarcely have time for the groups I'm invested in, if I'm being honest. Hell - engaging with the community at all at this point is something I'm in serious debate over.

But a little distraction every now and again is relieving.

What're you working on? What kind of ideas or initiatives do you have in mind?
Last edit: 13 May 2019 13:28 by .

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13 May 2019 13:34 #338396 by Carlos.Martinez3
For this - we may post past sermons or things we have read that hit us and make a forum list of the sermons that helped. Each month or every other month depending on availability - we can post one of these as a flash back on some ones recommendation.

A flash back or like the”kids” call it a Throwback ... kids is a small joke as I’m turning 40 this year.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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13 May 2019 14:47 #338399 by
Might be fun - especially considering how long TOTJO has been around and what the student turnover seems to be like. Bring back some of the stuff they may have missed.

Maybe every month or something look at sermons from that month (or date, even), going back a minimum amount of years (three, four, five). and picking something.

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