Christian Church Action

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09 Nov 2007 16:38 #8995 by Jon
Christian Church Action was created by Jon


\"The international aid and development work of reflective of the life of Jesus Christ - and shaped by the tradition of Catholic Social Teaching principles:

Preferential Option for the Poor
Caritas...will work with communities who experience poverty, injustice, hunger and oppression regardless of their religious, political or cultural beliefs.

Human Dignity
Caritas...will work with communities in ways that respect, enhance and build their human dignity, empowering them to be authentic agents of change in their own lives, families, communities and societies.

Caritas...will work with international...and all other partners in a spirit of mutual respect, transparency and integrity so that walls of hatred and prejudice, division and oppression will be transformed, so that a better future is built for the world’s poorest people, and where the common good of all people is promoted.

Caritas....will work within the structures of the Catholic community and of the local community, both internationally... . This will enable swift and culturally appropriate responses to need. Caritas...decision-making processes will engage those affected by decisions and policies and reflect transparency and accountability.

Stewardship of the Earth’s Resources
Caritas...will work for the integrity of creation in ways which assist the world’s poorest communities to have access to a greater share of resources, encouraging sustainability and equity, and respect for the environment.\"


\"Development programs take many forms including: health care and health education, water supply and sanitation, housing, education and literacy, programs for women's rights and women's leadership, the development of community leadership, the teaching of job skills and skills for alternative income, agriculture, ecologically sustainable development and environment education, promotion of traditional cultures and skills, assistance to communities after natural disasters and conflicts and housing support for refugees and displaced people.\"

The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.

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