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The Torah?
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Nameless3450 wrote: Ok so I remember always being told that the torah is he old testament for the longest time but then I heard somewhere that they are similiar but changed in the old testament. I then was at barnes and nobles looking at eastern religion sectin and saw the torah. I was going to buy it until I opened it and it had all the names of the old testament only difference was it had hebrew right next to the english so I didn't buy it, so what is the Torah exactly compared to the old testament?
The Torah is the Written teachings of G-d to the Children of Israel and contains the 613 Commandments given to Moses on Mt Sinai. It is commonly referred to at the Pentateuch as it is a compilation of 5 books B'reishit (Genesis), Sh'mot (Exodus), Vayikra (Levitcus), Bamidbar(Numbers) and D'varim (Deuteronomy) The complete Jewish bible is called the Tanach, The Tanach is a combination of this three sections.. 1 The Torah (The teachings) 2. Neviim (Prophesies) and Ketuvim (writings) which for Christians is considered the Old Testement but for Jews is the Bible.
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Adder wrote: I only had a hunch on this so I looked at Wikipedia, it agrees with my shady memory that it seems to say the Torah has 2 parts, written and spoken teachings. It says the Midrash and Talmud now represent those spoken aspects of the Torah... so I guess the Torah could be the compilation of those three documents. See also Rabbinic Judaism versus Karaite Judaism , and the Tanakh
There is the Literal Torah which is the Pentateuch or Five books of Moses.
There is also the Esoteric Torah which would include All of the Tanach, the Bavli Talmud, the Yerushalmi Talmud, the Shulkhan Aruch, the Totafot, the Sefer Yetzirah, the Zohar, and really all authoritative documents such as Maimonidies Guide for the Perplexed.
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- rafey_yasere
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They are two different texts as they are two completely different interpretations. Along with this, The Torah is only the first five books of the OT, the Tanakh is all of them. But due to the drastic differences of interpretation and translation, they are still different texts.
Ra'Fey Ya'Sere
Yosef ben Miriam v'Garshen
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