- Posts: 1043
The end of my time...
- Neaj Pa Bol
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- Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see...
As of this day, December 8th, 2008 I hereby submit my resignation as Cardinal Bishop of the
Abrahamic/Christian Rite. I ask the my second, Zanthan Storm (Michael Zysk) be raised to
Cardinal Bishop, as I return to Just a Master and/or Bishop due to my Ordination. And remain
as a Charter Member.
My Best to you all....
Neaj Pa Bol (Patricia Bolcerek)
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin
Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others. Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Participated in the making of the book, “The Jedi Compass”with 2 articles.
For today I serve so that tomorrow I may serve again. One step, One Vow, One Moment... Too always remember it is not about me... Master Neaj Pa Bol
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see...
Faith is a journey, not a guilt trip...
Quiet your emotions to find inner peace. Learn from ignorance to foster knowledge.
Enjoy your passions but be immersed in serenity. Understand the chaos to see the harmony.
Life and death is to be one with the Force.
Apprentice's: Master Zanthan Storm, Jaxxy (Master Rachat et Espoir (Bridgette Barker))
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I'm not a cardinal either. It's time for others to get management experience and let us have fun doing what we like best.
I know this is a rough time and I pray that God grants you Peace.
You are the Matriarch of the Temple Of The Jedi Order and our Reverend Mother.
/Br. John Henry Phelan/
Founder of The Order
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/Br. John Henry Phelan/
*Note: while only bishops are cardinals at this time it is possible for a knight to be a cardinal. In that event the knight would be Ordained as a Priest if such an one is not already a priest or bishop.
Founder of The Order
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- Neaj Pa Bol
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- Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see...
- Posts: 1043
Master Patty I understand. We've been at this three years and if you're half as exhausted as I ....
I'm not a cardinal either. It's time for others to get management experience and let us have fun doing what we like best.
I know this is a rough time and I pray that God grants you Peace.
With all do respect John. you asked me to run the temple and get it on it's feet again. As I was working on that each day, you come a long and put another Member in Chair's place.
That's fine, so be it...
You are the Matriarch of the Temple Of The Jedi Order and our Reverend Mother.
/Br. John Henry Phelan/
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin
Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others. Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Participated in the making of the book, “The Jedi Compass”with 2 articles.
For today I serve so that tomorrow I may serve again. One step, One Vow, One Moment... Too always remember it is not about me... Master Neaj Pa Bol
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see...
Faith is a journey, not a guilt trip...
Quiet your emotions to find inner peace. Learn from ignorance to foster knowledge.
Enjoy your passions but be immersed in serenity. Understand the chaos to see the harmony.
Life and death is to be one with the Force.
Apprentice's: Master Zanthan Storm, Jaxxy (Master Rachat et Espoir (Bridgette Barker))
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When did I do that? Put someone else [as the Chair] in your place.
I did no such thing. Where did this come from?[/color]
Founder of The Order
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This is really embarrassing.
Founder of The Order
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- Zanthan Storm
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- Senior Ordained Clergy Person
- Jedi Master - Bishop - Grey Healer
- Posts: 526
Master Patty is and always will be a guiding force with us. As an apprentice she guided me along the path, always supportive and with a firm grip on reality and the Force. Your wisdom and strength have been valued by all of us here.
She has been known as the Mother of the Jedi among some, Just now she was Named Matriarch of The Order.
I accept this Post in humility, I hold it in trust for the rest of the Jedi who will follow.
May the Force be with Us.
Zanthan Storm
AKA Rev. Michael Ziskovsky OCP D.Div.
Master Knight of Jediism
Founder of Roseville, MN Chapter of TOTJO
Current Apprentice: The Coyote
Past Master: GM Neaj Pa Bol
Past Apprentices: Sr. Knight Kira, Knight Myos, Doriann
"Let no one thing control your life, seek to be complete and at peace."
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Due to the fact that Master Patty's resignation was brought on by receiving false information, it is NOT legally binding.
Therefore, her seat as Chair of the Council is STILL intact, lest she chooses otherwise.
Mike, you have been promoted to Cardinal by the Chaplain at the request of your Cardinal ArchBishop.
This is a done deal. The Holy Orders cannot be revoked. Therefore, the Christian Rite now has two Cardinals, the same as the Pagan Rite. Which I can only find befitting because the Christian Rite is by far the largest.
The Christian Rite should have had two Cardinals long ago. Hopefully now we can start to make up for our own errors.
Master Patty, I have sent you a PM.
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The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.
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...Br. John you have such innovation that can move mountains, mountains like TOTJO.
This is what counts and defines who you are not the small detail, not any mistakes which may be made.
The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.
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