Who is God to you?

28 Sep 2016 20:34 #258846 by Eleven
Who is God to you? was created by Eleven
I have been struggling in my church of the last three years roughly. Been thinking about leaving completely but, a part of me is Holding to Jesus. I am growing more fearful about leaving and focusing fully on jediism. But, every church service, every prayer night or Bible study night or youth group night (Very active in my church) if I were to walk away I feel like I would hurt something permanently within me and my peers. I know you can be a Jedi and be a Christian but, my church is very conservative...Jesus only. They would more than likely ask me leave.


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28 Sep 2016 21:02 #258850 by
Replied by on topic Who is God to you?
What has made you think about leaving, specifically?

What do you think would be hurt in you or your peers if you left?

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28 Sep 2016 21:20 #258852 by Zenchi
Replied by Zenchi on topic Who is God to you?
Are you staying simply out of fear? That's why alot of people still go to church, that perhaps its a sin or something...

I left because it didn't feel right, it never did. As soon as I was given the choice, that was that, and I have never regretted that decision...

Sounds as if you need to weigh the positives verses the negatives. Do you feel good while at church? Listen to your gut, and do not allow fear to influence your decision. A huge part of being a Jedi is having the courage to make difficult decisions...

My Word is my Honor, and my Honor is my Life ~ Sturm Brightblade
Passion, yet Serenity
Knighted Apprentice Arisaig
TM- RyuJin

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28 Sep 2016 23:41 #258869 by Eleven
Replied by Eleven on topic Who is God to you?
I think it's the fear of leaving there's nothing wrong with my church necessarily but I know that they would never support my second one. If my pastor were to look at some of the things that are posted on here and really study it and he would not make a harsh quick judgment but I guarantee you he would consider this ungodly and Magic hand of the devil. Me and my wife have had arguments about Temple of the Jedi Order before. But I'm in church I pray I participate I don't just sit on the pier and not respond there is just something pulling on me not wanting to leave but at the same time I get too tired the lack of respect the consideration they gay and lesbian community, a church can be just flat hateful that anything that's anti Bible for Anti christ. I'm just not that way anymore I used to be like that you're very hateful Christian it is either repent and give your life to Christ or burn 2011 I came to this Temple and I feel I awoke. I love Jesus I love my pastor I love my church and they love me but I know they would never accept me being a Jedi I guarantee you they probably laugh me to scorn.


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28 Sep 2016 23:53 #258872 by
Replied by on topic Who is God to you?
Who is god to me? My essence. The words you choose to define that are up to you but the words are limiting and clinging to the words too tightly is a deception and leads to unhappiness. Look into and discover your essence and you'll find your god, no words are then necessary. Be happy.

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29 Sep 2016 00:21 #258881 by Alethea Thompson
Replied by Alethea Thompson on topic Who is God to you?
I have the luxury of being a well known name in the Jedi Community, so it affords me the ability to be able to explain the intricacies of the how the Jedi Path works in regards to our multi-faith acceptance without my pastor thinking I just don't get it. If they went to ask someone at any of the orders or big name Jedi Facebook groups what the Jedi Community is about (on the Macro-Scale), they would most likely get pointed in a number of directions, one of which is mine (which is what I mean by "luxury").

My pastor, however, accepted from the get-go that it would take a great deal of time for him to figure all of this out, and instead decided to rely on what he feels the Holy Spirit is telling him about me. He's not worried about my Jedi side. I say this to explain that if your pastor is focused on your other church rather than how you live your life in accordance with God's Word, then he's probably not a pastor sanctified by God.

That said, here's the real question: Have you dug into the Bible to discover God? Jedi are taught to meditate, as it happens the Bible also encourages us to meditate on God's Word. Through that, you can find whether or not you actually agree with Christianity. I recommend starting with the really harsh points in Christianity- meditating on the things you pointed out you hate about your church. Their hatred towards LGBT, find verses (not just the one verse, read the entire collection of verses that lead up to and follow those verses, for example: Read all of the story on Sodom and Gomorrah starting with God telling Abraham He was about to go review them, not the snippets) that relate to the concept, and verses that talk about using wisdom to communicate with people about their sins, and about love, etc.

From there, if you still decide Christianity is the way for you, pray that God lead you to a church that agrees with what you've learned.

I'm not in a church because of my pastor. I'm in a church because the church provides me an opportunity to develop a relationship with God, that I don't really have at home with a spastic kid.

Gather at the River,
Setanaoko Oceana
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29 Sep 2016 00:23 #258882 by Leah Starspectre
Replied by Leah Starspectre on topic Who is God to you?
I think the question is less about God and more about you.

Whether you're in the church or not, would that change your relationship with Him? Would you love Jesus less if you distanced yourself from a house that didn't follow His message of love and peace? Or found another church that allowed you to more fully and authentically live His word?
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29 Sep 2016 06:50 #258921 by Eleven
Replied by Eleven on topic Who is God to you?
@leah well, I have always been taught it isn't about you its about Jesus. Would this change or challenge my faith in Christ? Nope, not at all. Jesus Christ I will always have in my heart. The church structure no. I grow tired of hearing people say how much they love God yet, they bash each other and are at times the most hypocritical group of people myself included in this I have done it as well. Espically, when someone leaves church. But, when they're in church they loved them so...obviously not! And I hate to bash others but, it makes me think. Is leaving as horrible as I think? Or, is it a mind over matter deal.


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29 Sep 2016 13:13 #258940 by Leah Starspectre
Replied by Leah Starspectre on topic Who is God to you?

Sven One wrote: @leah well, I have always been taught it isn't about you its about Jesus. Would this change or challenge my faith in Christ? Nope, not at all. Jesus Christ I will always have in my heart. The church structure no. I grow tired of hearing people say how much they love God yet, they bash each other and are at times the most hypocritical group of people myself included in this I have done it as well. Espically, when someone leaves church. But, when they're in church they loved them so...obviously not! And I hate to bash others but, it makes me think. Is leaving as horrible as I think? Or, is it a mind over matter deal.

That's what I'm suggesting. No matter where you are, you will have your love for Christ with you, so it should be a no-brainer. Although inspired by God, any church you go to was built by Man, and so, is subject to Man's failings and weaknesses (like petty behaviour and misinterpretations of the Word)

If you feel like a church isn't embracing the ideals that you believe in, like tolerance and compassion, you're not at fault for wanting to leave. You can leave them to their cattiness and gossip and either find a new fellowship or worship on your own terms. We were given free will for a reason. ;)
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30 Sep 2016 03:13 #259071 by JamesSand
Replied by JamesSand on topic Who is God to you?
God is not a "Who"

I don't think I've visited my Church (I use the term as the organisation rather than a specific building) in 4 years?

My church was never about the people or the potluck dinners or whatever else people do at churches though, so my feelings on "not being a part of the community" could be very different from yours.

Work on it, take some time, you may be able to change what God and Church means to you, and then leaving (or staying) will be an obvious and easy choice, not a dilemma.

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