what is the significance of...

22 Apr 2015 02:16 #189205 by OB1Shinobi
what is the significance of the story of genesis in regards to the garden of edan and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the the ensuing events?

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22 Apr 2015 02:29 #189208 by steamboat28
It's a story of innocence lost. When one eats of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, one gains understanding of good, but one cannot know good without having seen evil. Until that point, the two living in the garden had no idea evil was conceptually possible, and couldn't commit it--they simply did what they do. But there comes a time in everyone's life when that knowledge is gained, the knowledge of both the heights and depths of human behavior. And once that door is opened, it can never be closed again. We will forever live knowing the evil that men can do.

...but what do i know? ;)
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22 Apr 2015 03:00 - 22 Apr 2015 03:01 #189209 by OB1Shinobi
why do they hide?
theyve done no real evil
why are they ashamed of their nakedness?
what does this signify?
didnt they even know they were naked before eating of the tree of knowledge ect?

People are complicated.
Last edit: 22 Apr 2015 03:01 by OB1Shinobi.

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22 Apr 2015 03:05 #189211 by RosalynJ
Nakedness could signify a level of vulnerability and fear. Adam knew the consequences of the behavior and even though he cannot (really) hide from God, that doesn't stop he and Eve from trying.

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22 Apr 2015 03:13 #189212 by
Replied by on topic what is the significance of...
This is the second time today I'm going to do this...

Our IP answers this question.

Here's the excerpt, to make it easy for you. :)

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22 Apr 2015 03:21 - 22 Apr 2015 03:22 #189213 by Adder
I like it as a metaphor for chakra's (three wise men = yogi's) but I've got three feet in the Eastern Studies part of the forum so shouldn't post my heresy here in Abrahamic
:pinch: :side:

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Last edit: 22 Apr 2015 03:22 by Adder.
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22 Apr 2015 16:25 #189259 by OB1Shinobi
is there significance in that adam said "eve made me do it!" lol
i find that rather distasteful at several levels, none of which involve and sense of gender per se but rather issues of loyalty and responsibility and what i guess could be called "unit cohesion"

also that god said "let us expel them or they will eat of the tree of eternal life and become as we are"?

im just generally fascinated with this story right now, and i did watch the campbell video, and i found it wonderful, but i dont feel that it covered the full scope of the topic so i am really curious about everyone elses thoughts

i have some of my own theories but i am more interested in what you guys/gals have to say
and thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts

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22 Apr 2015 22:53 #189312 by
Replied by on topic what is the significance of...
Myth is the narrative embodiment of an idea.
Myth places the experience of persons in a whole that receives orientation and meaning from the narration.  
Myth narrates a sacred history; it relates an event in primordial time; it tells how reality came into existence.
Myths can be known, experienced, lived in the sense that one is seized by the sacred in the re-enactment of the primordial event.

The myth of the Fall narrates the origin of death; of why we do not walk with God in Paradise; of why we know the difference between good and evil, and so, are responsible for our choices, and also that our knowledge shall govern how we live each day.

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25 Apr 2015 18:26 #189686 by
Replied by on topic Re:what is the significance of...

OB1Shinobi wrote: why do they hide?
theyve done no real evil
why are they ashamed of their nakedness?
what does this signify?
didnt they even know they were naked before eating of the tree of knowledge ect?

The story is significant for various reasons. One example is that it represents mankind's appetite for things we cannot have symbolized by the forbidden fruit. Also, you need to understand Adam and Eve were naive to many things. Evil, shame, cruelty. All they knew was their love for God. After having eaten the forbidden fruit, they realized what being naked was. When before they hadn't even considered it.

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25 Apr 2015 19:06 #189692 by OB1Shinobi
what is the significance of the associations which make up the concept of "the devil"?

embodiment of evil
overlord of hell
rebelled against god
tempts and corrupts man
likes to party

original appearance as the serpent
which is deeply associated with (among other things) wisdom

referred to as "the adversay"
whose name is lucifer which translates as "morning star" and has astronomical implications

also there is the translation "light bearer" or "light bringer"
light having the symbolic associations of wisdom or reason
is this coincidental?
if not then what is the significance?
if so then what new ideas does the association activate?

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