No Holds Barred Bible Study

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19 Jan 2015 14:10 - 19 Jan 2015 14:46 #177823 by
"The one who does deceitful things will not stay in my home. The one who tells lies will not remain in my presence."

Psalm 101:7

"My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; He who walks in a blameless way is the one who will minister to me. 7He who practices deceit shall not dwell within my house; He who speaks falsehood shall not maintain his position before me. 8Every morning I will destroy all the wicked of the land, So as to cut off from the city of the LORD all those who do iniquity."
Last edit: 19 Jan 2015 14:46 by .

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19 Jan 2015 14:15 #177824 by
Replied by on topic No Holds Barred Bible Study
◄ Revelation 1 ►
NET Bible
The Prologue

1The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must happen very soon. He made it clear by sending his angel to his servant John, 2who then testified to everything that he saw concerning the word of God and the testimony about Jesus Christ. 3Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy aloud, and blessed are those who hear and obey the things written in it, because the time is near!

4From John, to the seven churches that are in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from “he who is,” and who was, and who is still to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, 5and from Jesus Christ – the faithful witness, the firstborn from among the dead, the ruler over the kings of the earth. To the one who loves us and has set us free from our sins at the cost of his own blood 6and has appointed us as a kingdom, as priests serving his God and Father – to him be the glory and the power for ever and ever! Amen.

7(Look! He is returning with the clouds,
and every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him,
and all the tribes on the earth will mourn because of him.
This will certainly come to pass! Amen.)
8“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God – the one who is, and who was, and who is still to come – the All-Powerful!

9I, John, your brother and the one who shares with you in the persecution, kingdom, and endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony about Jesus. 10I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day when I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, 11saying: “Write in a book what you see and send it to the seven churches – to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”

12I turned to see whose voice was speaking to me, and when I did so, I saw seven golden lampstands, 13and in the midst of the lampstands was one like a son of man. He was dressed in a robe extending down to his feet and he wore a wide golden belt around his chest. 14His head and hair were as white as wool, even as white as snow, and his eyes were like a fiery flame. 15His feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. 16He held seven stars in his right hand, and a sharp double-edged sword extended out of his mouth. His face shone like the sun shining at full strength. 17When I saw him I fell down at his feet as though I were dead, but he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid! I am the first and the last, 18and the one who lives! I was dead, but look, now I am alive – forever and ever – and I hold the keys of death and of Hades! 19Therefore write what you saw, what is, and what will be after these things. 20The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

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01 Feb 2015 13:54 - 01 Feb 2015 14:27 #179621 by
Replied by on topic Paul was the first anti christ

I hear a lot of talk about open mindedness by close minded boxheads everywhere I go
Yet I go and go and go and stay and stay and stay with and against the Flow
Last edit: 01 Feb 2015 14:27 by .

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01 Feb 2015 16:38 #179643 by
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What's the discussion you're wanting to have Ghost?

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01 Feb 2015 17:15 - 01 Feb 2015 17:23 #179647 by
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This is a No Holds Barred Bible Study. The most recent topic is Paul - the first anti-christ.

Paul comes from the Tribe of Benjamin - The Wolf.

Last edit: 01 Feb 2015 17:23 by .

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01 Feb 2015 17:34 - 01 Feb 2015 17:39 #179649 by a67
Replied by a67 on topic No Holds Barred Bible Study
I dont look by time factor but the trivia of Paul, yet its far away from now. and john are the one who wrote revelaton. before paul was really bad but when he change of name and CHOOSE to change he was not the same man. you should read the little book of jude just before revelation.
sure he was a persecutor but when he realize what he was doing he change even of name.
Last edit: 01 Feb 2015 17:39 by a67. Reason: sorry

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01 Feb 2015 18:53 - 01 Feb 2015 18:54 #179674 by
Replied by on topic No Holds Barred Bible Study
lol, the very first big point made int he first video is that Jesus came to fulfill the law. There are three huge errors in that statement.

The first is that a big deal is made later about Paul never having met Jesus, so how can Paul speak on Jesus' behalf? And yet "evidence" from the Bible (Matthew 5:17) about the true intention of Jesus is presented by an author who... never met Jesus?

Second, if the intention of Jesus was to fulfill the law then why is it mentioned only in Matthew?

Third, this point is tied into the second one, but by simply picking and choosing a passage from the bible and saying "there we go look I'm right" it is entirely failing to take into consideration many of the other factors that were behind the writing of it.

Take for instance that there are four Gospels, and yet each Gospel talks about Jesus in a different way. Mark speaks of Jesus as the Son of Man, Matthew as the King of Jews, Luke as the Saviour of the World and John as the Son of God. So why on earth are they all different? Most likely because they were all targeted at different audiences, in this instance Matthew's target audience was Jewish converts to Christianity. It would be very appealing to Jews to know that they didn't have to change any of their previous practices...

Other miscellaneous points include what exactly "fulfill" means, furhtermore whether there is even a "right" answer to that question. Doesn't all of these presuppose that the "right" answer is whatever Jesus originally intended, begging the question as to how we could ever know what Jesus originally intended?

But you know what? If Jesus was as kind and peace-loving as he is made out to be then that would lead one to hope that such doctrinal distinctions probably don't matter all that much, what matters is being a good person so getting hung up on who said what to whom and who intended what etc does more harm than good?

If Paul was the "anti-christ" (a hugely loaded term) then wouldn't that be second to whether he was a good person?
Last edit: 01 Feb 2015 18:54 by .

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01 Feb 2015 18:59 - 01 Feb 2015 19:23 #179675 by
Replied by on topic Paul was the first Anti Christ
Paul was not a good person according to the bible. He was a murderer. Do you know lots of murderers that are good people? Many of them convert and claim to be good people after they get caught or to fulfill certain agendas.

The second video goes more in depth, but also goes off into some stuff I am not interested in.
Last edit: 01 Feb 2015 19:23 by .

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01 Feb 2015 19:05 #179678 by
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ghost dog wrote: Paul was not a good person according to the bible. He was a murderer. Do you know lots of murderers that are good people? Many of them convert and claim to be good people after they get caught or to fulfill certain agendas.

If people couldn't redeem themselves, atone for their sins or be forgiven then Jesus must have been wasting his time.

Even if Paul had an agenda we would judge it based on his actions. So we end up talking about what it was Paul did after his experience anyway.

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01 Feb 2015 19:06 - 01 Feb 2015 19:19 #179679 by
Replied by on topic Paul was the first Anti Christ

Luke-Acts and Revelation were written in Allegory in order to preserve the true story of Jesus the Nazarene and Mary Magdalene.
The Nazarenes were under attack and feared total destruction of their doctrine. Allegory was their only hope of saving their history
from destruction at the hands of their enemy, Saulus, aka "The Apostle Paul. "

to redeem yourself you have to have a repentance, complete change, but if one's claimed redemption is to continue to destroy something then there was no repentance or desired redemption.

Last edit: 01 Feb 2015 19:19 by .

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