Meeting of the Clergy August 28, 2022 7PM GMT/ 12 PM PST

18 Aug 2022 16:13 - 22 Aug 2022 19:16 #369937 by RosalynJ
Good Timezone,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to check in with you and also to let you know that while seminary has been in a bit of a holding pattern, Synod has been working to draft bylaws for the Clergy. We’d like to get your view on the work that has been done thus far, not only in an individual sense, but also as a collective body. To this end, we’ll be having a meeting of the clergy on August 28, 2022 at 12:00 PM Pacific Time in discord #clergy_general as well as #clergy-voice for those who would prefer
We hope you will be able to attend the meeting, not only to discuss this important matter, but because we’d like to get back in the habit of having more regular meetings. If you cannot make the meeting, please post in this thread your thoughts

Here is the bylaws document for your review:

Thank you and May the Force Be with You
Rosalyn J
V.P of Clerical Affairs

Pax Per Ministerium

Last edit: 22 Aug 2022 19:16 by RosalynJ.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3

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22 Aug 2022 14:40 #369966 by Zanthan Storm

I will be unable to make this meeting due to previous plans. The bylaws seem general, which I like as I have noticed a good bit of flair in my review of the forums and chats. Tis good! diversity in teaching the same aspects are great.

I would question what are the goals of the bylaws. The highlighted sections appear to be attempting to put limits on what people say even outside of the Temple and without intent while not representing the Temple. While I do not agree with this, it would be worth giving examples or being specific with these things.

Beyond that, references to the specific needs of the clergy and links to the required documents would serve for ease of completion.

It looks good otherwise to me.

My thanks for soliciting feedback!

Zanthan Storm
AKA Rev. Michael Ziskovsky OCP D.Div.

Master Knight of Jediism
Founder of Roseville, MN Chapter of TOTJO

Current Apprentice: The Coyote
Past Master: GM Neaj Pa Bol
Past Apprentices: Sr. Knight Kira, Knight Myos, Doriann

"Let no one thing control your life, seek to be complete and at peace."

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22 Aug 2022 14:46 #369967 by RosalynJ
You're not the first to have concern about the limits with or without intent.
I think the main thrust is just to ensure that we are representing Jediism in the best way, particularly as members of the clergy.

I'm willing to hear how it may be better articulated. I understand it's broadness.

Pax Per Ministerium

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22 Aug 2022 15:14 #369968 by Zanthan Storm
I agree that we should represent well, but it seems arbitrary. If we are going to limit, we should not have to worry about the metaphorical Doom of Damocles.

Clearly articulated limits such as: "do not post about *insert topic here*" or if a statement needs to be made when giving such opinions like: "I am speaking non ecclesia for the following statement" These should be known up front and well articulated by this body so all can easily follow them. So general enough to be remembered, but not arcane enough to be forgotten by the sheer amount.

Too much generalization creates fear to speak, speaking truth is a big deal IMHO. While others and my truth may not be the same, knowing specifically what we want to say is best. I would suggest guidelines be drawn up, specifically around the different aspects that come up, as we can not assume we can guess them all.

So first is exposure, "Hey we found this subject posted by "random person" we should have a stance/official statement about it."

Then review, "ok everyone, what are all your thoughts, lets see where this lands, then send it out."

Then send it out for all to see.

While I imagine doing this for EVERYTHING, would be taxing, but it would fit the broad language. To not do so, would be hypocrisy.

If we are not going to take it as they come or have a list of what our official stances are, then it is very ambiguous and fear of accidently stepping out of line would be rampant. As no one would know what would be offensive/going against the bylaws. I could technically be doing so right now, without knowledge and AM risking removal of status within the Temple.

So to Sum up: If we are going to be broad and general, it has a high likelihood of creating fear to speak truth or opinion to power, which is a trap many other religions/institutions have fallen into. We need to be specific about the things we want, otherwise, it is just a shadowy figure that could strike at any moment. It does not allow for people grow unrestricted and I aggressively do not recommended. From what Rosalyn has said, I am not alone in this.

Zanthan Storm
AKA Rev. Michael Ziskovsky OCP D.Div.

Master Knight of Jediism
Founder of Roseville, MN Chapter of TOTJO

Current Apprentice: The Coyote
Past Master: GM Neaj Pa Bol
Past Apprentices: Sr. Knight Kira, Knight Myos, Doriann

"Let no one thing control your life, seek to be complete and at peace."

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22 Aug 2022 15:28 #369969 by RosalynJ
I agree with your points.

Historically, people have used the specificity of rules to "bend" or otherwise get around them. I think balance between specificity and broadness is probably the best.

I did not know about the Doom of Domcles. Thank you for that.

The goal is not to inspire fear, so I suppose it's back to the drawing board there

Pax Per Ministerium

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27 Aug 2022 22:21 #370018 by RosalynJ

Pax Per Ministerium

The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3

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30 Aug 2022 01:56 #370057 by 666
lol, I may be the most inactive, around here. sorry, new job doesn't give me any free time

Knight of Jediism
Ordained Deacon and Minister
Promoted and Ordained April 28, 2010

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30 Aug 2022 02:39 #370059 by RosalynJ

It's good to see you

How delightful

Please give your feedback once I post the summary if you want

Pax Per Ministerium

The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3, Serenity Amyntas

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02 Oct 2022 15:25 - 02 Oct 2022 20:34 #370350 by RosalynJ
Oh my Gosh! Thank you for your patience while my computer was being tempermental

here is the transcript for the august meeting

Warning: Spoiler!

Also here are the bylaws:

Pax Per Ministerium

Last edit: 02 Oct 2022 20:34 by RosalynJ.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3, Silenus

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