Hello there fellow Jedi,
We're back for the Holidays with a new Transmission! In the final month of the year, we've got an interview with Master Dude, holiday wishes from Pastor Carlos, a smile-inducing look at the Grinch as a Jedi, Seneca's advice for Saturnalia and a thought provoking piece on reaping what we sow.
As always, the newsletter can be accessed in multiple ways so here they are:
Canva Direct link:
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You can subscribe to the mailing list here: Temple of the Jedi Order Newsletter sign up (google.com)
If you're looking for our older issues you can find them in the archive: published newsletters
If you love what you read, share that love with the authors!
May the Force be with you!
Degree tracker link: HTTPs://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i_ZdUo_TQcT-ofWWb-PVgmX0LUIm5Foy4P7Lc3HWL20/edit?pli=1#gid=557391566