User Bans and Pertinent Information

21 Aug 2018 20:14 #325367 by MadHatter
This thread will be for myself, our security officers and other members of Council to announce user bans and any further relevant information. As such it will not be open for discussion nor should any questions become member threads. PM the council if you have questions not answered in the announcement.

Knight of the Order
Training Master: Jestor
Apprentices: Lama Su, Leah
Just a pop culture Jedi doing what I can
The following user(s) said Thank You: Neaj Pa Bol, Carlos.Martinez3
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21 Aug 2018 20:15 #325368 by MadHatter
Concerning FTPC

It is a sad day when the Temple must cut ties with one of its members. However, there are circumstance that cannot be tolerated and lines that should not be crossed. Therefore I must announce to you the excommunication of FTPC from the Temple of the Jedi Order. The reasons are many and without dragging names through the mud we wanted to give you all some clarity as to why.
1. Serious allegations were made by FTPC against another member. Council investigated over 60 screenshots taken, archiving the conversation where the allegations came from and more screenshots archiving other related conversations.
2. Zero evidence was found supporting the allegation.
3. During the investigation, it was also realized that there were several occasions where conflicts were created, not only between members of this Temple but also between this Temple and other communities, by FTPC.
4. During our investigation, we also ran into dishonest answers and deceitful actions by FTPC.
We determined that the best course of action for all parties is to completely cut ties. To ensure the safety of this Temple and everyone involved. Any questions can be answered further by pming a member of Council. Please respect the privacy of the involved parties.

Knight of the Order
Training Master: Jestor
Apprentices: Lama Su, Leah
Just a pop culture Jedi doing what I can
The following user(s) said Thank You: Neaj Pa Bol, Carlos.Martinez3
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31 Aug 2018 21:11 - 31 Aug 2018 21:12 #325764 by MadHatter
Concerning Kyrin

Kyrin shall be returning to the Temple after a few month ban on 01Sep2018
Concerning Ob1
Ob1 shall be returning from his 3 month ban on 15Sep2018

Knight of the Order
Training Master: Jestor
Apprentices: Lama Su, Leah
Just a pop culture Jedi doing what I can
Last edit: 31 Aug 2018 21:12 by MadHatter.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3
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03 Oct 2018 20:11 #327297 by
Concerning Streen

As Sergeant At Arms and on behalf of the Council, it is my duty to officially inform the membership of the Temple of the Jedi Order that user Streen has been banned from the Temple indefinitely for repeatedly violating the Terms of Use of this website, specifically the rule prohibiting stealth advertising and member poaching as stated here:

Stealth Advertising (Member Poaching etc)
Similarly to unsolicited links we do not tolerate the activity some resort to in order to increase membership of their own site, be this by using our private messaging system, the forum itself, the Shout! box or chat function.

Streen has been warned a number of times about this behavior and continues despite these warnings, resulting in the current disciplinary action. He went so far as to reference his prior attempts at circumventing these rules, giving us no choice but to take immediate action. He can appeal this ban by contacting any Councillor directly, but due to the repeating nature of the infractions, there is no guarantee that an appeal will be granted. He was not a member of Temple of the Jedi Order at the time of the violation. The offending post is presented as evidence in the spoiler below with sensitive and/or harmful information removed.

Warning: Spoiler!

Should you have any questions regarding this particular issue, please PM me or another Councillor directly. DO NOT RESPOND HERE as this is a thread for announcements only.
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11 Oct 2018 07:12 #327753 by
Kyrin Wyldstar has been effectively banned for a duration that is still to be determined. This decision was reached after multiple personal attacks and harassment of members through the use of our PM system. All questions, comments, and concerns may be sent directly to me via the PM system.
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11 Oct 2018 18:02 #327771 by
Good Timezone Temple Friends,
Recent actions in a forums and PM by Kyrin and Arisaig have resulted in disciplinary actions. Threatening a guest or member is not in keeping with the behavior expected of an apprentice of the Order and discussing or labelling people rather than ideas is also against the rules. These rules were violated and each has been made aware. Each will be suspended for one week and you will conclude on October 18, 2018.

Security Officer/Councillor
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12 Oct 2018 08:08 - 12 Oct 2018 13:09 #327847 by ren
Although zenchi was granted leave to remain until his former apprentice were knighted following his excommunication, he has abused that trust by violating our rules in regards to 'behaviour unbecoming' (link in the red bar) and by sharing PMs between two other people without their consent on a public forum, which is a crime.

Guest Zenchi is hereby banned effective immediately.

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
Last edit: 12 Oct 2018 13:09 by ren.
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29 Mar 2019 13:54 #336611 by RosalynJ

Anyone making a threat against a Member or The Order is expelled or suspended depending on the circumstances. Remember that our system calls any blocked account 'banned' and it's built into the program. Banned does not always mean banned and in this case, it does not mean banned. Criticizing someone is not threatening them and this has nothing to do with any criticism. Arisaig is threatening legal action against two Members and against The Order. Until this legal action is resolved Arisig is suspended. This is for his protection and ours. Our legal counsel is that no officer, director, moderator, or admin of The Order will discuss anything about this with anyone since it's pending litigation. Please do not confuse suspension with excommunication, demotion, etc. There is nothing else to say about this. There is nothing else we can say about this.

This action is approved by The Council

Pax Per Ministerium

The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3
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