•   Jedilight reacted to this post about 7 months ago
    I have fully committed myself to my spiritual studies and self improvement recently in my life, and I have felt a sense of relief. I cannot truthfully say that I am much happier yet, but being happy has always been a struggle of mine. The reason I am posting however, is because this Wednesday ( tomorrow ) I am taking my dog who I have had for 20 years to the vet to be put down, and though I know that I should rejoice that he will transform into the force and be with God. I must admit that I am struggling with this, and I was hoping to get some insight from anyone willing to offer some about the best ways to handle loss. I am not unfamiliar with the process and I can say I have often handled loss well, but he is a pillar of my family in many ways and I am struggling, thank you.
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