•   Serenity Amyntas reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    After a very nice Christmas Holiday, I'm back at college working on writing and biology. Starting unit 3 in biology this coming week, and writing my first "big" essay on lowering the drinking age to 18 versus raising the age of "adulthood" to 21. Lots of hours studying! biology is a lot!! the writing class isn't terribly high of assignments, but I worry that the bio class assignments may make keeping up with writing difficult. Just keeping everyone informed on what's going on. Next term is chemistry and some final electives before tackling Anatomy and Physiology later this year! Unsure how much work I'll get done on apprentice assignments but I will try to stay active in this community between terms, or when I have a few days between due dates and next class dates.

    Happy New year 2025 Brothers and Sisters!
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