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Good day and Time zone Jedi everywhere. 

May the Force be with you all wherever you may be today. 

We as humans can have a presence about us. We do. Where we focus can be noticed. Where you put your treasure and your heart, and your faith can be almost felt or seen at times in life. The same can be said for those who are NOT present. We can tell. We do not teach Force powers or magic spells here but what we do is remind each other of the potential that can be present. Each of us has a potential. Some of us have several. It can be present. Have you ever met someone sad? Like heavy death in the family sad? The pain and worry are there. Sometimes we can see it. Sometimes we can hide it but all in all there is a presence we permeate. The same can be said for when we find our bliss. There is a difference in happiness and bliss. When we reflect on our own status, we can notice our own presence. What type of presence do we leave with others? What type of "taste" of ideas do you leave in peoples mind when you depart? One of the things we do teach is that we can be keepers and propagators of things like love, pardon, faith, hope, light and joy. The reminder is to be the one who has these and seeks them and keeps them and shares them. We can be this. Our presence can bring these things if we have them.

Where our treasure is, you can tell. There is another presence that is not all of this. Some call it a SIMULATED PRESENCE.  

We as Jedi can have hope. We can have many things present but one of them can  be a simulated presence. Think about this for a bit. I did not say LIE - I simply said simulated. Even a try can "look" or feel simulated. They are different. Intention can be everything some days. WHY we do it or WHY we try can matter too. So much can matter in terms of our current presence. Are we there ????Are we present? 

I want to encourage every Jedi to take some time or make some time to reflect on their presence and what we are sharing. Is it real or is it a hope or is it.. well simulated?  One of the hardest things I have had to learn and continue to learn is the power of the right now or being present in the time that is right now. It does take some practice, dedication and reflection. 

Reflect and see who you are and how you do it. Find out if your hope is hope or something else. Find out. If you need any help or just a ear, we have Clergy, Knights and others just waiting for someone to reach out. Yoda and Obi were there watching way before the twins were born and after for some time too. No one knew till they were "needed" or it was time. What we shine or what we reflect can be up to us. Which direction or directions we go with what we find is up to us too. Who are you today Jedi? Are you, you or are you something hoped for? Which type of presence do we have? It is my hope that we examine our own presence with others. It can be just as important as what type of books we read. We can be the book everyone else reads. Something to reflect, pray on and think about if you like. 

May the Force be with y'all

Pastor Carlos