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Wordle and the Force

It has been said that only a mindset from the last 2 years can understand the following sentence. Wordle is the sourdough starter of Omicron. A quick translation reads that, for many, Wordle became a temporary obsession for those stuck indoors during the pandemic lockdown after they had baked enough sourdough bread to feed the proverbial third army. My girlfriend and I are still on the list of regular, everyday players. During the week, before we go to our education jobs, we start our day with it, and on the weekend, we end our day with the game by solving the puzzle just after midnight before we turn in for the night. Doing Wordle in the morning gives me a great opportunity to kick start my brain, and it provides a nice wind down when we wrap up the week.
One of the strategies I have adopted is to start with a go-to word that will either give me a few letters to work with or it will eliminate all the letters from the get-go. My go-to word is Force. It gives me a nice combination of consonants and commonly used vowels to launch from; the Force is also how I start my day with a quick (usually moving) meditation on how I can best use the Force to serve my students at the high school I work at. Starting the day by centering oneself and connecting to the Force allows the Jedi to work their individual daily plan from a place of preparedness. We all have our individual methods of meditation and focus that sets the day in motion or some of us will wait till the end of the day to release the accumulated pressures. Just knowing that the Force will be a part of my day fills me with a calm presence; whether I connect to it in the morning with my coffee and Wordle or end the day with a relaxing meditation and feel it moving through me as I work with the five letters that bookend my days. F-O-R-C-E.