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It is said in our code "there is no ignorance, it is knowledge," the quest for knowledge is one of the Jedi goals, as well as peace, serenity, harmony, and the Force. In addition itself, there are three principles that are Focus , Knowledge and Wisdom; the search for knowledge took us from our earliest form of human existence that we know today, we acquired knowledge for centuries of existence. I wonder if it would make sense a collection so vast knowledge without wisdom? Reflecting on the matter, we can compare the knowledge and wisdom to a sword, the blade is knowledge and the handle would be wisdom; ie wisdom help in managing knowledge in the use of these in the right situations and the right way.

So ask me a question arises. For humans seek as much wisdom as knowledge. In the early days of our civilization, our survival depended on our efforts, which were incessant and totally exhausting, since we had no technology. The quest for increased human intellect arose from the need to remove the difficulties of our daily tasks, creating tools and techniques so that each task was simplified to the maximum. Obviously this has its positive and negative sides, today suffer from the downside to the accumulation of technology, but this is not the focus of this reflection.

Today we can serve all the technology we need and in all knowledge is available in a few milliseconds, but wisdom is something that only comes with time, with each trial and error, with each and every cry and laughing. If our ancestors were taken to obtain knowledge, then reflecting on it I get a conclusion that would be an explanation of our quest for knowledge and wisdom and that some people found in its simplicity and greatness of mind.

The live is like a big adventure which went through several places, we face obstacles, we were in doubt when the roads divide and find all kinds of people on our way, friends or not. There is a way that is different for each make of these paths, in a path of least resistance. There will still be all obstacles and traps, as in any other situation, but wisdom acquired causes such problems are overcome in the correct way, each can be overcome, others removed, and others destroyed, but there will be such a problem and not a loss of energy to find a solution to that problem. Many thinkers talk about it often in different ways, but with the same purpose, to make life more pleasant.

Like many things in life, wisdom can not be taught so simply with a handout or a book for each one it unfolds differently with the resolution of their problems and often helping others. What is likely to be said is that wisdom is a very important part for any of us and can be shared, if not always assimilated so that our experiences can help in our pilgrimage through this world. It is worth noting that in our Creed we point out that we live more for the benefit of others than ourselves, which makes us unselfish, that way, we can use our wisdom to help those in need, as well as Lao Tzu says in a his poems "The learned man, helps the less cultured." That wisdom can guide each of us to live better, to also have a better world.