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May the Force be with y'all on this fine Saturday morning from my part of the world! May peace and joy and anything you need this morning find you as you seek it out. May you find what you need even if your not looking for it. Those are good time too.

Life is full. It can be even fuller when we are directing and paying attention to sooooooooooo many things like - life, gas, bills, food, cooking, (two separate things in my world), appointments, haircuts, brushing teeth, changing, jobs, careers, a life; time and effort-EVERY DAY. AND...AND , if your espoused, significantly other'ed or have kids - this gets doubled, tripled, quadrupled, or more.  What a thing some days to be human beings. That balance... the balance we have between it all, its there. If you're breathing this day reading this, you got a version of this somewhat and truthfully, its a part of a lot of our lives. Sometimes our time is dominated by... not us. Some are more fortunate to have time mastered in ways I could only dream of some day. Jedi are smart. A modern day Jeddist is smart. Its part of the gig. If any one thinks and pick results and searches... they begin to get smarter. Flat out, so my friends by default if anything- today you are smarter.

With that being said:

Some engage the thinking process and watch things change and watch the gears turn and grind and watch as their own life begins to become a great thing. The seek begins! I couldn't find enough information some days ( and still today ) on certain topics I was curious about or that I was never taught. During the SEEK, that time of seeking and searching for things - new things- old things- fun things- different things... the seek, ya know , LIFE, there was a bump in the path for me. Looking back now it was like a rock in my foot during a 10 mile march. Every step was known and it hurt. During life, there can be things that can keep us from things. Even more, they won't kill us but they do hurt, uncomfortable would be too weak of a word some days. Times like that I got stuck. I stopped the seek. I could hear the tires squeal; like a movie sound bite...errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. No more reading or seeking or questions or even a thought to anything productive. Now, we all need time off, we all do. I'm going to say that again my friends, WE ALL NEED TIME OFF. It's healthy and part of a good healthy structure that can last a bit longer, anyhow... I found my self at times with no direction and the "automatic" kicked in again. Just me. The time to return to my "return" was a moment I got to return to a place of renewal and reminder. I want to share with y'all that we are human and the seek is a real thing. the look for.... the thirst, the quest, the need, the drive, the way, the path , the process, the calling, that thing, that one thing that has the spark of you , where your Force lies, where your heart is; it's real. It glows and burns and shines and gives and is that part of us that we can choose or not. If it can shine it can NOT shine. Those moments we notice the dimming or the not so glow, the not so fresh or a bit stag moments in life, those moments... they will come. MANU posted some Geisel and, as he is one of my favorites, I match him with this...

"You will come to a place where the streets are not marked. Some windows are lighted. But mostly they're darked. A place your could sprain both your elbow and chin! Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in? How much can you lose? How much can you win? And.. if you go in, should you turn left, or, right...or right-and-three-quarters? Or maybe, not quite? Or go around back and sneak in from behind? Simple its not, I'm afraid you will find, for a mind maker -upper to make up his mind."(1)

We live in the really real world my friends. Keep shining and keep seeking. If you find you feel dim or dull or even just a bit too "in silent mode" then make the decision only you can make for yourself. Jedi- be JEDI no matter who is around you, be yourself and bring your practice to share... bring your stories and your moments in life to help and share. sit by the fire all you dreamers...

"If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer....

If you are a pretender, come sit by my fire

For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. 

Come In! Come In!"(2)

One of the biggest walls to get over for me was my dark times or the moments in my life I noticed I wasn't growing. Those moment happen. Nothing wrong with taking breaks and even taking time off... we don't have to grow all the time, not what I'm saying. What I am saying is these moments of stag and dull or just survival ... happen, even to Jedi. RETURN - return to your center. Retake, come back to what ever it is you need. Make the move. The title says "Why not" so I ask you today my fellow Jeddist, if there comes that moment we notice the dim or the lame or the stray or unfocus, stagnation, what ever you wanna call it... that exist and when it happens... why not return? Those moments ya find your self wondering, not thinking but just idle... lost... give yourself  direction, one of your choice, hit the restart button, re boot and reset. Its healthy and a good thing you can practice as a modern day Jeddist. RETURN, Why not? Pick a place a way a idea a space a person a quote a maxim a teaching/ teachings, and return to it when ya forget or just wanna remind your self why you do what it is you do. One of mine is "Jedi believe in the inherit worth of all..." that's one of my bread and butter... so WHY NOT? Why not return? Why not get one? why not use it? why not? ya never know what could come from it, Cultivate a return and see what happens... couldn't hurt. It almost always helps me. In real life it helps me go from jerk to Romeo in seconds and from the Punisher to mother Teresa when I need or it is needed. Life is real. A every day Jeddist can apply a lot of good and beneficial things to their real life. What a day when whats inside a Jeddist begin to spill out... these are great days to be a Jeddist. Force be with y'all today, and may it continue to be with y'all!

Pastor Carlos



(1) "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" Dr. Seuss page 23-24

(2) "Invitation" Shel Silverstein "Where The Sidewalk Ends" page 9