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Your Pastor was a Spice runner.

Do not be surprised to see a mix of characters around here, as well. We have scavengers and Clergy, and even old warriors and Stoics.

You will find many different archetype's together and in SERVICE here. Jedi are human.

As such, we all have a past. Some are metaphorical while some are not. I used to be with the wrong crowd, even was in a gang and caused trouble every day. I was never at peace and couldn't tell you which way was up to save my life. I could not even tell you the truth to save my life. I used to think lying was saving people from problems. I am no longer that person. There is no magical power or some great revelation I had either. I asked myself questions. I have made a few adjustments to my own path and taken responsibility for a few more things in it, too. Over time, I have seen Elders in my life pass; I have become one, as well. This is what the Hero's Journey can do for some. For many here, this Temple has become a place to start on some great adventures, ideas, and new things. The general idea around here is to "be the change you need" (or at least go find it).

Seek it out.

Find a Mentor.

Mentors matter.

Now, please understand that I am not a Spice runner anymore NOR do I hang out in a gang or even think the way I used to. YOU ARE MY GANG. I am not that any longer. What you see today is what has been found, tried, and shared. Please know that what we are today matters. We all have a past. For some our past seems impossible to be rid of. For some, no adjustments or few are needed.

I will tell you this my Temple, self-reflection changes things every time it's done. Every time.

What are we TODAY? Better yet, how do we treat each other today? Do we live or dwell in the past and forsake what is PRESENT today? Do we treat each other as Jedi, like this? I would hope that when you see me or take time with me, you know I was a Spice Runner, and you also know it no longer exists. Do not think that Jedi are perfect. Jedi "ain't" perfect or saints, just human. We all have our past. We are grateful for those who serve here, and we hold each other to their honor and word. We thank those who are here to study and know that no one is beyond flaws.

It is more than grace I ask for myself and for others here who serve; but for the allowance of the potential to be and to continue to be. Know that the Temple is as safe as you can get but we still have human problems as we are all human. The call to adventure reaches us all, in any state we are in. At any level we are on and on any path we take. It calls for us to learn and grow and pay attention to things we have not before. The call to Knighthood, Clergy, or the call to Mentor can be scary. The call to don the mantle of Jedi can be the first step to a bigger world. To blame someone for their past can be a weight that we never have to lift as Jedi. When you reflect, blame can get in the way, from the beginning. After time and practice, blame can loosen its grip on us. No one is far from redemption. Every one of us has the same potential every day.

Did I used to be a spice runner? Yes. Do others have a past here. Yes, and I think I did see a Wookie in a hat on Discord this week. Joking, but you get the point? Some things can be let go over time. Some things are even forgotten and replaced with something new. Life keeps going. Do notice this place is full of DIFFERENT humans. I know some that play the guitar, some that sing, and some that have anger problems. We come in all shapes, sizes, and levels too. No Jedi is entry level. Each of us comes fully ready with a full life to reflect on. Some of us seem like we have several lives to reflect on. Know my past but do not hold it against me. Nor that of others.

What we do NOW, and TODAY is what can change things. I can never change the past. No one can. We can be Jedi now. Will you join an old fool and an old Spice Runner? Any Jedi out there with a past? You're ok, me too. You are welcome as everyone is welcome to reflect. Reflect with us as Jedi. Plant new seeds and get new fruit. Add or factor in the Force and watch things change every time. What changes is the present, tomorrow but not the past. My encouragement as Pastor is to know we are INHERENTLY worth the same. The INHERENT WORTH dwells in every single one of us.

Some have a past. We all do. Do not let that stop you TODAY.

Today we are Jedi, instruments of peace, not discord or slander.

There are many selfless paths out there. Few lay blame. If redemption can be found, then we can all have it. If it is within the realm of human possibility, it can be done.

Look around. We are human, anything can be done, learned, or shared. I am glad to be a Jedi with y'all.

May the Force be with you.

Your Pastor, Still, Always, and Even though

Pastor Carlos