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At this time we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our Temple.

We all have our reasons why we came here, why we are here, why we are coming back.
Some call it home
Some seek advice
Some give advice
Some need someone to talk to
Some enjoy the discussions
Most have friends here
I believe everyone will agree to at least one of those reason. There is one other reason, maybe the most important one:
We ALL are connected by the Force.

Our connection with the Force and with each other is the foundation of this Temple.
It gives us strength, hope, joy when we are weak, despread, sad.
It is a safe haven when life troubles us.
It is a place to celebrate when life is joyful.

All those things are important to me and I hope that together we will cherish what we have here in our Temple.
~ Opening by Adhara

Ten Years, still seems like Yesterday when I found the Temple and became not only a Charter member but a member of a community that has been growing since that first date. December 23, 2005.

I have seen this place through growing pains and all, much like a Mother sits and listens, reads, studies and then some….
Many of us are long-timers, some have gone and come back, some flitter around and make themselves known every once in a while…. But, the thing that is…. Is they’re here.

This is Home for many that choose not to be bound by traditional Religion. The Temple provides each one of us what we seek, need and nurture as our own belief and how we get there after finding the Temple.

For me, it has been an amazing trip in this life. I’ve seen so much, yet So Proud to be a part of this. No matter where I am, I am not afraid to speak the words, “Yes, I belong to the Temple of the Jedi Order… It’s not a fake thing or a fantasy, we believe in principles and a Doctrine of Faith.” Yes, I get that look every once in a while and I laugh with them until I look back and say, “We don’t wield lightsabers… that’s in the movies, but, we believe in a Philosophy of our own, no different than that of any person who believes in their Religion, to do for others…” Tends to shut them down off the laughter….

Many have joined over the Years for multitudes of Reasons… Over the years we let go of the stance of Religious Jedi, such as firm terms of “Christian”, “Pagan”, “Spiritualist”, etc., types, except for those who Chose to call themselves a “Christian Jedi” as I do. We put those confines into a placement to allow those to have a Special Interest in the association as Jedi.

We’ve done an amazing job in bringing Jediism to light for those seeking a clarity in life and in finding a place to call home in how one wishes to believe. Our Teaching protocols and studies have been developed and revamped as need fit to insure we give the best to those who seek that knowledge.

Being an actual Church that provides Seminary studies for those who wish to be Clergy within the Church.

Everything is centered for what we believe:
In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it.
In the sanctity of the human person. We oppose the use of torture and cruel or unusual punishment, including the death penalty.
In a society governed by laws grounded in reason and compassion, not in fear or prejudice.
In a society that does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or circumstances of birth such as gender, ethnicity and national origin.
In the ethic of reciprocity, and how moral concepts are not absolute but vary by culture, religion and over time.
In the positive influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society.
In the importance of freedom of conscience and self-determination within religious, political and other structures.
In the separation of religion and government and the freedoms of speech, association and expression.

For The Three Tenets: Focus Knowledge Wisdom

The Jedi Code comes in two versions which are different ways of understanding the same teaching.

Emotion, yet Peace. There is no Emotion, there is Peace.
Ignorance, yet Knowledge. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge.
Passion, yet Serenity. There is no Passion, there is Serenity.
Chaos, yet Harmony. There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.
Death, yet the Force. There is no Death, there is the Force.

The Creed:
I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
Where there is hatred I shall bring love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
I am a Jedi.
I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi.
Creed adopted from the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, author unknown, 1915.

As well as Our other teachings. There is so much we have brought forth to Make the Temple a home for many and will strive to continue in that. This is Our first Ten Years… There is so much more to come in the future and I, as well as you, Look forward to seeing what the future will Bring….

May the Force Be with You, Always and Forever….

~ Gr. Master Neaj Pa Bol