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Thank you for taking this moment with me as I share a few thoughts about a Jedi’s place in the world and what we can learn about this from nature.


As Jedi, we look to the Force for guidance.  We understand that the Force surrounds us and can be seen in all things.  Because of this, we learn to explore nature and the universe around us for the lessons the Force can provide.  Consider, if you will, the wolf pack.


Wolves generally live in a group.  They work cooperatively while hunting.  They recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each individual member so as to better succeed as a whole.


A wolf pack travelling over any significant distance through snow will do so in a single file line.  When one takes a closer look, the strategic intelligence of the formation emerges.

The first is a trailblazer.  She cuts a path through the snow so that the others may follow with less effort.  She leads the way with confidence, but also exerts a great amount of energy while doing so. 


Then come a few strong ones, the supporting roles, if you will.  They follow, continuing to beat a path for those behind.  They make the trail easier for those behind while also standing ready to take the place of the leader should she tire.


Next we see the rest of the pack, the younger and the weaker members, those who would be less able to blaze a trail for the others.  Their path is made easier by those ahead until they develop and are ready to move forward and join the trailblazers up front. 


The pack moves according to the leader’s pace until the trailblazer becomes tired from the extra effort.  At this point, the leader will fall to the back to recover as another strong member takes the lead.  It is efficient conservation of energy while still allowing the pack to move forward.


The leader is demonstrating that at certain points along the journey, one individual will have to cut a path through the wilderness and show others the way.  It will be a more difficult path than that of the others and it will require more effort.


The others are demonstrating that following the steps of those who have gone before can make the path of each following individual less arduous.  It is more prudent than striking out to blaze a second trail when it is not necessary.


As a whole, the pack is demonstrating that no single individual can bear the burden of moving the entire group forward.  Each must accept the responsibility of blazing the trail when it is their time.  Each must also be ready to step forward when those ahead are weary from the effort.  Together, the pack makes steady progress and leaves no one behind.   

Now, let us see what we can learn from the wolf pack by considering how this behavior exemplifies what our 21 Maxims describe.


First and foremost, we see the pack exemplifying the 3rd Maxim: “Loyalty: To have faith in your Jedi brothers and sisters.”  The wolves learn to depend on each other and to have faith that each will step forward and do the hard work that is necessary to move the group forward.  Here at this Temple, we too must learn to have faith in our Council, our Clergy, and our fellow Jedi to speak and act appropriately and have the Temple’s best interests in mind.  When called upon, we must be ready to step up and blaze the trail.


We also see them exemplifying the 5th Maxim:  “Courage: To have the will”.  The strongest of the pack understand that it is their duty to use this strength to walk a more difficult path so that the weak have a path to follow and are not left behind.  As Jedi, we must put aside our fears and desires and have the courage to do what is right for the whole.


We see Humility in the understanding that reaching the destination is an accomplishment of the group, not any single individual.  We see Pure Motive in that each member acts with purpose so that the pack as a whole can thrive.  We see Discipline and Focus as each wolf seems to understand the priorities of the pack outweigh any individual goals.  We, as individual Jedi and as a Temple can learn much from these examples.


And perhaps most importantly, we see the 21st Maxim on display: “Harmony: To be connected to the Force.”  The wolves live in harmony with each other and their environment.  They understand their place in the pack and the pack’s place in nature.  They do not strike out alone to fight.  They do not blaze unnecessary trails.  They do not struggle against what is natural.


Now, take a moment to think about your place in the world, your role in your family, your professional duties in your workplace and your journey here at this Temple.  Do you rise to the challenge when it is your time to lead?  Do you recognize when it is time to step aside and follow others?  Do you act with purpose?  Are you part of a pack, or a lone wolf?  In short, does your current place in this world feel natural?


Consider these questions, and as you do, look to the natural world for answers.  Allow the Force to guide you.  Embrace the role that comes naturally now as you continue to prepare yourself for the next.  And above all, seek to live in harmony.


As always, May the Force Be With You.