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My the Force find you where ever you need it and do not. There is an idea within the Hero's Journey when you think about it. It is the Spoiler. When we tell our stories and share our Myths or two, there is a very real idea that lives between the lines; so to speak. The Spoiler Alert is described as a "warning that an important detail of the plot development is about to be revealed." Its a hint or a name drop or a warning of some sort. This Modern day Jedi path is filled with these "Easter Eggs" if you know where to look. One of them is that deja vu or that recollection on a story that looks juuuuuuuust like this one. Not quite the same but something feels very similar and looks the same. There is a mental "ding" or "ring of a coin" in my head when these things start happening. There can come a time in our life, when we have studied so much and frequent so many of the same things that the Hero's Journey can become much more than a story. I am going to warn you as an example, if you have not recently watched the New Episode of The Mandalorian on Nov 27, 2020- this is your Spoiler Alert. Do not read this next paragraph.




There are times in a story or Myth when we recognize. One of our main Jedi found themselves in such a place, talking to a youngling. There they were, at the juncture every one knows. The kid and the path. To train or not to train. To continue or not to continue. To take this chosen student or to not. Our Jedi said " No" where every other Jedi said yes. Spoiler complete.



I left this description of the episode very open so I hope we can all take some time to watch the last episode or read the message. The idea is this, there WILL come a time if your paying attention like we do, when things begin to be familiar. It will happen and Spoiler Alerts will often cross your path in real life, they will cross your Modern day Jedi path too. It will happen. Maybe it already has. Spoiler Alerts can be used to help. There is a benefit from a warning. The Hero's Journey is chock full of 'em. 

There can come moments when we know that we need to do something different. We know. No one has to tell us. Or sometimes seasons come and go. It is pretty obvious to us, sometimes. No one will be able to tell us. This is the Hero's Journey at its finest. How do you use these every day? SPOILER ALERTS? Have ya learned from 'em? Still hitting an impasses? Still doing the same thing? Share. That is all we really do here. Can you find the Spoiler Alerts in your own Journey and path? I promise, they are there. 

May the Force find and seek you as you seek it.

Pastor Carlos