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Good day Jedi everywhere. May the Force be with you. 

Sermons are commonly used to feed the ego. The ego we have, began as we were children. One of the first addictions we as humans face is the attention we want and the sugar we eat. We have a ego. Some of us have created something over years and years of life. If you want to follow Freuds examples, then follow the ID, Ego and super Ego. But to a Jedi does that really exist? Yes. The idea of "look at me and what I'm doing!" is something that exist in all of us from a young age. We all do this today. "Look what I can do." 

This message is to tell you that as Jedi, we are reminded to maintain a clear mind and be aware of actions and how they affect us. The 16 teachings are full of reminders that it is US that is in charge of our own paths and ways. 

There is no official way to recognize our ego. What is the difference between intuition and our ego? What is the difference between our fears and ego? What drives our ego to act the way it does?

We as Jedi remind on another a few things:

Maintain a clear mind.

Be aware. 

Be wary of attachments we have.

Be aware of your mind body and soul.

Use your skills to the best of your ability.

Understand your limitations.

Have patience.

Have integrity.

Serve others.

Be mindful of your thoughts.

and we are reminded of our own choices and commitments. 

We have 16 ways you can try to rid yourself of well, you. 

So, the sermon of all sermons is this- rid yourself of yourself. Figure yourself out. You can know who you are and what you stand for. You may even find a way to let a few things go in the process. 

We are human first then Jedi. We have reminders and ways of reviewing our own paths, it is called reflection. Tired of your own ego? Work on it. Give it the time it needs for understanding it. Its complex and it can take years or 18 minutes a day to master or at least become efficient enough to have a greater understanding of who we are and how we do. 

This week I encourage every Jedi to take the time you need for yourself and not only for yourself, but your own ego. "Jedi and Their Ego"; is a book I want to write and read someday. Who knows, maybe one of us will have a version of it out already or working on it as we speak. I sit with Jedi who are amazing people first then Jedi. It is a nice progression; I think. What say you?

Pastor Carlos