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From the Shepard’s journal ...


22. Band and be made strong. Curve and be strait. Empty to be filled and give to get. Die often to be made new. Keep little and gain. There is a benefit to dwelling on the Force and having a personal balance. Those who try not to share often do it in a different way. Things change with the Force- Attention - Credit - success- fullness - faithfulness- character- they all change when received by the Force. Don’t be surprised when ya notice it!



With our Codes and our own personal mixes of faiths and practices - don’t forget that when you ask for help- you’ll get it but it’s gunna be “not from you.” 

We believe in the Force. When ya get things from the Force - they are still the same things just a tad bit ... different. The faith - practices and even rituals of a modern day Jedi are to them- to the individuals. It up to you where you wanna band - where ya curve or where you let go or die ... but don’t forget you still have that choice as much today as you did yesterday. 

May the Force continue to be with you 



Pastor Carlos