Hits: 1964



Fellow Jedi and freinds in the Force.


This month's theme is attachment, yet freedom; a theme that l have a great interest in. As Jedi, we must be careful of our attachements. We must be careful not to become too dependant on them, and to make sure that they do not cloud our judgement. 


All things considered, too much attachment is a very negative thing. But surely too much of anything is a negativity? Attachments, like many other things in life, can be incredible if taken in moderation; and that's what I want to talk to you about today.


Let's start with an experience of my own. A positive attachment that I have (and feel lucky to have) is towards a childhood film: Treasure Planet. This film is basically Robert Louis Stephenson's famous novel  'Treasure Island' set in space. As a child, I would watch that film twice a day sometimes, and it still has a profound effect on me to this day.


Recently I watched that film again for the first time in about 15 years. To say it was a trip down memory lane is a blunt understatement! One thing that particularly caught my attention however, is the film's soundtrack; a score of music that has well and truly become a part of me. Upon hearing that music again, I felt emotions such as eletion, happiness, self-confidence, and I even got an adrenaline rush from one piece of music!


This score of music is my 'positive attachment,' so to speak. A single song can motivate me, cheer me up or make me feel ready for just about anything. When you think about it that way, it's a very positive and powerful tool! 


To put it simply: this music has the power to bring out the very best in me. And it's my belief that we all have an attachment like this. Whether it be a person, place, story, object, or song, I am confident that we all have an attachment that really defines the best we can be. 


So yes, while I agree that attachment can cause problems for people, they can also give us the tools and the motivation to reach our full potential! 


Which is why I ask each and every one of you: sit down, maybe even meditate on it, and find that 'positive attachment.' Something that has the same effect on you as the 'Treasure Planet' soundtrack has on me. Perhaps you have not discovered it yet, perhaps it is locked away and hasn't been seen or heard in years; but I guarantee it's there somewhere. I can safely say I don't for a second regret making or finding this 'positive attachment,' and I am confident none of you will either.


Find that power to bring out the very best in you.

May the Force be with you. :)



P.S: I would love to hear if you find your 'positive attachment' and what it is! Send me a PM if you feel comfortable.