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Jedi and Technology.....

Ok, my original topic was not this, I had  my sermon on my cell phone and was loading it and poof.... gone...

I can not tell you where it went. I do think my phone ate it... cheeky

Now I am not stupid with technology, but a Smart phone, isn't always smart....

As this was happening to me I thought of several quotes that we know from the Star Wars world as well as the real world...

(i.e: "So uncivilized..." Obi-wan  Ep III, "If droids could think there would none of us..." Ep. II and through all my ventures in

the Christian world  " Be in this world, not of it".... ) I kind of chuckled to myself with all the different thoughts.... laugh

So I pondered this subject of Jedi and Technology and even though we are still learning to crawl say to speak, there is much

technology that we use. Computers, Cell phones/Smart phones, Fax machines, etc...

The greatest thing about Technology it has been a useful tool in this... The Internet, websites, Chats,emails, etc.

Without all this, we would not be where we are today in the ability to commune, talk, share and study together in one unified


"Lest the Jedi fail to use Technology for the ability to grow as Jedi, then we would fail to grow as Jedi"....


Someday in the future we will look back and this tiny little item of a sermon and think of just how small everything is in this

vast Universe and how we saw the stem of growth looking right at us... And we used this tool to grow!!!


If anything, it marks a moment in the second line of the Jedi Code.... "There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge...."


Grand Master Neaj Pa Bol