Hits: 2147

This is the Code of the Jedi:


There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.


Everything hangs upon the code-

In every dealing, with every being,

All things are brought forth

Through the Force in all things.

We must stay true to the Force. 


There is no emotion where there is peace;

When knowledge is used, ignorance fades.

Do not let passion rule your actions-

Let serenity reside within and guide you.

When you let harmony in, chaos cannot live.

And as the Force is in and made up of all,

Death is not the end- however the Force 

Is what starts and concludes all things.


These are the precepts of the Force.

All knowledge and all things hinge here;

Every action must be ruled by them.

Just as the Force surrounds us, 

So too let the Code be your guide.


Never let it be said that the Jedi do not temper 

Their power with control,

For the Force is power, but the Jedi is 

But a conduit to do the will of the Force.

Just as the ancient Whills set forth in 

The tomes of old, so too will this scripture

Be there for all willing to learn.


 May the Force guide you always.




Peace is much more than just a cessation of war.   

Jedi strive for peace without emotion,

Both within ourselves and  outwardly,  

Acting from a clear and calm mind 

Found within the Force.


Ignorance kills as surely as anger.

A little knowledge might be dangerous,

But a lack of can be deadly.

Knowledge begins with the self-

We seek knowledge that we may better serve others.

Though it may not relate to our path,

All knowledge is worth having.


Serenity- a Jedi finds a vast calm

By remaining level-headed even in a crisis, 

Keeping a serene mind to properly judge any situation as Jedi.

Serenity plays an important part in our lives; 

We are able to work from an objective standpoint, 

Free of base passions, thus giving us a clear view.


 Excessive emotions, whether positive or negative,

 Create an imbalance within the self.

 We Jedi seek harmony in all things.

 Balance is key to a Jedi's life:

 Balance between mind, body, and spirit;

 Balance between technology and nature;

 Harmony between ourselves, the Force, and the world we live in.


 The Force is a Jedi's ally and main study.

 The Jedi dedicate themselves to the Force,

 Seeking to explore and understand-

 It is what makes a Jedi a Jedi.

 The Force is at the heart of our studies

 It is what we seek to understand and explore.

 As Jedi, through the Force 


We connect to the rest of the world. 







:: This commentary was translated and edited for ease of reading by the Jedi Jacob K. Barger during April, 2020,

And posted at the Sermon space at the Temple of the Jedi Order on May the 4th, 2020

To clarify the subtle and profound meaning of the Jedi Code. May it reach all who are desirous of such a gift. ::