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Chaos and harmony, the generative force of creation


A while since I have studied the concept behind Yim and Yang symbol. When we think of two opposing forces that are constantly moving and changing, just think of good and evil around us; not always things can be divided between angels and demons, however that this idea has been put in our minds for several years of indoctrination we plastered. In general, people can determine all our duality of good and evil; not necessarily have to be like and about what I will talk about here.

Chaos and harmony are the engine that generated all our existence we know, these two forces are the One and the Multiple which is treated in one of the writings of Plato's Socrates.When there is harmony and only this force, nothing can be generated because the harmony leaves us stagnant, leaves us in our comfort zone; so it was and so often in our lives. Yim moves becoming Yang, we can see here the mutation from one energy to another, it happens there all the time, but for each of us and the universe in a different way.

When something exists in another plan their equivalent hand, if we say that there is chaos, then we create a concept and its contrast and harmony. In addition there are two words that always generate the opposite concept: "Why? " and not". If I tell you to go to somewhere and you say "no", so I'm thinking of a concept and you in your direct opposition; if I say that the earth is round and you ask me "why" you are just thinking about the contrast of what I'm saying. Just as we are Jedi and define our beliefs and doctrines Jedi, Sith exist that defined their beliefs and doctrines on the opposite spectrum of ours. The power of Chaos is the power to change things around, this shifts the thinking side to side making us see new things and creating new concepts. Obviously we are talking about this "dance" between chaos and controlled maneia harmony; generates chaos and harmony preserves. Everything in excess is bad, even if it is goodness.

So you may wonder why it is useful in our lives. Gualtama Siddhartha, the Buddha says that there are two types of ignorance are dangerous: the ignorance of knowing what led you to a certain place and ignorance of not knowing that can take you forward; what choices brought me to this moment and what choices can take me where I want to get. In our lives there were two periods, chaos and harmony, because we are in this wheel Yim and Yang will be spinning endlessly, leading us to different times. If you can see this, then you can take advantage of it, using it to their advantage. There is a good time to plant the seed and there is a good time to harvest the fruit of the ground, watching the driving forces can determine when and what decisions to make in our lives without being shaken in our foundations.

I speak from experience when our lives seem that is a mess, this is a good time to get rid of old and heavy things often harm you and delay you in relation to their life projects; it would be good to move now, clean all interior and exterior clutter, change the furniture around and choose a new color to paint the wall. So when the harmony of time, we will be prepared to stay quiet, enjoying the moment, taking care of our choices and projects initiated before and reap the fruit of those decisions; this is the time of harmony and stability, but make no mistake, this will not last forever. When the time is right, your designs and choices will bear fruit, we will reap these and it is up to each of us choose to pull out of our lives for something new to emerge and to keep there to continue growing and bearing fruit. This is the power engine of chaos and harmony, as well as the seasons, moon phases, etc. Examples are incontavelmente inexhaustible; It was this energy that gave rise to what we are today, but that probably had given rise there are other things previously and continue to do so after us. Life is movement these cycles, so it is wrong to think of "the beginning of the universe," because in reality we would be talking about the creation of our present universe, but this probably was not the first nor the last.