Hits: 955

Good day wherever you hail from Jedi everywhere.

The ability to be in the present moment is a major component to mental health. To be mindful in our thoughts, feelings and actions can take some serious focus. I want to encourage you as Jedi to be aware of your presence. Look around you. What is simulated? What it not? What is real and what is not. Self-determination does not come from somewhere else. It comes from inside us. That glow is what makes us human not artificial. There is a move right now to show the deep fake or the artificial way of things. It was even in our own Star Wars Movies. We had a FAKE LUKE. The artificial life is out there, and it has always been there. There was a time in human nature a little box was going to make everyone slow and stupid and bad at math. Now, we as humans wait for the magic boxes to ring us up, print something supercilious and release us from our gates. We rely as people on many things. Our way of life derives from how we choose to live it.

Hypocrisy is the word I think we can use here. It is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. There are many people who act this way. Jedi are not immune from this. There is no vaccine you can take for it. Or is there? Is there anything we can do for this symptom of humanity?

Make the choice to focus on the NOW. Be present in your path of life. Show up. Life unfolds and happens in the present. You are not the fear or the past. We do not have to dwell in our automatic thoughts all the time. We can cultivate better thoughts and practices. 

We are not our thoughts Jedi.

Mindfulness involves being with your thoughts as they are, neither grasping at them nor pushing them away. Understanding how and WHY we think, and feel is what being human is all about. 

We as humans can focus less on what's going on in your mind and more on what's going on in the room, less on your mental chatter and more on yourself as part of something. Here are some tips or AID to regain or reminds us a focus or two.

Focus on the present not the future.


Get lost in the moment - lose track of time.

Figure things out in the moment. It takes practice.

Remind yourself you do not know everything and no one person does either.

Make a goal to do these things.

Become a part of your own path and life. 

Live in the present. Do or do not, there is no try.

We as Jedi believe and choose to unite under a few things. We believe in the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it. Live with it. Everything in the Force. Be a part of the grand scheme of life. Rid yourself of a few things that can keep you from seeing the real world and the real life. Know the difference between the fake stuff and the real stuff. Can you spot the difference? I hope so.

We believe in the positive influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society. We believe in the importance of freedom of conscience and self-determination within religious, political and other structures and we believe in the separation of religion and government and the freedoms of speech, association and expression. There is the mix. We are in all that. Can you see why it is so easy and difficult at the same time to tell the difference? Intentions tell a tale you can not read or hear. 

Take some time to live in the present moment. THATS where life is. That is where our relationships dwell. Reflect and remember and also have the balance you need to tell the difference

The truth is out there as well as those who would think a simulated presence is just as ok as the real thing. The choice is up to you Jedi in your own path. Why be fake? It is so much easier...

Yet, we make the choices few do and keep things not many know exist. 

A Jedi seeks to live in harmony with the Force, for that is the reason to be a Jedi. To better understand its ways, to better know one's place within it.

Welcome to the real or the ordinary world.

Pastor Carlos