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Take off your helmet. Take a few minute to think this simple thought, your in the Temple. Your in the section of sermons and clergy. Take off your armor. Some of us have dents. We are Jedi , we have different suits. Air them out for a bit, wash em down if you need to. We all have different names and labels, some of our armor is made from different material. Some of us are different. A Jedi must be different. Take off your gloves. Stretch out your hands , wash them. Isn't life full? We all have our different responsibilities .oh Temple, I way thank you to our council and Knights and clergy for this place. Moms and dads, Jedi moms and dads.. Friends and strangers, every heart represented here, it is good to know I am not alone. I am not the only person to share these ideas and feelings and thoughts . Sit and be refreshed. The struggle in life exists in Texas as well as in the UK as well as in the continent of Australia. Our path is a constant thing always on, never resting, ever going. We get fatigued and to disagree is kind of foolish. Sharpen your sword. Come to learn and gain. Sit with a few of us ask, talk, share... Compare don't blame, don't judge just be with and gain not add injury to insult. Sharpen your sword don't dull it here.

May the force we share seek and find be with y'all everywhere we seek it.


Jedi Knight and Minister father friend lover and son