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Hello all and welcome to 2022!

I wanted to start this year with a fairly simple message that everyone is fairly used to. Every year, we joke about making new resolutions and breaking them fairly quickly. It's a staple joke for a very, very good reason. You see, when we make resolutions they are often pie in the sky type dreams. "I'm going to get fit," "I'm going to save more money," "I'm going to finally complete my IP." These resolutions are good ideas, but ultimately there's something very flaws in them and that flaw is that they are, by themselves, perfect.

A perfect idea is one that has failed to take into account reality. All of these resolutions I've listed above fail to give a plan, fail to take into account time available, fail even to have an appreciation of what it takes to accomplish this goal. Herein lies what I want to offer to you: As we enter this new year, make plans and not resolutions. When you say you have a goal, begin setting steps, plans, timing, develop how you will approach this resolution, and then commit to it in tiny steps and not grand leaps. It's so easy to say you will rule the world until you sit on a throne and realize that maybe it's harder than you thought and a revolution is coming for you.

This year, make plans. Think about where and why you want to do something and go step by step. By the end of the year, it's better to have completed 365 baby steps or 12 smaller steps than to accomplish 1 big leap. As we grow into our plans and life throws curveballs at us, it makes it so much easier to change and evolve and react to things which disrupt our goals, and it makes it less frustrating when we've thought out problems in advance. Walking in the Force, we tend to talk about ripples and currents, but one doesn't need to throw a rock into the water or step into the raging river to know what's going to happen next. We can visualize it, plan accordingly, and maybe go downstream where the water is calmer to cross.

This is my challenge to you: Resolve to make plans in 2022, not resolutions.