Hits: 1076

This message is from River one of our own.


As our Pastor Carlos prepares for a cross- country move, I've been reminiscing about my own many moves.

Moving feels so intimidating at first, even if I'm excited for the move or know that it will be beneficial for me. There are so many things to decide whether to keep or donate or throw away, to pack up and to load for the trip. Then on the other end there is unpacking, finding new homes and spaces for everything, figuring out new systems for how to function smoothly in a different kitchen and living space... It's a big shift and it can feel overwhelming. Sometimes I even feel some regret. I have to just take it one step at a time and not look too far ahead. All I need to do is take the next right step.

I have a lot of the same feelings when I have a big learning and shift perspectives, too. I need to look at my old thoughts and habits and decide which are still good for me, and which I want to thank for their service and let go of. I have to mentally shift my thinking to accommodate the new perspective, and then unpack and make sure my old patterns and beliefs really do still fit. It can feel awkward for a while as I navigate the new perspective and figure out how to function within it. Sometimes it makes me wish I hadn't shifted at all, even if I know it's beneficial for me. All I need to do, though, is take the next right step.