Hits: 6031

This sermon was written by Master Jestor.



This came up a few times in the last week or two....

Who is an expert? What classifies an expert? And who says that the classifications are the right classifications?

We all do...;)

I said in the Knight's forum, that "even a member of a week, has something to offer a member who joined TOTJO today...."

At work, I told my boss he was an expert welder...

He said, "I'm not expert, if I was an expert, I wouldn't  make mistakes."

"There are welders who don't make my errors.. [i]THEY[/i] are experts...."

I said, "To me, who doesn't know how to weld, you are an expert..."

We all have something to share, something to learn....

To me, an expert is confident in his abilities, able to roll with the "bumps" life always surprises us with, and, most importantly, knows that he has much to learn....

Welding, meditation, driving, martial arts, cooking, philosophy, you name the subject, it requires the 3 steps of mastery...


(Thank you Andy Spaulding for the initial link...;))

I can't speak for a "woman's world", but this is important for a "man's world"...

And should be important for "our world"...

Please remember, we are all experts in some area... But there are always those who know more, or slightly different things...

Share your expertise, we all need, and want it (to some degree...;))...

But remember that others are experts too, and don't be opposed to learning a little something from them....

Don't be so rigid in you own expert advice that you miss out a different point of view, a possible good conversation...

Good luck my friends....

And remember to enjoy your life's journey....
