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There is a condition that exist in me that says...

"IF and when I notice something out of sort ,wrong or bad, ...its some how my fault." My brain rushes and begins to make the connections of relevance to anything tying me into what my Amygdala says. Exhaustively , my mind will find one strong connection and one milder, that's right two different ways to connect the wrong to me. Now as a Jedi I practice no blame and no attachment. so ..poof!- there t is!

We can all agree LIFE is full. From the moment we wake till we return our 10 12 24 36 48 hours of day life will go entirely empty of suite. Life will have fun SUN good BAD hate LOVE and everything in between. Thru no fault of our own, one or more will happen during our time here on earth. I promise.


I had a flat tire... funny thing tires, they ware the moment you put them to the road. They eventually will end. Flatten pop or blow or be impaled.

people die... as is life, it begins and ends

Hearts are broken... to know love is to know hate

Things will happen, it is a mindful Jedi who will be encouraged to remember so, and if you need a reminder here you are!

HUMAN EXISTANCE has WINS and LOSSES LOVE and HATE GOOD and BAD LIGHT and DARK. These things with time come to pass. Because of time because it is their time, not because of some hidden fear or some hidden nature we possess and there's a even mark being added for "that's what you get Carlos from the past." No no no , life happens in time and it is time itself that makes time reveal things. Don't get me wrong friends, Things can go directly how I choose if done right that's not what im talking about, I drove into the field of bushes and got a flat tire. That's a different sermon all together!  Life will and can happen at any moment in time. Some times its not our fault when things happen. There I said it! Did u catch it? Ill say it again. Life is full. Some time s we don't control or cant control the out come. That's ok. What we can control is our focus and our minds and hearts.


I've struggled with this condition for a very many years and I feel the more I put forth the more my studies have enlightened me. Jedi ism helps give me context for my life. The 16 teachings help too but I feel some of our own personal follies and fears come un needed. Seeing this, knowing this simple fact that some  time Life happens thru no fault of our own, Then a flat tires just a flat tire, and rather than be angry and hurt and out of sorts I can see past that and not be ...angry and hurt and out of sorts. Life flows ,things happen and knowing that I can have fewer attachment's to the pains when they come is kina...nice. These sort of conditions can be identified , forgotten re learned and even changed and built. Its possible! I am living Proof as are many here!


Seeing past attachment and fault and blame CAN be a Great tool for any Jedi who is willing to take the time to have it in their own path at any time.

Let us live life and walk this path together friends!

May the Living Force be with you all!