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This sermon was written by Rev. Phortis Nespin. My apologies for its lateness - I blame my email spam service! :)



Are we in this together?

Phortis Nespin


In the beginning there was a “big bang” that spewed matter all through the universe or should I say created a universe. Every bit of matter that was there at the big bang is still here today. It is simple physics to know that matter does not go away, it simply changes state. You and I are different collections of that same matter. Adam and Eve are the first beings to form this crude shape known as man and woman (if you believe the metaphor). How we evolved to this state is an unknown truth, but the fact remains we are matter from the big bang. I always wondered if the big bang was in actuality the cell being formed from an immense entity.

In the Christian religions we talk about “The Body of Christ”. If we take this metaphor and say; All living things are a collection of matter assembled in different forms caused by the dynamic creation of the universe. All living things are tied to each other through the energy that resulted from the creation of the universe; this energy is what we could call the Force. Because we are all part of this “body” of energy, the different parts of matter when put together, are the whole “body” of the Force. Therefore, it could be said that we are all different “cells” of the same “body”.

Together we are the Body of the Force, One in being with the Force. We are individual cells of the same body. We are dependent upon each other to maintain the body as a whole. We must work together to ensure the health of the Force body by diligently training our individual body, mind, and souls in the ways of the enlightened. We must help each other so that the body as a whole may grow and flourish.

Kindness and compassion are the means by which we can help each other. Through kindness and compassion we can see through the eyes of others the burdens that they face. With this knowledge we can use our shared experiences to care for each other. When I say we are in this together, I refer to every part of our lives. Every moment we exist, we exist with each other. No man is an island is not just a catch phrase, it is a statement of fact. Not everyone feels they need to have human contact, they don’t realize that they are connected to all others through the Force, and even thought they separate themselves from others, they are as connected to the body of the Force as the proton and neutron are connected to the electron.

We are all in this together my fellow “Cell” mates!

Do unto others as you would have done unto you…because they are you and you are they!