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I always have some difficulty, knowing exactly what to say...

Everyone here is aware, I would think, except possibly newer members, of the majority of the lessons, but I guess reminders are always a good thing....

Especially in light of some of the specific posts floating around now, and that do happen occasionally...

Let's talk about ... Emotions.....

"How do I control my emotions?" "Dang, I got mad..." "I was very angry with....._______"

It is the chapter 'Black and White' in Allan Watts' The Book......

How would you know that you have emotions to control, or in need of control, if they were always under control.... How would you know peace, if you didn't experience turmoil? How would you know sadness, if you didn't understand happiness?

Ok, so in case you did not understand what I meant, what is being said is, for you to understand something, to give it a value, you have to understand it's opposite....

Now we have figured out what we have, (and don't have) a feeling of emotion, let's go with the anger, impatience, or frustration... Those seem to be the most... uuhhh, requested emotions people wish to control...

After all... Who wants to stop happiness and joyfulness?  lol... Not me!!

I just came across this thought the other day, and it was after I have already answered a post concerning this topic...

I was telling people to learn to control the emotion, first you have to recognize it.... Times it comes up, situations you find yourself experiencing this feeling.... Then start trying to react a little quicker to each episode.... Nipping it in the bud, so to speak...

I think I was wrong, as to what I was trying to explain, what I was telling someone to control....

It is not the emotion we need to control, but rather our reaction to it.....

You will never stop yourself from feeling anger, sadness, joy, contentment, happiness.... Or any emotion, in the rainbow of feelings we, as thoughtful, emotional creatures feel...

It is what you do with those feelings, that count.... How you address, how it (the situation) makes you feel

These are a big part of our humanity, as I see it anyway without emotions, we are nothing but auto-ma-trons, robots...

You think you only do it with the negative ones? Every try to suppress laughter, at another's misfortune? How about laughing when someone trips.... Bonks their head....

So, what does it boil down to? What is my point?  Try your best... You are going to slip, stumble a little bit.... Don't get upset, don't think, "Crap, I failed"...

The one I've heard a lot lately, "not very Jedi-like"...

Are you trying your hardest, doing your best?

To, not have a feeling to a situation, but to act in a way that is not negative......

Think, before you act.....

That is  Jedi-like.......

May the Force be with You.....