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... Heroes....

This week, I saw a journal entry and it got me to thinking about heroes....

Not just me, but another member also... The second member, felt moved enough to comment in their own journal... I pondered his words for a bit myself....

It is not like we have not all wondered at who we think of as heroes... Sports Personalities, Actors, Politicians (ok, I may be reaching at this one...;)), First Responders, Parents, Rollmodels... You know the list... Curiously enough, I find it interesting that although we find teachers, police, firefighters, first responders, soldiers, and others, heroes, that we pay so little attention to them...

As a rule, that is.. the general public glosses over this daily... We all do... Until it is brought to our attention... We all really do recognize this...


And I am not talking about monetary compensation... We all know they are underpaid for their duties (maybe not the sport players).... I think most everyone is... Although we need the money for sustinance, we do not stay with an employment position for just that reason... A sense of pride develops, a sense of satisfaction, a job needing done, and" I" am gonna do it.... cause no one else is...

Sometimes, I think we trust the Force unknowingly, before we realize we are all interconnected... Sadly, some will never realize this....

Heroes, as we have learned, either in our lessons here, lessons elsewhere, or real, practical lessons (the old 'school of hard knocks'), are everywhere, is anyone, IS everyone...

Sometimes, we forget our heroes are people.... Just like you and I, they are not infallible... They are trying their best... Sometimes we all stumble....

Why is the ballplayer a hero? Because if his athletic ablity? or for his role as a dad?

The actor? Because he played a cancer survivor, or because he donates his time and money to charities?

Is the fireman no longer a hero because he drinks too much, or uses drugs?

Is the teacher not a hero, because he focuses all of his time and energy on his class, that he ignores his family?

What about, the drug dealer, or prostitute, trying to feed their kid?

Hero? ...


Had you met me at sixteen to twenty-five years of age, you would have thought, "what a loser"....

Twenty-five to thirty-five, "Boy, that parent sure drinks a lot... works a lot, yells and is angry, a lot!!!"

(Well, these are my thoughts of myself... I am told I am intimidating to meet, not many would talk bad to my face... lol... Till you get to know me... Then, ya find I am just a goofball...)

It is all about the moment we observe, or become observed... Right there, in that second, you are judged, or being judged... Right, wrong, no matter... The point is at that second, an impression is made...

Even then, the perception of the action at that moment will vary between values, between people..... I am not telling you anything you don't already know, but I need the occasional reminder, I figured we all do....

May the Force, be with you....